Zoom chat: 2020-01-21 ALAC Monthly Teleconference

Zoom chat: 2020-01-21 ALAC Monthly Teleconference

07:46:31 From Claudia Ruiz : Welcome to the ALAC Monthly Call
07:47:52 From vrikson : Greetings everyone
07:48:17 From vrikson : I'm waiting for the monthly call to begin
07:54:24 From Captioner : Hello! Can you please give me captioning privs?
07:56:40 From Evin Erdoğdu : Hello all, welcome.
07:57:41 From Kaili Kan : Sorry that I will have to leave this meeting early, for the IFRT meeting begins in an hour.
07:57:54 From Vanda Scartezini : hi everyone… leaving New gold subsequent proceedings call...
07:58:17 From Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC) : hello all
07:58:51 From Maureen : hi everyone
07:59:01 From Maureen : welcome
07:59:09 From Maureen : welcome
07:59:47 From Judith Hellerstein : my earlier meeting ended early so am on time for this call
08:00:51 From davekissoondoyal : Hello everyone
08:02:03 From Alan Greenberg : I may need to temporarily leave this meeting at some point due to someone coming to see me.
08:03:24 From Justine Chew : I'm here
08:06:02 From Filina Natalia : Hi all!
08:06:12 From Justine Chew : I'm not hearing anything. Is it just me?
08:06:23 From Filina Natalia : yes Justine
08:06:24 From shreedeep rayamajhi : hello everyone
08:06:36 From Alan Greenberg : @Justine Yes sound fine here
08:06:51 From Justine Chew : Okay, I will log out and log in again.
08:08:09 From Hadia Elminiawi : @justine the sound is good at my end too
08:08:45 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Sorry to hear that @Maureen hope it holds together for the meeting
08:09:02 From Sivasubramanian Muthusamy : Does anyone else feel that the zoom room volume in general is low today, or is it my phone?
08:09:10 From Hadia Elminiawi : ]\
08:09:11 From Hadia Elminiawi : \
08:09:18 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : volume is fine for me
08:09:20 From Hadia Elminiawi : ]]\]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
08:09:28 From davekissoondoyal : @Siva it is fine on my side
08:09:30 From Filina Natalia : volume is fine
08:09:40 From Isabelle : a: 20?
08:09:52 From Sivasubramanian Muthusamy : Problem with my phone then. thank you
08:10:19 From Sivasubramanian Muthusamy : will try restarting. thanks
08:10:20 From Hadia Elminiawi : Apologies for the above unintended typo
08:20:20 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Well noted JZ
08:20:39 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : I am also concerned with this "trend"
08:21:04 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : always able to put in individual comments as well of course
08:21:16 From Yrjo Lansipuro : +1 to Jonathan
08:21:28 From Judith Hellerstein : I agree with you jonathan
08:21:34 From Hadia Elminiawi : +1 Jonathan
08:21:41 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : AGREED!!!
08:21:49 From davekissoondoyal : +1 Jonathan
08:21:55 From Roberto : +1 Jonathan
08:23:38 From Sebastien Bachollet : I have a question about PIR
08:24:22 From Abdulkarim Oloyede : +1 to Olivier
08:24:40 From Hadia Elminiawi : Olivier sounds good
08:25:12 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : perhaps we can Note *SOME* Individual End Users have indicated that desire OCL but I see no benefit in ALAC advising a proposed block
08:25:53 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : there is a lot of smoke and mirrors on all this IMO
08:26:32 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : I would suggest that there is "some support" for blocking the sale but failing this, we really would suggest protective measures laid out in our Statement i.e. Board representation etc.
08:26:40 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : End users *MAY* be impacted and where that impact might be deleterious, then we should certainly seek to mitigate
08:27:18 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : again agree with you JZ
08:28:05 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : and ISOC Chapters should of course decide to (or not) comments on the matter
08:28:08 From Jonathan Zuck : Yes. Next discussion Seb. Thanks.
08:29:09 From Satish Babu : ISOC Chapters are presently drafting their statement...it will be open for comments from within the ISOC Chapters community by next week.
08:29:23 From Yeseul Kim : There was an email at the ISOC policy email list calling for .org registrants to form a registrant organization (no specific form for the org though) as well.
08:30:28 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : deciding here will help clarify CPWG work resources
08:30:40 From Yeseul Kim : And +1 to Olivier.
08:30:54 From Vanda Scartezini : i do not believe we shall make a strong point on this issue
08:31:01 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : CPWG is an ALAC WG however
08:31:14 From Yeseul Kim : Suggesting several measures that ICANN can take might help?
08:31:50 From Roberto : @Satish - maybe the ISOC chapters that are also ALS could share their comments within ALAC
08:31:58 From Javier Rúa-Jovet (ALAC) : I support @sebastian’s approach to separately addressing End User representation from Nonprofit representation in .org
08:32:39 From Justine Chew : @JZ, I say swing your hammer, especially when CPWG discussions becomes circular and does not specifically address end-user interest.
08:33:03 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : I think there are several points made today that can be written into a pice of advice whilst still "sticking to our knitting"as JZ ooutlined
08:33:39 From davekissoondoyal : +1 CLO
08:33:45 From Satish Babu : @Roberto, yes will we be sharing it once the Chapters comment on, and adopt the final statement (hopefully by the first week of Feb 2020).
08:34:23 From Yeseul Kim : +1 to Roberto and CLO as well.
08:36:26 From davekissoondoyal : Perhaps a survey from our community is warranted
08:36:29 From Hadia Elminiawi : Supporting the sale is difficult because we do not have enough information. Reflecting end users interests as everyone said is the required.
08:37:00 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : @Tijani, yes, but when there is a split in the views of the end users, there might be a split on the ALAC itself. ALAC members are individuals that might vote against the Statement
08:37:53 From Yeseul Kim : Maybe ALAC can gather personal comments through open doc, etc so that it can summarize the ‘concerns’ by the end users?
08:39:21 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : @Yeseul, there is a Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tgfRNYLpEqe93D2p-T1d2N5REl3Bj1coLf8kqqMTBOQ/edit?usp=sharing and that Doc is exactly there to obtain the views from end users
08:39:23 From Hadia Elminiawi : We just need to focus on what is in the best interest of end users. We cannot predict the future but we can agree on what looks like it is in the best interest of the users
08:39:36 From Yeseul Kim : When there are vigorous discussions on .org sale everywhere, it might be somehow the duty of ALAC to do something - gathering comments, publish the concerns of the end user community.
08:39:45 From Yeseul Kim : And thanks @Olivier.
08:40:12 From Priyatosh Jana : hi everyone

08:40:24 From Priyatosh Jana : sorry for late joining
08:40:35 From Abdulkarim Oloyede : Yes I agree with your (Jonathan) statement about the a constructive approach to mitigate the effect of the sale. and the other point I want to make is in a way End users would be affected. Hence the need to have a statement.
08:40:47 From Nadira AL-ARAJ : Is the focus on Internet Users or community organisations Registrants?
08:42:08 From Jonathan Zuck : End users
08:42:56 From Hadia Elminiawi : @Nadira Internet end users
08:43:33 From Nadira AL-ARAJ : i didn't attend the discussion on Internet Users because i came late to the meeting
08:43:43 From Nadira AL-ARAJ : so I didn't hear the logic
08:43:57 From Nadira AL-ARAJ : i will hear it from the recording
08:44:06 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : wait -- I still had a question on another policy item
08:44:45 From Yeseul Kim : @Nadira I briefly mentioned registrants orgs as it was mentioned on ISOC policy mailing list, but discussion here was solely on end users.
08:45:28 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : I'll ask it here: the agenda says: Draft FY21-25 Operating & Financial Plan and Draft FY21 Operating Plan & Budget FBSC Call scheduled the week of 13 January --- but the call is going to be this week, not last week, isn't it?
08:45:45 From Nadira AL-ARAJ : the end users are the indirect damage of the deal
08:46:15 From Judith Hellerstein : Yes Olivier we did not discuss it at the last meeting
08:47:21 From Yeseul Kim : @Nadira hmm, but the burden can be indirectly born by the end users as well?
08:50:21 From Hadia Elminiawi : @Nadira the logic is that ALAC is concerned with the interests of end users and thus exploring the possible effects of the sale on end users and the impact whether negative or positive should lead to a meaningful and beneficial statement to the interests of the users
08:50:35 From Judith Hellerstein : Maureen’s rooster is getting very aggressive. thinking he is not being heard
08:51:13 From Heidi Ullrich : @Olivier - Further to the Doodle poll, the next Finance and Budget Subcommittee (FBSC) Working Group Call is scheduled on Thursday, 23 January 2020 at 20:00 UTC for 60 minutes.
08:52:00 From Hadia Elminiawi : @Judith - I got used to the rooster I now like him a lot
08:52:05 From Roberto : @Judith: we should hire him to argue for our position about the .org case
08:53:49 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : I will note that the F&B meeting clashes with the GNSO Council call but that will only effect me so NP
08:54:32 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Sorry not GNSO Council SubPro
08:55:02 From Justine Chew : It affects me too @CLO :(
08:55:49 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Yes the Council meeting follows
08:56:10 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : a busy morning ;-)
08:58:28 From Kaili Kan : Sorry that I now have to leave for the IFRT meeting. Bye!
08:59:07 From Hadia Elminiawi : Bye Kaili
08:59:56 From Anne-Marie Joly-Bachollet : The transcription is stopped
09:00:13 From Alan Greenberg : COuld we please mute MAureen while others are talking?
09:00:33 From Yeseul Kim : Yes that might help, Maureen.
09:01:12 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : As she is only on her mobile she won't see this chat
09:01:22 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : I like the rooster
09:01:55 From Abdulkarim Oloyede : I hope the transcript would include the cock crowing.
09:01:57 From Oksana Prykhodko : hello everyone, sorry for the delay
09:04:25 From Sebastien Bachollet : I don’t like to write!!!
09:04:38 From Sebastien Bachollet : I already have to much to write
09:05:03 From Sebastien Bachollet : Welcome Oksana
09:05:21 From Judith Hellerstein : Hi All, Claudia is checking as to why the RTT has stopped
09:06:01 From Judith Hellerstein : the stream text link is still going on
09:06:16 From Judith Hellerstein : so we can capture the entire rough transcript
09:06:20 From claudia.ruiz : While we try to get this fixed you can follow captioning along here:
09:06:21 From claudia.ruiz : https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN
09:06:41 From davekissoondoyal : Thanks Claudia
09:07:05 From claudia.ruiz : You’re welcome
09:07:06 From Judith Hellerstein : But it only allows you to see the transcript from after you open the stream
09:08:03 From Judith Hellerstein : @AK yes the transcript states, Rooster crowing
09:08:50 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : @Judith - you can see the saved transcript from the closed caption icon
09:09:44 From Heidi Ullrich : @All, the O/E SC currently is having a call for members and re-confirmation of current members.
09:09:55 From Heidi Ullrich : They will have a call during the first week of Feb.
09:10:18 From Heidi Ullrich : Re Cancun, there will be a stand alone session. The ICANN booth will be made available to At-Large.
09:14:19 From Judith Hellerstein : @olivier , yes you can but when the zoom close caption stopped working it will not show
09:16:35 From Evin Erdoğdu : Noted Cheryl thanks
09:16:37 From Heidi Ullrich : Thanks, Cheryl.
09:16:54 From Heidi Ullrich : Did you say ‘over the next week’ or ‘weeks’?
09:17:24 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : I said Week but lets make it before EOM
09:17:41 From Evin Erdoğdu : Noted
09:19:45 From Judith Hellerstein : Staff needs to make changes on the website but we make it on the wiki. however the links from the website to the wiki are often incorrect
09:20:05 From Abdulkarim Oloyede : Can I ask what does 25% completion mean. How is it quantified ?
09:20:08 From Heidi Ullrich : Noted, Alan.
09:21:37 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : it's in work order mode I assume Alan
09:23:22 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : indeed @Judith and there are also ancient pages that need updating as well but the GATEWAY is up to date and the items we stated we would do have been or are being dione
09:26:01 From Abdulkarim Oloyede : Ok, Thank you
09:28:23 From Heidi Ullrich : ALS WP workspace: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99700696/ALS+Mobilization+Working+Party
09:28:47 From Judith Hellerstein : Thanks Cheryl
09:32:35 From Judith Hellerstein : When can the Working groups submit requests for meetings
09:33:51 From gisella.gruber : Prep Week Webinars! https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2020-01-14-en
09:34:02 From gisella.gruber : PLEASE register by 14 February to receive all details
09:34:21 From Judith Hellerstein : I am asking for the at large working groups, when can we register for our group to meet
09:34:52 From Judith Hellerstein : Also when is the travel info sign it ready
09:35:10 From gisella.gruber : ICANN67 Planning Committee: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/EjvwBQ
09:36:11 From gisella.gruber : The travel page details will be sent out shortly for all to complete
09:36:44 From gisella.gruber : Pop up meetings have NO services so NO remote participation … just a meeting room
09:36:56 From gisella.gruber : WG no longer have stand alone meetings
09:37:11 From gisella.gruber : We are able to integrate updates into the weekend At-Large sessions
09:37:23 From Judith Hellerstein : Thanks @maureen
09:37:29 From Heidi Ullrich : FY21 Additional Budget Requests: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99628801/At-Large+FY21+Budget+Development+Workspace
09:37:42 From Judith Hellerstein : Sorry I missed the time to schedule a meeting
09:38:11 From gisella.gruber : @Judith - please send any request to Maureen and staff and we will integrate into our schedules
09:39:57 From Judith Hellerstein : Thanks
09:40:50 From Javier Rúa-Jovet (ALAC) : My excuses. Must drop off. Good calll! Thx
09:43:35 From Sebastien Bachollet : Where can we have the slide about ABR?
09:44:16 From claudia.ruiz : @Sebastien , the slides are linked to the agenda
09:47:37 From Sebastien Bachollet : Where on the page @Claudia?
09:48:07 From Humberto Carrasco : i am sorry. I have to leave now. greetings from Chile
09:49:52 From davekissoondoyal : Concerning the fellowship mentor, I have followed carefully the discussions on the mail list and the points raised by Abdulkarim. Though I selected option 1 initially, after careful consideration, I would prefer that we follow strictly the rules and procedures. The outcome might be the same as I would personally vote for the reappointment of Sarah but it is wise that we follow the rules and procedures strictly.
09:54:33 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : A vote is not the same as a Consensus Call
09:55:10 From Hadia Elminiawi : Dave may you please raise your voice
09:56:34 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Thank you for clarification @Alan
09:58:44 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Correct Alan these Rules were well discussed and developed by several of us and I certainly as one of those in the ROP's development History agree with your assessment here on Rules being followed in good faith
09:59:24 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : but why not just call the vote now Maureen
09:59:46 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : then the Rules allow for those not here to follow up in a time limit
09:59:54 From Justine Chew : Do we still have quorum?
10:00:22 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Yes that IS in the ROPs
10:00:24 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : we never have had quorum because there are no ALAC members from EURALO present on the call
10:00:27 From Sebastien Bachollet : Europe is not here
10:00:31 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : but we need to quirate here and now
10:00:51 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : your were
10:01:00 From Sebastien Bachollet : We are starting now Euralo Call
10:01:01 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : so just go to Big Pulse ASAP
10:01:06 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : for quorum there needs to be at least one representation per region
10:01:06 From Evin Erdoğdu : Noted
10:01:12 From Justine Chew : RIght, we didn't have and still don't have quorum. I'm dropping off now.
10:02:46 From Roberto : Leaving the call and joining EURALO call
10:02:49 From Sivasubramanian M : Sorry, by any chance is this an ALAC only part?
10:02:50 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Big pulse has no Proxy
10:02:54 From Filina Natalia : Thank you all, need to leave the call for Euralo monthly call now. Bye-bye!
10:02:54 From Satish Babu : Thanks and bye...
10:03:06 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : ALAC only vote
10:03:20 From Sivasubramanian M : But others can be present?
10:03:32 From Hadia Elminiawi : Thank you all - bye for now
10:03:35 From davekissoondoyal : thanks and bye to all
10:03:36 From WDavalos : Today's meeting is very productive, thank you all. Greetings from Ecuador
10:03:41 From Harold Arcos : very useful meeting,,
10:03:43 From Seun Ojedeji : Thanks Maureen @Staff will be looking forward to read from you
10:03:51 From Evin Erdoğdu : Smooth travels Maureen; thanks all
10:03:52 From Seun Ojedeji : bye everyone
10:03:54 From vrikson : Bye everyone
10:03:54 From Yeseul Kim : Thanks all.
10:03:55 From Jonathan Zuck : bye
10:03:58 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Bye
10:03:59 From hanan khatib : thank you all ...
10:04:00 From Harold Arcos : thanks to our interpreters and the support of our staff
10:04:00 From Sivasubramanian M : Thank you. Bye everyone
10:04:02 From WDavalos : Bye
10:04:07 From Harold Arcos : bye everyone,,