Action Items: 2020-03-26 At-Large Capacity Building WG
Action Items: 2020-03-26 At-Large Capacity Building WG
Webinars to be held First Monday of the month
6 April - EPDP
4 May - DNS Abuse
1 June - Geopolitics and Cyberspace
6 July - Universal Acceptance
3 August - New gTLD Rounds and Subsequent Procedures – CLO's comment: depending on timing (July or later) should have a report out for Public Comment so a webinar in August will be a good way of interacting with the Community.
- Gisella Gruber to send a table with rotating times of 1300, 1900 or 2100 UTC: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingtime.html?day=6&month=4&year=2020&p1=279&p2=137&p3=131&p4=195&p5=166&p6=122&p7=44&p8=240&p9=22&iv=0
First webinar to be held at 20:00 UTC and then rotate (speakers availability)
- Heidi Ullrich to work with Hadia and the group on suggested speakers for the series of webinars
- Gisella Gruberto send prior CB Webinar survey questions to the mailing list to work on the survey and agree on the questions: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99681435/At-Large+Capacity+Building+Working+Group#At-LargeCapacityBuildingWorkingGroup-SurveyQuestions(EN,ESandFR)
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated)to send out an email to the group with the various SM Channels we can promote on.
At-Large Staff to promote the webinars with the other groups via the SO AC Support leads.
At-Large Staff to engage with Global Stakeholder Engagement to inform the RVPs of these webinars.
- Michelle DeSmyter to set up the next call on Thursday 2 April at 18:00 UTC