Paris Documents

Paris Documents

This Page is subject to ongoing changes


ALAC and the ALSes at the Paris ICANN Meeting are drafting a statement on a part of the New GTLD Policy. It is anticipated that this statement will be presented to the community during the Paris ICANN Meeting. The Draft Statement on Recommendation 6 is available online.

Open Consultations the Community May Wish to Respond To

ALAC Independent Review Draft Final Report

The ALAC Review team has provided a draft report of their findings. This will be discussed in Paris and is open for consultation. Translations will be forthcoming

Announcement (EN)
Summary of Draft Final ALAC Independent Review Report (EN)
Full Text of Draft Final ALAC Independent Review Report (EN)

Consultation Ends: 27 June 2008
Consultation Details: (EN)

The Future of ICANN: President's Strategy Committee Proposals

The President's Strategy Committee has been working for two years to provide the community with options for how the ICANN multi-stakeholder model might be completed in the post-JPA world. They have released documents for community consultation which will also be discussed in Paris. Translations into 10 languages will shortly be available:

Transition Action Plan (PDF) (EN)
Improving Institutional Confidence in ICANN (PDF) (EN) (ES)

Consultation Closes: 31st July 2008
Consultation Details: (EN)
Sign Up for Newsletter on Institutional Confidence: http://www.icann.org/jpa/iic/index.htm

Draft Final Report - IDNC WG Recommendations for ccTLD Fast Track Mechanisms (IDN ccTLD Fast Track)

The IDNC Working Group (IDNC WG) is currently working to develop and report on feasible methods that would enable the timely and efficient ("fast track") introduction of a limited number of non-contentious IDN ccTLDs, while an overall long-term IDN ccTLD policy is being developed. The IDNC WG has created a Draft Final Report designed to highlight the latest topics and issues that need to be considered in developing (1) a mechanism for the selection of the IDN ccTLD string and (2) a mechanism to designate an IDN ccTLD manager.

The draft document is being made publicly available at this time solely to alert the community to the latest IDNC WG thinking and to facilitate further discussions at the ICANN Paris meeting later this month. This document has not been signed off by the IDNC Working Group whose members will continue to provide their own comments and input.

Draft Recommendations: (EN)

Consultation Details: (EN)
Consultation Ends: 23 June 2008

Consultation on Proposals to Reform ICANN Meetings

The Board of ICANN has asked the staff to provide a discussion paper suggesting changes to the way in which ICANN International Meetings are held and where they are held. The staff have provided that document and it is now open for comment.

Meetings Discussion Paper (EN)
Consultation Details: (EN)
Consultation Ends: 10 July 2008

Registrar Accreditation Agreement

The ICANN Staff and the Registrar Constituency have been discussing amendments to the existing RAA, as part of an ongoing effort to revise this agreement to take account of the issues raised related to the RAA by the stakeholders in ICANN. The draft amendments are presented to facilitate further community discussion with the objective of implementing a set of contract changes to enhance registrant protections. ICANN staff will be available to facilitate discussions with constituency groups at ICANN’s meetings in Paris and afterwards.

Announcement: (EN)
Document Showing Results of Discussions in Redline: (EN)
*Consultation Information: (EN)

Issues and Documents

Fast Flux Hosting:

Fast flux hosting is currently a topic of discussion and work within ICANN. The term “fast flux” refers to rapid and repeated changes to the IP address for a domain name host (like mail.example.com) and/or name server resource records for the whole domain, in a DNS zone, which have the effect of rapidly changing the location (IP address) to which the domain name of an Internet host or name server resolves. The activity is typically found in conjunction with phishing, pharming and other illicit activities.


SSAC Advisory: Fast Flux Hosting and DNS (SAC025) (28 January 2008): (EN) (ES) (FR)

The GNSO Council asked for an Issues Report on Fast Flux Hosting, which can be found here: (EN) (ES) (FR) (RU).

The Council passed a Resolution initiating a Policy Development Process (“PDP”) on certain issues related to Fast Flux on 8th May 2008, which may be found here: http://www.gnso.icann.org/resolutions/.

At-Large had a telephonic briefing on Fast Flux Hosting 05/06/2008. You may retrieve the PowerPoint here: (EN) and listen to the recording of the session in RealAudio here: (EN)

GNSO Improvements:

In 2006, the London School of Economics (LSE) was invited to conduct an independent review of the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) to consider whether, in general, the GNSO has a continuing purpose in the ICANN structure and, if so, whether any change in structure was desirable. The report was then considered by ICANNs Board Governance Committee (BGC), which published in March 2007 is report on GNSO improvements. The ICANN board then resolved to open a public comment forum (see resolution 2008.02.15.03) for 30 days on the GNSO Improvements Report and asked staff to draft a detailed implementation plan in consultation with the GNSO. On May 5th the ALAC transmitte its Statement on the GNSO Improvements Report to the Board.

The latest development in the GNSO Improvements process is the Draft Top Level Plan, a document prepared by the GNSO Improvements Planning team, which outlines the work required for the transition of the GNSO to the type of organization recommended by the ICANN Board Governance Committee. The full Board of ICANN is due to debate, and potentially approve, a final set of measures related to GNSO Improvements at the Paris ICANN Meeting. Please find the links to the relevant documents below.

Find the full details on the GNSO review process, including the original LSE study from 2006 and the Draft Top-Level Plan from May 22nd 2008, under: http://www.icann.org/topics/gnso-improvements/

Click here to download the Summary of the Report of the Board Governance Committee GNSO Review Working Group on GNSO Improvements (EN), published on February 3rd 2008

At-Large Documents on GNSO Improvements:

Joint Proposal from the User Community for GNSO Council structural change - EN(pdf)

ALAC Statement on GNSO Improvements Revision - EN

Draft Operating Plan and Budget for the Financial Year 08/09:

On May 17th, ICANN announced its Draft Operating Plan and Budget for the Financial Year 08/09 starting on July 1st. The Draft Operating Plan and Budget is inspired by the Strategic Plan approved by the Board in December 2007, which covers the period of the next three years. The ALAC published a Statement on an earlier version of the Draft Operating Plan and Budget and a Statement on Public Consultation Related to Development of a Travel Policy, which also touches on the Budget for FY 08/09. The Draft Operating Plan and Budget for FY 09/09 is up for adoption by the Board at the ICANN Paris meeting.

Announcement: ICANN Posts Draft FY09 Operating Plan and Budget EN FR ES

Read the full Draft FY09 Operating Plan and Budget (EN/FR/ES)

Consult The Strategic Plan (EN/FR/ES) adopted by the ICANN Board in December 2007

At-Large Documents in relation with the Draft Operating Plan and Budget for 08/09:

ALAC Statement on the Draft Operating Plan and Budget Framework For FY 08/09 - EN (pdf), published 05 May 2008

ALAC Statement on Public Consultation Related to Development of a Travel Policy - EN

At-Large had a telephonic briefing on 10/06/2008. You may review the PDF and listen to the recording of the session here: draft_operating_plan_and_budget (EN)

New gTLD Program

The new gTLD Program is an issue traditionally drawing a lot of interest from At-large. The staff implementation planning for a process for new gTLDs to be applied for is currently being prepared, based upon the policy framework adopted by the GNSO.

Read the full Report from the GNSO on Introduction of New Generic Top-Level Domains (EN), published on August 8th 2007. There is a more user-friendly short version of this report in (EN/FR/ES), which can be found on the Documents page of the At-Large new gTLD Working Group

The official page of the new gTLD program, maintained by ICANN.

Presentation on new gTLD program EN (pdf), Presentation to the GNSO by Kurt Prinz, Senior Vice President, Services and Karla Valente, new gTLD Program Officer, March 2008

Draft evaluation Process EN (pdf) Presented to the GNSO Council by Kurt Pritz, April 2008

Older draft documents from the GNSO on the new gTLD Program

Older presentations and correspondence documents from the GNSO on the new gTLD program

At-Large had a telephonic briefing on 11/06/2008. You may watch and listen to the recording of the session here: briefing_session_on_new_gtld_program (EN)

 New GTLDs Documents

ALAC Statement to the Board of ICANN on the GNSO new gTLD policy's objections provisions

Submitted to the Board of ICANN on 26 June 2008


GNSO Final Report on the Introduction of New Top Level Domains

Approved 6 September 2007 of the texts from 8 and 1 August 2007 respectively.

Part A (EN)
Part B (EN)

Summary of the GNSO Final Report

This shorter summary is much more user friendly for those who are not intimately familiar with the new GTLDs process in the GNSO.


ICANN Board Resolution on New TLDs Report (02 Nov 2007)

Finalised Statements


The above statement was resolved upon by the ALAC, in consultation with the ALS community present in Paris, in June 2008.

Design CMS | design forum | design graphics

Working Group Drafts

22 11 2007 draft new GTLDs Statement.doc

Previous ALAC/At-Large Statements Made

ALAC Statement on New GTLDs Objections (27 June 2008)
ALAC Comments to the GNSO's New gTLDs Committee (6 May 2003)
ALAC Response to the Proposed sTLD RFP and Suggested Principles for New TLD Processes (9 October 2003)

Statements from At-Large Community ALSes

Consumer Reports WebWatch (24th October 2007)

Internationalised Domain Names

Multilingual documents are generally identified by their two-digit language code - these codes are an ISO standard, and the list can be found at this page. There are a couple of strings not yet standardised and so when you see a 2-digit lowercase string in front of an uppercase string, that denotes a non-standard modifier. Two are commonly used: brPT (for Brazilian Portuguese) and siZH (Simplified Chinese). Where available, the language of the document is identified in that language

Draft IDN Guidelines v2.2

إرشادات تطبيق أسماء النطاقات الدولية إصدار
Directives de mise en oeuvre des noms de domains Internationalisés
Lineamientos para la implementacion de nombres de dominio internacionalizados
推行国际化域名的指导方针 版本号

IDN Glossary

أسماء نطاقات الدولية - مسرد
Nombres de Dominio Internacionalizados – Glosario
Glossaire des noms de domaine internationalisés
Nomes de Domínio Internacionalizados - Glossário
Интернационализированные доменные имена - Глоссарий
国际化域名 - 术语表

IDNC Working Group

This Working Group is composed of representatives of several ICANN statutory bodies (including two ALAC representatives) in order to facilitate the fast-track implementation of several IDN ccTLDs.

IDNC Working Group Charter

IDNC Draft Initial Report (v3, Feb 2008)

Documents Related to IDNs from Various Sources

CCNSO ISSUES PAPER Selection of IDN ccTLDs associated with the ISO 3166-1 two letter codes

Discussion Document on ccNSO-GAC IDN Working Group DRAFT (Version 2)

APTLD Position on Top Level Internationalised Domain Names (June 21, 2007)

SSAC Response to IDN Program Director regarding ICANN's proposal for IDN deployment at the root level of the DNS (23 July 2007)

gTLD Documents and Work Related to IDN TLDs

Introduction of New Top-Level Domains ICANN Staff Discussion Points


GNSO Final Report Introduction of New Generic Top-Level DomainsPart A: http://gnso.icann.org/drafts/pdp-dec05-fr-a-18jun07.pdf
Part B: http://gnso.icann.org/drafts/pdp-dec05-fr-b-18jun07.pdf
ALAC Statement on the Introduction of IDNs (November 2005)

Documents Related to the ccNSO PDP on IDNs

CCNSO Resolutions on the Policy Development Process for the Selection and Delegation of IDN ccTLDs (ccNSO Council 2nd October 2007)

CCNSO Council resolved to form a Council sub-committee to act as a steering group for the PDP, and to liaise with and assist the Issue Manager on behalf of the Council. The sub-committee will have 6 members being 1 Councillor from each geographic region and the Chair of the ccNSO Council. The Issue Manager will issue a call for volunteers shortly.
In parallel to its request for an Issue Report as a first step in launching a ccPDP on the introduction of IDN ccTLDs, the ccNSO Council will also explore the possibility of a short track/interim approach.