2023 Action items - ALAC Monthly
2023 Action items - ALAC Monthly
2023-12-19 ALAC Monthly Teleconference
- jonathan.zuck to reach out to the ALAC Liaisons to ask them to provide high-level summary written reports if they are not able to join an ALAC monthly call. This will allow ALAC members to read a brief summary of their activities.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the next ALAC call on 23 January 2024.
2023-11-21 ALAC Monthly Teleconference
- jonathan.zuck ,hadia.elminiawi and claire.craig to work with Heidi Ullrich to develop a mission for a small group to develop an At-Large campaign for UA..
- Heidi Ullrich to send out a call for membership for a small group to develop an At-Large campaign for UA.
2023-09-26 ALAC Monthly Teleconference
- leon.sanchez to check with the Board Committee charged with selecting the new ICANN Ombudsman and report back to the ALAC.
- avri.doria to check with the Board Technical Committee on the DAAR. Also, avri.doria to ask her successor to follow up on the status of tools for increasing engagement within the community
2023-07-18 ALAC Monthly Teleconference
- Heidi Ullrich to enquire on the details of the next steps in the search for the new Ombudsman to facilitate the ALAC decision on whether they should prepare a comment on this topic.
- The ICANN Board is in the process of addressing questions about the Ombudman search and will share more information soon.
2023-04-25 ALAC Monthly Teleconference
- ALAC to prep for the discussions with the GNSO on the 38 pending SubPro recommendations, ahead of joint call
- Eduardo DIaz to work with jonathan.zuck to finalize a memo on a UA Day-like At-Large event.
2023-02-21 ALAC Monthly Teleconference
- No action items recorded.
2023-01-24 ALAC Monthly Teleconference
- No action items recorded.