Zoom chat: 2024-05-13 ALAC CIP Small Team Call
00:15:37 Justine Chew: I am barely awake so pardon me if I'm a bit slow on this call
00:16:32 Lilian Ivette: i'm in dial out spanish cjannel
00:16:47 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: Welcome all
00:19:00 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VM2OxN8zZEMtz6dDUj7fF9a_T7vToP8WVH3g6uOkjDM/edit#heading=h.2h9ufhm2h1ao
00:21:15 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Reacted to "https://docs.google...." with
00:31:01 Jonathan Zuck: Yes!
00:34:22 Justine Chew: Also not all of the "stuff" we produce is captured under statements and advice. There are also letters and googleform submissions which may not appear in those links?
00:34:35 Lilian Ivette: is interesting JZ
00:37:06 Jonathan Zuck: I need to go through this document in more detail to drill down into the "how" of this proclivity
00:39:49 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Reacted to "I need to go through..." with
00:39:58 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Reacted to "Also not all of the ..." with
00:40:53 Justine Chew: Quantitative measure = reps, alternates appointed
00:41:16 Justine Chew: Can't measure qualititatively right now
00:41:38 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Replying to "Quantitative measure..."
and perhaps their performance as recorded
00:41:51 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Replying to "Quantitative measure..."
attendance Leadership roles etc.,
00:43:01 Lilian Ivette: that is what needs to be determined
00:43:29 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Replying to "that is what needs t..."
and you do in fact do that but where and how is it recorded ;-)
00:44:31 Lilian Ivette: Replying to "that is what needs t..."
00:44:37 Lilian Ivette: Replying to "that is what needs t..."
00:44:39 Jonathan Zuck: Sure
00:44:40 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Attendance in PDP and pre PDP work is usually not only recorded but forms part of the final reporting
00:44:43 Lilian Ivette: Replying to "that is what needs t..."
00:44:53 Lilian Ivette: Reacted to "and you do in fact d..." with
00:46:58 Bukola Oronti: Can we also look at the success of these comments/statements/advices interms of its acceptance or rejection? Can we use that also as a measure?
00:47:08 Lilian Ivette: we can look at the document and advance by parts
00:53:08 Claire Craig: yes it does
00:53:51 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: AI: All to look at the document with “now” or “next”
00:54:50 Lilian Ivette: Replying to "AI: All to look at t..."
go prioritizing
00:55:35 Justine Chew: Categorize and tagged
00:55:51 Justine Chew: Sometimes tagged incorrectly too
00:57:49 Justine Chew: you don't say CLO!
00:59:29 Bill Jouris: Replying to "you don't say CLO!"
Off topic: does CLO stand for Chief Linguistic Officer? ;-)
01:00:50 Justine Chew: We are still waiting for the CES
01:01:02 Justine Chew: True
01:02:31 Jonathan Zuck: Yes
01:03:38 Justine Chew: I wonder if an overarching comment could be "Find a way to communicate ALAC/At-Large's work, success"
01:03:51 Jonathan Zuck: Yes
01:04:17 Lilian Ivette: Reacted to "I wonder if an overa..." with
01:04:21 Claire Craig: +1 Justine
01:04:28 Lilian Ivette: agree justine
01:04:55 Bukola Oronti: Reacted to "I wonder if an overa..." with
01:05:27 Justine Chew: Replying to "I wonder if an overa..."
added "to better communicate'
01:07:11 Claire Craig: Sure Justine
01:09:16 Claire Craig: Good idea CLO
01:09:28 Lilian Ivette: agree CLO
01:09:29 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: AI; Staff to Create a skype chat for CIP Small group
01:09:34 Claire Craig: I was actually looking for one on Skype before this meeting
01:10:19 Lilian Ivette: for me is ok
01:10:39 Justine Chew: Just note I may not always make 20:30 UTC
01:10:56 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: Will 20 be best
01:10:59 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: ?