AC Chat: 2018-09-27 ICANN63 Planning Committee Call
Andrea Glandon: (9/27/2018 11:05) Welcome to the ICANN63 Planning Committee Call held on Thursday, 27 September 2018 at 19:00 UTC.
Andrea Glandon: (11:05) Wiki Agenda Page:
Ricardo Holmquist: (11:57) good day
Andrea Glandon: (11:57) Welcome Ricardo!
Ricardo Holmquist: (12:06) the kind of things you here in this meetings!
Andrea Glandon: (12:06) :)
Ricardo Holmquist: (12:07) it open ok CLO
Ricardo Holmquist: (12:07) here
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (12:08) are we going to run everything from the spreadsheets directly?
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (12:08) or are these going to be shared on AC room too?
CLO: (12:10) Ricardo part of the issue is also that I don't use Microsoft products on my laptop I suspect... so 1 unlicenced file seems to be OK to open but not 2 ;-)
Ricardo Holmquist: (12:11) second one was a pdf, not Microsoft :)
Ricardo Holmquist: (12:11) Always tought Adobe was worst
Ricardo Holmquist: (12:13) nope, looks good
Maureen Hilyard: (12:20) Board selection issue is also in the implementation plan.. should we leave it until this has been worked through first?
Gisella Gruber: (12:20) Barrack has joined the call
Maureen Hilyard: (12:22) I share the same concerns as Cheryl..
Maureen Hilyard: (12:24) Other issues - I don't have a problem with..
Barrack Otieno: (12:31) Thats ok
CLO: (12:32) Tue
Gisella Gruber: (12:33) Seun has joined the call
Maureen Hilyard: (12:33) I agree Cheryl. common interests
Maureen Hilyard: (12:33) Welcome Seun
Maureen Hilyard: (12:33) Finance issues.. yes
CLO: (12:33) agreed
Ricardo Holmquist: (12:33) I agree, planning is in process
Seun: (12:34) Hello everyone
Ricardo Holmquist: (12:35) Hello Seun
Claudia Ruiz: (12:35) Welcome Seun Ojedeji
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (12:35) I think the proposal of having the regional vos meet their constituents head to head would be interesting
Gisella Gruber: (12:39) Apology from Andrei who is flying in the US
CLO: (12:41) more general to a wider sudience and it will prime your work for Friday
CLO: (12:41) 30-45
Claudia Ruiz: (12:42) Welcome Bartlett Morgan
Seun: (12:43) was just about mentioning the SP
CLO: (12:45) So not topic specific but the Policy Process and (ARIWG:CPWG) methodology as primary focus
Maureen Hilyard: (12:45) I agree with Cheryl and OCL about putting what the CPWG is doing and the need for more involvement from the ALAC
CLO: (12:45) there will always be topics to use as examplars
Maureen Hilyard: (12:45) @Alan.. agree on the timeframes
Maureen Hilyard: (12:46) for CPWG session content
CLO: (12:46) it is a Primary Purpose of what we *should be doing after all ;-)
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (12:46) especially in the light of at large review
CLO: (12:47) Sat has the SubPro and EPDP all day though
CLO: (12:48) There are plenty of focussed session running it seems
Maureen Hilyard: (12:50) Everyone is invited to the O&E WG meeting
CLO: (12:51) but it *is* a WG Meeting
Maureen Hilyard: (12:53) @CLO To attend the meeting and participate with the permission of the Chair ?
CLO: (12:54) well in an open meeting there is usually a Members of WG prioritised as speakers rule
CLO: (12:54) that is the difference
CLO: (12:55) but a WS can be more free for all
Maureen Hilyard: (12:55) @Alan.. OK I can see your rationale for keeping it under the name ALAC And REgional Leaders, etc
Gisella Gruber: (12:56) If we all agree, I will keep it as a WORKING SESSION and we will just put O&E on the wiki agenda and send the SC on O&E a meeting invitation for them to join remotely
Bartlett Morgan: (12:57) fair
CLO: (12:59) I have to attand another meeting at top of the hour so will open a scond AC room and drop Audio so Claudia no redial please :-)
Ricardo Holmquist: (12:59) sorry i will have to leave. bye everyone
Claudia Ruiz: (13:00) Bye Ricardo, thank you for joining
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (13:01) please allow scrolling
Claudia Ruiz: (13:01) @CLO - noted
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (13:01) oh one sheet only?
Claudia Ruiz: (13:02) @Olivier- correct only 1 sheet
Maureen Hilyard: (13:04) Hi all.. Im sorry.. Im lost with regards to where we are on the schedule..
Barrack Otieno: (13:05) Good suggestion
Maureen Hilyard: (13:05) Tuesday.. all good
Gisella Gruber: (13:07) Saturday - EPDP starts at 08:30
Maureen Hilyard: (13:08) We discussed that I might take an informal session of introductions with the new and "old" ALAC members and initial briefing
Maureen Hilyard: (13:10) @Alan..yes and then we all go off to the SubPro session
CLO 2: (13:10) WT5 is popular or should be
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (13:11) I have to go shortly too
CLO 2: (13:12) bye then sorry in another call since top of the hour
Maureen Hilyard: (13:12) Bye Cheryl
Barrack Otieno: (13:12) bye CLO
CLO 2: (13:12) I will stay to the bitter end Maureen ð
Claudia Ruiz: (13:12) Bye Cheryl, thank you for joining
Maureen Hilyard: (13:13) Multi-tasking as per usual, CLO..
CLO 2: (13:14) at least only 2 calls at once last week it was 3
CLO 2: (13:15) but I do Chair the other one so that gets my right brain
CLO 2: (13:15) bye freak now then
Bartlett Morgan: (13:15) bye all
Maureen Hilyard: (13:15) Thank you Alan and all
Barrack Otieno: (13:15) bye thanks Alan