AC Chat: 2018-09-14 ICANN63 Planning Committee Call
Claudia Ruiz:Welcome to the ICANN63 Planning Committee Call on Friday, 14 September 2018 at 16:00 UTC
Claudia Ruiz:
Heidi Ullrich:Hi, All.
Ricardo Holmquist:hi, good day
Ricardo Holmquist:i'll be connected from a mobile device, should be in the traffic back home most of the call, sorry for that
Cheryl (CLO):SIGH
Claudia Ruiz:Welcome Alberto Soto
Alberto Soto:Hello, sorry, I´m online now
Cheryl (CLO):they have PIR support but it is supposed to be travel sponsorship etc.,
Alberto Soto:Thanks Claudia
Cheryl (CLO):and I gather they still have it messy with NCUC holdng the purse strings
Cheryl (CLO): ANYWAY... SIGH
Maureen Hilyard:Just let it go...
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:Get the food police out there :-)
Cheryl (CLO): and it raises more than hair on my back Alan ;-)
Cheryl (CLO)::-)
Heidi Ullrich:I'm happy to speak with Rob.
Heidi Ullrich:esp as it seems it was imposed on ALAC without discussion...
Cheryl (CLO):That makes sense G.
Heidi Ullrich:+1 G!!
Cheryl (CLO):We share your frustration G...
Cheryl (CLO):Agree Alan
Maureen Hilyard:Unless we move our ALT mtg to 10.15-11.45? But what till the SSAC and GNSO do?
Cheryl (CLO):I would do that Maureen
Heidi Ullrich:From Tanzie: Hi Heidi. we are going to show a video which will also be playing around the cocktail and then we will have some speakers from the community. we are still planning it out so I don't have much more detail than that at the moment.
Cheryl (CLO):Agreed OCL
Cheryl (CLO):Yes mo0ve our work session to the Morning 1030 through to after Lunch
Heidi Ullrich:We'll need a very quiet restaurant...
Heidi Ullrich:@Maureen, the 20th Anniveray meeting will be pretty empty I would think and will be repeated at the cocktail.
Maureen Hilyard:If they are going to repeat it anyway.. then we will be safe for that final session
Cheryl (CLO):Maureen I doubt you will get your people gathered...
Cheryl (CLO):but you can try
Maureen Hilyard:Can we just get some clarification because GNSO and SSAC are also affected
Heidi Ullrich:Gisella will also look at a private room in a restaurant near the venue. We can bring some copies of the organigram and even flip charts if necessary.
Maureen Hilyard:Gisella and I were earlier talking abotu dinner with At-Large on Thursday
Cheryl (CLO):I find that more and more apealing as I think on it... but up to Maureens objectives being met.
Heidi Ullrich:We will need to be flexible.
Heidi Ullrich:The Wrap Up II will be a bit of a social event :)
Maureen Hilyard:@Heidi.. Im good with that .. a proper dinner meeting..
Maureen Hilyard:We'll see what else Gisella and you can organise so that we fit this introductory session in
Heidi Ullrich:@Maureen, did you wish to note your plans for this SC during thihis session?
Maureen Hilyard:It was really to have a discussion about the Organigram and how we might coordinate activities that are not yet noted on the chart
Maureen Hilyard:So we could do an intro at the dinner, and the tables can have a discussion over dinner, with time for feedback during dessert ??
Gisella Gruber:@ Maureen - are you referring to the At-Large dinner or an ALT dinner?
Heidi Ullrich:Given the reduction in time with the GAC, could we extend the meeting with GAC to 30 mins?
Heidi Ullrich:sorry, with Ana Neves...
Maureen Hilyard:Its a bit of a conflict because the proposed At-Large dinner was an end-of-conference get together that I thought might be a good get together as a start to the new leadership, etc. I think it woudl be OK to do it to all if we have everyone there, if that's all we can do because of this change in programme.. its totally stuffing up our original plans
Heidi Ullrich:We could do a breakfast meeting on Friday for the ALT if needed.
Heidi Ullrich:Also, your plans for the Development session will be a bit of both social/work so might cover both.
Maureen Hilyard:True..
Cheryl (CLO):Nothing wrong with B'fast meetings as long as they are not too ambitious
Maureen Hilyard:But it is introductory and I'd like to talk to the ALT first as you say.. getting them on board..before it goes to the main group.
Gisella Gruber:NCSG originally suggested during the Board/GAC meeting
Cheryl (CLO):OK so we obviously need to meet again soon
Cheryl (CLO):for our own schedule
Ricardo Holmquist:bye to all
Alberto Soto:Thanks by bye
Cheryl (CLO):bye