Zoom Chat:2021-07-06 ALAC and Board Prep Call
09:59:17 From Claudia Ruiz to Everyone:
Welcome all to the ALAC & Board Prep Call
10:01:08 From Joanna Kulesza to Everyone:
Hi all!
10:06:24 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
Welcome, All.
10:13:55 From Gregory Shatan to Everyone:
Hello, all. Apologies for being tardy.
10:16:02 From Claudia Ruiz to Everyone:
@all friendly reminder to avoid speaking at same time as interpreters are not able to translate, thank you!
10:23:30 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
I have sent it to Board Operations and they have confirmed it has been distributed.
10:32:27 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
Thanks Greg!!!!!
10:32:55 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
I think I just said the most important stuff
10:33:54 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
I left the family at home...….
10:35:23 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
We have supported the holistic review in all versions of our comments on the evolution of the MSM
10:45:58 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
@ Greg -- that would be an important point to make. We see this as a way to plan the full review -- not a test run, so to speak.
10:46:11 From Gregory Shatan to Everyone:
A-ha, very shrewd, Sebastien!
10:47:26 From Gregory Shatan to Everyone:
Perhaps it is merely intended to honour the memory of Pierre Pilote, the great Chicago Blackhawks defenceman.
10:47:54 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
@Greg -- LOL!
10:49:36 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
Please send any questions to be raised today, if possible/
10:51:57 From Sébastien Bachollet to Everyone:
REGISTER: https://icann.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJItduqhrDgrEtxgBUi5j6LHy5dbPxuLw1AG
10:52:00 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
Bye all -- I am rushing off to the woods
10:52:07 From Joanna Kulesza to Everyone:
Thanks all, good call.
10:52:10 From Sébastien Bachollet to Everyone:
Go Marita
10:52:20 From pari esfandiari to Everyone:
Thank you
10:52:23 From Gregory Shatan to Everyone:
Bye all!