2022 Action items - ALAC Monthly

2022 Action items - ALAC Monthly

2022-11-22 ALAC Monthly Teleconference

  • The ALAC to consider submitting FY24 ABR proposals to the FBSC by 23 December 2022.

2022-10-25 ALAC Monthly Teleconference

  • jonathan.zuck and Rod Rasmussen to have a call post - AGM on how to move the roadmap on DNS Abuse forward. 
  • Priorities - ALS and Individual Mobilization and virtuous circle. 
  • Heidi Ullrich to add section on ALAC Liaison reports to the November ALAC Monthly call agenda. 

2022-08-30 ALAC Monthly Teleconference

2022-07-26 ALAC Monthly Teleconference

  • Michelle DeSmyter to schedule next ALAC call, 30th of August (Maureen traveling on the 23rd) time TBD depending on availability of guest speakers
  • Claudia Ruiz to set up the ALAC to vote on the proposed ROP changes. Alan to send proposed wording in regards to the suggested ROP revisions on voting thresholds, which include the role of RALO chairs as well as ALAC members. 

  • DANIEL NANGHAKA Outreach and Engagement Committee is working toward building new approaches to enhance O&E.

  • jonathan.zuck and Chantelle Doerksen ICANN75 talking points are being worked on. Shepherds will be asked to provide input in the upcoming weeks. 

  • Other:

    • ICANN Board will continue to work on the Travel Waiver so that it does not operate as a deterrent for in-person participation by volunteers to ICANN Public Meetings.
    • Maureen asked for input on topics for At-Large to present to the ICANN Board during ICANN75 before Friday, 29 July. 

2022-05-24 ALAC Monthly Teleconference

  •  Claudia Ruiz to initiate a BigPulse vote on the ALAC's response to the Board's understanding of the ALAC Advice on the EPDP 2 (SSAD) starting on 24 May 2022. 
  •  Yesim Saglam to schedule the next ALAC call in July (checking availability of Guest Speaker).  

2022-04-20 ALAC Monthly Teleconference

  • No Action Items recorded.

2022-03-01 ALAC Monthly Teleconference

  • No Action Items recorded.

2022-01-25 ALAC Monthly Teleconference

  • No Action Items recorded.