Action Items At-Large Capacity Building WG Team Call
2023-02-02 At-Large Capacity Building WG Team Call
2023-01-26 At-Large Capacity Building WG Team Call
- Gisella Gruber to let the group know the date/time for the webinar on Latin America. - FINAL TIME OF 12:00 UTC CONFIRMED WITH SPEAKERS
ICANN Learn/webinars:
- Group to add comments previously made to the document.
- Group to add a concept/title/highlight 'how about we do this' by looking at existing courses to see what is available. Gap analysis to find what needs to be found/produced.
HU - Brief explanation of the UA activities at ALAC, Cross RALO and RALO level (see wiki page) as well as UASG page of events ( as well as funding available.
CLO - At-Large Structure level – look at nomenclature which is used by UASG – encourage our ALSes (unless very specific workshop) to use the basic - outreach documents to raise awareness at an ALS level.
- Group to look at the UASG document hub page to identify documents to be placed on the At-Large UA Day tool kit.
Upcoming webinars
- Gisella Gruber to work with hadia.elminiawi on scheduling the following CB Webinars:
- webinar on SM on 23 February
- Art of gathering between ICANN 76/77
- Consensus and decision making at ICANN77.
2023-01-12 At-Large Capacity Building WG Team Call
- lidebru18 to work with hadia.elminiawi and Gisella Gruber on the planning and implementation of a SM Webinar in two parts: 1) how to effectively distribute information using social media and 2) how to interact /have conversations with the Latin and Caribbean people. 2) during the week of 20 February.
- Group to put their comments on the first sheet of the CB list developed by Cheryl by x and then during the next call, work will begin on the 2nd sheet.
- UA-Day - a unique approach that can be uniquely measured. Likely will need a discussion with the UASG. Rather than an event, a commitment from At-Large members to reach out to 5 contacts to take an action related to UA.
- jonathan.zuck and group to develop a plan on the types of activities for At-Large UA Day promotion in time for the next CBWG.
- Heidi Ullrich to create an At-Large International UA Day workspace
- Hashtag: #Internet4All
- ICANN for Beginners link to be added to the At-Large homepage, the ALAC portal and also included in At-Large onboarding documents.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the next CBWG on 26 January at 18:00 UTC.
2023-01-05 At-Large Capacity Building WG Team Call
- Heidi Ullrich to work with Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Sarah K on the cover note for the final The Art of analysis polishing and then to forward to the OE-SC and for info to ALAC for endorsement and then the the ICANN Learn team.
- Group to continue to review the CB list.
- Heidi Ullrich to add the topic of CB list to the next agenda for further discussion on how to use and present existing content.
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr , Sarah K and hadia.elminiawi to create a second sheet on the CB list to note possible curation outlines.
- jonathan.zuck and Cheryl Langdon-Orr to add the external source of templates to the End User Playbook ABR proposal.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the next CBWG call on Thursday, 12 January at 21:00 UTC for 90 mins.
2022-12-15 At-Large Capacity Building WG Team Call
- Sarah K to develop the graphic associated with the data in the analysis of the Art of Leadership.
- Heidi Ullrich to add the item of the Art of Leadership Analysis to the CBWG agenda for a final review before the O/E SC and the wider ALAC.
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr , hadia.elminiawi , Sarah K , Maureen and naveed.binrais to review the CB list before the next CBWG call.
- Heidi Ullrich to add the CB list to the next CBWG call for group to discuss the next steps, including any new info, how to distribute, where to post, etc.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the next CBWG on 5 January at 21:00 UTC.
2022-12-01 At-Large Capacity Building WG Team Call
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr , hadia.elminiawi ; Sarah K ; Maureen ; naveed.binrais ; Annete Bonuke to review the 700 series of the existing courses (see: 2022-12-01 At-Large Capacity Building WG Team Call) to see what needs refreshing and the At-Large archive of past At-Large CB.
- Group to prepare to undertake a gap analysis based on the review of the ICANN Learn and At-Large CB webinars review by Jan 2023.
- Yesim Saglam and Michelle DeSmyter to create a Google doc with all the ICANN LEARN 700 series courses and the 2017-2022 At-Large CB webinars for the Group to review. Outline of columns: Course; Source; Comments. Due by 5 December.
- Group members to review the analysis of the Art of the Leadership report before the next call.
- Heidi Ullrich to add the item of comments on the Art of Leadership report on the next CBWG agenda.
- Heidi Ullrich to invite jonathan.zuck Zuck to the next CBWG call to discuss overall At-Large strategic priorities fo
- Michelle DeSmyter to send the CBWG team the details of the upcoming OE-SC call so they can join.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the next CBWG call at 15 Dec at 21:00 UTC.
2022-10-13 At-Large Capacity Building WG Team Call
- hadia.elminiawi and the CBWG to discuss an ICANN Learn course with Betsy Andrews for knowledge-building based on the The Art of Series.
- hadia.elminiawi and the CBWG to develop a Pilot Art of (Skill development) program package for the APRALO and AFRALO GAs with the aim of having the program be a part of ATLAS IV.
- Maureen ; Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Sarah K to take the Pilot Art of program package to the AFRALO and APRALO General Assembly Planning Committees.
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Sarah K to complete the analysis of the Art of Leadership and begin planning the Art of Decision-making workshop.
- Yesim Saglam to set up a Google Document and share with Cheryl and Sarah to centralise the jamboard analysis
- Gisella Gruber to check on lost data on Frames 17 & 18 on jamboard
- The next Workshop on the Art of THE Gathering (week of 20 February) and the Art of Decision-making possibly at ICANN76. - POSTPONED - SEE 26.01.23 AI
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the next call 1 December 18:00 UTC.
- Gisella Gruber to add the ICANN75 Workshop analysis to the agenda
2022-04-05 At-Large Capacity Building Workshop WG Call
- Speaking order for The art of persuasion - Alan, Maureen, Olivier and Cheryl. Then open to discussion (30 mins).
- Hadia opens. Sandra facilitate the roundtable the discussion. Questions to be developed to spark discussion for the roundtable.
- Melissa and staff in background to capture the notes.
- Yesim Saglam and Michelle DeSmyter to organize the CB Workshop on the Art of Persuasion for Tuesday at 19th April at 20:00 UTC.
- Michelle DeSmyter to send out invitation on Wednesday, 6 April.
- Heidi Ullrich to draft the invitation (to mention but not include the jamboard). Follow up reminders to include link to the jamboard.
- Michelle DeSmyter / Yesim Saglam to send out registration with jamboard link early the week of 11 April.
- Heidi Ullrich to follow up with Betsy on the development of an IL course on The art of...
- Heidi Ullrich to add item on Tools and Tips update on next agenda and the look and feel of the tool.
- Michelle DeSmyter Next CB Workshop Group call to be on Monday, 25th at 18:00 UTC. - UPDATE - Date to be CHANGED
2022-03-17 At-Large Capacity Building WG Team Call
- Heidi Ullrich to add Small Talk Tips and Tools doc to the CBWG workspace.
- Group to consider developing a collection of tools and tips from the other workshops in the The Art of Series
- Group to consider turning completed Tools and Tips into a final doc to share with the community; develop a series of graphics and an ICANN Learn course.
- sandra.hoferichter to consider using final Tools and Tips for ICANN Academy courses.
- Tricks of the trade, provide real life examples (ICANN experiential); break out rooms to focus on different single topics - not ICANN specific.
- Heidi Ullrich and Gisella Gruber to follow up with Melissa Peters Allgood (Deactivated) re next steps of workshop of the 11 April.
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr ; Olivier Crépin-Leblond and Alan Greenberg to get together with Melissa Peters Allgood (Deactivated) and staff - early week 21 March - for next steps.
2022-02-17 At-Large Capacity Building WG Team Call
- Yesim Saglamto send a reminder to add to the Intercultural Comms Jamboard by end of ICANN73.
- hadia.elminiawito add Jamboard review during next CBWG call.
- hadia.elminiawiand Group to look at the NCSG Webinars list and see which topics we would like to replicate. (see:NCSG Webinars
- Next calls:
The series “The Art of …” will continue with:
- The Art of Persuasion within the context of ICANN- 11th of April - Melissa Peters Allgood (Deactivated)to present
- The Art of Leadership within the context of ICANN
- The Art of Party within the context of ICANN (Socializing and Networking) - immediately prior to ICANN74
- The Art of Decision-making within the context of ICANN
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the next webinar on 17 March at 19:00 UTC (Check with Evin on NomCom Review)
2022-02-03 At-Large Capacity Building WG Team Call
- Order of stories:
- Date: 15 February
- sandra.hoferichterto send initial description text / Melissa Peters Allgood (Deactivated)to review by Friday, 4 Feb.
- Gisella Gruberto send announcement and set up registration no later than Monday, 7 Feb.
- Gisella Gruber/ Yesim Saglam to add to promotional and logistical messages that the series of Intercultural Comms workshops are within the context of ICANN.
- Deadline for presenters for 2nd Intercultural Workshop extended to 19 January.
- Melissa Peters Allgood (Deactivated) to produce her document by 24 January.
- Agreed that the CBWG Intercultural Series of Workshops will be in the following order: 1) Small Talk within the ICANN context - Part 2; 2) The Art of Persuasion within the ICANN context; 3) The Art of Leadership within the ICANN context and 4) The Art of the Party within the ICANN context (socializing and networking) (immediately prior to ICANN74); and 5) The Art of Decision-making within the ICANN context.
- Melissa Peters Allgood (Deactivated)to draft note for call for participants for second CBWG Intercultural Workshop Small Talk.
- Yesim Saglamto schedule a prep call for the presenters of second CBWG Intercultural Workshop Small Talk on 27 January at 19:00 UTC.
- Yesim Saglam and Gisella Gruber to schedule the second CBWG Intercultural Workshop Small Talk on 15 February (at 19:00 UTC?).
- hadia.elminiawiand the CBWG on Workshops to consider the following order of Intercultural Workshops: 1) Small Talk Part 2; 2) The Art of Persuasion; 3) The Art of Leadership and 4) The Art of Decision-making.
- Claudia Ruizto set up child page for the 2022 CBWG Workshop series (as well separate workspaces for past years)
- Staff to set up the At-Large Intercultural Virtual Workshop for Monday 29 November at 13:00 UTC
- Staff to work with Hadia and Sandra on the Call for volunteers for the Workshop
- Next call on Wednesday 24 November at 19:00 UTC
- No webinar during August.
- joanna.kuleszaand hadia.elminiawito send an email to the members of the CBWG and RALO Chairs and co-chairs reminding them to coordinate with the Webinars group.
- Heidi Ullrichand Claudia Ruizto incorporate comments on survey.
Thursday, 27 July 2021
- No Webinar is to be scheduled during August.
- hadia.elminiawiand joanna.kuleszato work on a message to the RALO Leadership Teams to encouraging regional engagement in the CBWG and Webinars Sub team.
- Gisella Gruber to work with hadia.elminiawion identifying registration data on webinars for discussion on the next call.
- Gisella Gruber to schedule the next Webinars Group on 12
Thursday, 08 July 2021
- Gisella Gruberto add the IDN Webinar to the CB List - taking place on 27 July at 08:00 UTC
- Upcoming Webinars:
- August: Country Code Domains: hadia.elminiawito contact Natalia to confirm proceeding with this webinar
- September: Intercultural with Sandra Hoferichter: hadia.elminiawito contact Sandra re suggestion of breakout rooms re local traditions and reporting back to main group
- November: DNS: hadia.elminiawito work with joanna.kulesza
- Registration Data to be included in next teams agenda
Thursday, 27 May 2021
- Claudia Ruiz to schedule next Webinar on 12 July 2021 at (time TBD) Melissa Allgood Webinar on Facilitation Session
- Claudia Ruiz to schedule next CBWG Webinar Team Call on 01 July 2021 at 19:00 UTC
Thursday, 6 May 2021
- Gisella Gruberand Claudia Ruizto work on preparing anonymized registration data this year's CBWG webinars and send to Hadia/CLO.
- Claudia Ruiz to schedule the next Webinar group call on Webinar - 27 May - Sandra Hoferichter to be invited.
Thursday, 22 April 2021
- Webinar dates: Re-scheduling of Presentation webinar = 4 May; Webinar on Intercultural awareness for At-Large - 17 May
- September Webinar to be a launch of an At-Large DNS Abuse educational campaign focused on the regions.
- Experts Survey - abdulkarim.oloyedeto respond to staff questions; Heidi Ullrichto send experts survey before next CBWG-Webinar meeting.
Thursday 08 April 2021
- Staff to provide Survey Results from the Capacity Building Webinar on Monday 5 April: ALAC Consensus Playbook
Thursday, 01 April 2021
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the next CB Webinar WG call on 8 April at 18:00 UTC.
Thursday, 25 February 2021
- Yesim Saglamto schedule the next CBWG Webinars call on 1 April at 18:00 UTC
- Claudia Ruizto put Melissa's revised webinar outline on a Google doc before the next Webinar meeting.
Thursday, 4 February 2021
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) to begin to use JZ's videos to promote the SM webinar.
- Melissa Peters Allgood (Deactivated) to revise her webinar outline by the 12th of February.
- jonathan.zuck and staff to develop the contest for developing webinars which will launch after JZ's webinar on Creating Videos with PowerPoint on 19 April.
- Yesim Saglam to schedule the next CBWG Webinars Call on the 18 Feb at 18:00 UTC.
Thursday 21 January 2021
- Social Media Webinar
- jonathan.zuck to. create a promotional video using a number of videos by week of the 25 January.
- Natalia Enciso to work with lidebru18 on a promotional card by the week of 25 January.
- jonathan.zuckto plan on two webinars on best practice on presentations - the first to be scheduled on 1 March.
- 15 February
- Yesim Saglamand Gisella Gruberto schedule JZ's Webinar as part of the CBWG series on Monday, 15 Feb and another on presentation best practices on 19 April - IN PROGRESS (NOTE: 15 Feb is holiday in US)
- Yesim Saglamto include registrations for all CBWG webinars.
- August topic is to be on topic of the country code domains and marketing of DNS.
Thursday 07 January 2021
Social Media:
- A webinar on Social Mediia best practice will be held in February. Alexandra Dans, ICANN Communications staff, and Lilian will be the speakers.
- One of the priorities is to link the LACRALO region to At-Large to a larger degree. Requesting FR and PT interpretation.
- Yesim Saglam to schedule a 90 minute CBWG Webinar on Monday, 8 Feb at 22:00 UTC. Interpretation requested in EN/ES/FR/PT. (Action item amended to reflect Lilian's request to postpone by one week) - IN PROGRESS
- lidebru18 to work directly with Natalia on the promotional cards for the Social Media Best Practice webinar.
First 6 months of Webinar Topics:
The first 6 months of CBWG Webinar topics were approved. They are:
February - Social Media Best Practice
April - Consensus Playbook focused on At-Large
May - Intercultural Awareness for At-Large
July - Facilitation skills
Expert survey:
- abdulkarim.oloyede to add the item of Intercultural awareness for At-Large to the survey.
- Staff and AK to add survey to Google Forms for people to the complete.
- Distribution of the survey to the RALO chairs requesting they send to their RALOs.
- Survey to be distributed by the end of January. Deadline of survey completion is 2-3 weeks from date it is sent.
- Staff to send a reminder regarding the surveys one week after the initial request.
Next call:
- Yesim Saglam to schedule the next Webinar call on 21 January.