OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Workspace

OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Workspace


The ICANN Community finds itself confronted with hundreds of recommendations for reform, from the CCWG WS2, the CCTRT, the SSR2 and RPM. Some are contradictory, some have been rendered moot and some simply need to be prioritized. The recently completed ATRT3 recommendations include some suggestions for how the community might go about addressing these issues.

As the At-Large participates in those new structures, we will have ideally identified our priorities for reform so that we can effectively advocate for the At-Large.


To fully review and assess all recommendations and assess them for prioritization or ranking from the perspective of At-Large and their focus on the best interest of individual Internet users. This is to be based on various measures but to include an evaluation of effort, urgency and overall priority from that perspective. 

The outcomes of this work is intended to be utilised by the ALAC and their representation in the planned Prioritization Framework activities, as well as acting as an ongoing updatable record of implementation progress on these recommendations.


Core, Contributing and Ad-Hoc members are listed below:  Core Members are the primary active participants of the Sub Group, Contributing Members are those people who joined as needed to and contributed specific subject matter expertise relating to the intent and rationale for the Recommendations we were dealing with, they were the Leadership of the Review Teams or Work Tracks in question;  Observers were invited from each RALO and all but the earliest formation meeting(s)  were open to any in At-Large to join and observe, and regularly advertised in the call planning schedule/calendar. 

Regular attendees at the weekly meetings are listed in bold typeface.


NameSubject Responsibility
ATRT3/WS2Cheryl Langdon-OrrATRT3 Shepherd /  WS2-IRT  - Convener of the SG
ATRT3/WS2Sebastien BacholletATRT3 Shepherd /  WS2-IRT
ATRT3Daniel NanghakaATRT3 Shepherd 
ATRT3Vanda ScarteziniATRT3 Shepherd 
CCTRTJonathan ZuckRT-Chair
RDS/WS2Alan Greenberg


WS2Olivier Crepin-LeblondMulti-Track Member
WS2Judith Hellerstein


ICANN EvolutionMarita Moll

MSM Topic Lead

ALAC / AFRALORaymond MamattahAt-Large

Contributing and Invited 


Laurin Weissinger

RT Vice Chair

Tijani Ben Jemaa

WS2- Co-Chair / WS2-IRT

Greg Shatan

SSR2Ramkrishna PariyarRT Member


AFRALOAbdeldjalil Bachar Bong
APRALOHolly RaicheOFB-SC Interim Chair
APRALONadira AlAraj
EURALOJoanna Kulesza
EURALOMatthias Hudobnik



David Mackey

Next Call: 2022-11-10 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call

Last Call: 26 October 2022

First Call: 08 December 2020

Action Items: At-Large OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Small-Team Running list of Action Items (by date of creation)

Previous meetings


Specific Reviews:

WS2 Recommendations: Please note these Google sheets can be viewed and edited by the community you are encouraged to use Suggestion rather than editing.

WS2 Recommendations (Google document)

General Information:

ICANN73 At-Large Policy Session 2: Prioritisation Framework : ALAC Prioritisation Assessment Tool Review

OFG-Small Recommendation Prioritization Small Group Jam Board 

Full List of Recommendations - Revised (Google document)

Jonathan Zuck's Presentation from ICANN69