2021-03-15 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Workspace
2021-03-15 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Workspace
Date: Monday, 15 March 2021
Time: 16:30 -17:30 UTC (for the time in various time zones click here)
How can I participate in this meeting?
ADIGO Conf ID EN: 1638
Zoom Room : https://icann.zoom.us/j/93470614626?pwd=dTVWbDAwY3dudDd1Y25FZ2NHTm9CQT09
Password: OFB-RPSG15
Action Items: EN
Audio Recording: EN
Zoom Recording: EN
Zoom Chat: EN
Transcription: EN
EN: Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Alan Greenberg, Sebastien Bachollet, Jonathan Zuck, Judith Hellerstein,
Apologies: Maureen Hilyard,
Staff: Heidi Ulrich, Evin Erdoğdu, Claudia Ruiz
Call Management: Claudia Ruiz
Roll Call - Staff (2 mins)
Welcome and Aim of Call - Cheryl Langdon-Orr (2 mins)
Review of Action Items from the Previous Meeting - Cheryl (2 mins)
Continued Review of the Remainder Recommendations - All (40 mins)
Discuss any preparation for upcoming OFB-WG Meeting(s) - Cheryl (5 mins)
Next Steps - Cheryl Langdon-Orr (4 mins)