January 2011 ccNSO Liaison Report

January 2011 ccNSO Liaison Report

ccNSO Activity Summary January 2011

Working Groups
All Mp3 recordings of the various Working Group Telephone Conferences during January 2011 are available at: http://ccnso.icann.org/calendar
Delegation and Redelegation Working Group Fourth Progress Report:http://www.ccnso.icann.org/announcements/announcement-24jan11-en.htm

Notes Programme Working Group Telephone Conference 18 January 2011: http://www.ccnso.icann.org/workinggroups/notes-mpwg-18jan11-en.pdf

Transcript Joint ccNSO/GNSO IDN Working Group Telephone Conference 18 January 2011: http://www.ccnso.icann.org/meetings/transcript-jig-18jan11-en.pdf

Transcript Joint ccNSO/GNSO IDN Working Group Telephone Conference 4 January 2011: http://gnso.icann.org/meetings/transcript-jig-04jan11-en.pdf

ccNSO Council
Recording of Council Telephone Conference 25 January 2011: http://audio.icann.org/ccnso/ccnso-council-20110125-en.mp3
Call for Volunteers

(OPEN until 14 February 2011) Call for Volunteers to Country & Territory Names Study Group: http://www.ccnso.icann.org/announcements/announcement-31jan11-en.htm
(CLOSED) Call for Volunteers to Joint DNS Security and Stability Analysis (DSSA) Working Group: http://www.ccnso.icann.org/call-for-volunteers/call-for-volunteers-dssa-wg-20dec10-en.htm
Various Announcements

Status Report on DNS in Egypt: http://blog.icann.org/2011/01/status-report-on-the-dns-in-egypt/
Augment proposed to technical tests performed when processing changes to the DNS root zone for top-level domain operators: http://www.root-dnssec.org/2011/01/27/rrsig-checking/
Passed ICANN Board resolutions 25 January 2011: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/resolutions-25jan11-en.htm
The ICANN Board to meet with the GAC on new gTLDs: http://icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-21jan11-en.htm
.AZ Joins as ccNSO Member 109: http://www.ccnso.icann.org/announcements/announcement-18jan11-en.htm

ICANN’s Fellowship programme opens for applications for the Amman meeting: http://www.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-14jan11-en.htm
January Update from ICANN’s Policy Department:http://www.icann.org/en/topics/policy/update-jan11-en.htm
Open ccNSO Related Public Comment Periods
(OPEN until 14 February 2011) Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT) final recommendations: http://icann.org/en/public-comment/#atrt-final
*******<end copy>

25 January 2011 ALAC Liaison to the ccNSO, Report to ALAC Meeting:

Link to ccNSO web site http://ccnso.icann.org/  

Recent outputs  from ccNSO Council and WG Meetings http://ccnso.icann.org/operations

January 2011 ccNSO Council Call meeting notes have been posted and can now be found here:


A copy of the ccNSO 's activities during the ICANN Cartagena Meeting December 2010 (provided by ccNSO Liaison to the ALAC Ron Sherwood 12-12-10) inserted here [ccNSO_Meeting_report_Cartagena.pdf|download/attachments/2262570/ccNSO_Meeting_report_Cartagena.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1295837444000|||] is also linked to the above page

On January 18th ccNSO welcomed Azerbaijan .az as a Member.

The ccNSO Council is also currently involved in their transition to a new Chair with a candidat statement having been provided to the Council from Lesley Cowley who has been proposed for the position.

During January the ccNSO posted the following list of Open Comment Periods that are either ccNSO Working Group specific or of ccNSO related interest:-

 ccNSO Working Group Reports are currently open for public comments: 
(OPEN until 28 January 2011) Delegation and Redelegation Working Group Report on Redelegations Without Consent:http://www.ccnso.icann.org/announcements/announcement-21dec10-en.htm 
(please, note that there was a problem earlier with the comment email address - this has now been fixed)

(OPEN until 21 January 2011) IDN PDP WG 2 Final Interim Report on Issues and Possible Solutions Inclusion of IDN ccTLD’s in the ccNSO:

(OPEN until 14 January 2011) Delegation and Redelegation Working Group Delegation Report: http://www.ccnso.icann.org/announcements/announcement-2-30nov10-en.htm  

(OPEN until 14 January 2011) Delegation and Redelegation Working Group Redelegation Report on Redelegations With Consent:http://www.ccnso.icann.org/announcements/announcement-3-30nov10-en.htm 
(OPEN until 14 January 2011) Delegation and Redelegation Working Group Retirement Report: http://www.ccnso.icann.org/announcements/announcement-30nov10-en.htm 
(OPEN until 14 January 2011) IDN PDP Working Group 1 Progress Report: http://ccnso.icann.org/announcements/announcement-29nov10-en.htm 

Other ccTLD related Comment Periods which currently are open:

(OPEN until 14 February 2011) ATRT Final Recommendations: http://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/public-comment-201102-en.htm#atrt-final

(OPEN until 31 January 2011) Review of IDN ccTLD Fast-Track Process:

(OPEN until 30 January 2011) Geographic Regions Review Working Group Interim Report: http://icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-12nov10-en.htm
(OPEN until 15 January 2011) Final New gTLD Applicant Guidebook:

(OPEN until 15 January 2011) Draft Final Report of the ccNSO Review Working Group http://www.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-2-15nov10-en.htm 
(OPEN until 10 January 2011) ICANN Draft 2011-2014 Strategic Plan:

(ONGOING) Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT) Public Forum on ATRT Review: http://icann.org/en/public-comment/#atrt-community-feedback&nbsp;

The ccNSO has recently posted their comments on the review of the IDN ccTLD Fast Track Process, and 2011-01 ccNSO comments on ccNSO review draft final report. The IDN WG 2 in its report made recommendations for the inclusion of IDN ccTLDs in the ccNSO within the framework of the IDN ccPDP. See http://www.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-22nov10-en.htm

The ccNSO Council has also been approached to see what possible assistance ccTLD operators might be able to provide to assist with the UNESCO, ISOC and OECD is doing joint study on the economic aspects of local content creation and local Internet infrastructure to analyse whether the encouragement of local content creation and development of local Internet infrastructure have impact on the price of access to Internet by local users.

For this exercise we need some data which could be provided by ccTLD registries. Type of date for the period of past 10 years we are looking at is:

·         Number of registered domain names at the end of the year

·         Price of registration of domain name

·         Price of local traffic

·         Price of local hosting

·         Number of ISPs in the country

The results of the study are planned to present during the next IGF.

Consideration is being given to the questions being asked by a small questionnaire which could be send out to ccTLD operators with Council encouragement, to complete, as part of the ccNSO Council Agenda in the January 25th 2011 meeting (full agenda for this meeting is at http://www.ccnso.icann.org/workinggroups/agenda-council-25jan11-en.pdf )