May 2011 ccNSO Liaison Report

May 2011 ccNSO Liaison Report

May 2011 ccNSO Activity report Summary of ccNSO Activities as distributed to ccNSO Members on 31st May 2011

Working Groups

All Mp3 recordings of the various Working Group Telephone Conferences during May 2011 are available at: http://ccnso.icann.org/calendar

Notes Strategic and Operational Planning Working Group Telephone Conference 25 May 2011: http://ccnso.icann.org/workinggroups/notes-sop-25may11-en.pdf

Notes Finance Working Group Telephone Conference 24 May 2011: http://ccnso.icann.org/workinggroups/notes-finance-24may11-en.pdf

Transcript Joint DNS Security and Stability Analysis Working Group Telephone Conference 24 May 2011: http://gnso.icann.org/meetings/transcript-dssa-24may11-en.pdf

Notes Strategic and Operational Planning Working Group Telephone Conference 18 May 2011: http://ccnso.icann.org/workinggroups/notes-sop-18may11-en.pdf

Transcript Joint ccNSO GNSO IDN Working Group Telephone Conference 17 May 2011: http://gnso.icann.org/meetings/transcript-jig-17may11-en.pdf

Notes IDN PDP WG 2 Telephone Conference12 May 2011: http://ccnso.icann.org/workinggroups/notes-idn-pdp-wg2-12may11-en.pdf

Transcript Study Group on Use of Names for Countries and Territories Telephone Conference 11 May 2011: http://ccnso.icann.org/workinggroups/transcript-unct-11may11-en.pdf

Notes Programme Working Group Telephone Conference 11 May 2011: http://ccnso.icann.org/workinggroups/notes-programme-wg-11may11-en.pdf

Transcript Joint ccNSO GNSO IDN Working Group Telephone Conference 3 May 2011: http://gnso.icann.org/meetings/transcript-jig-03may11-en.pdf

ccNSO Council

Draft Agenda Council Telephone Conference 7 June 2011: http://ccnso.icann.org/workinggroups/agenda-council-07jun11-en.pdf

Minutes ccNSO Council Telephone Conference 10 May 2011: http://ccnso.icann.org/node/24413

Recording Council Telephone Conference 10 May 2011: http://audio.icann.org/ccnso/ccnso-council-20110510-en.mp3

ccNSO Resources

Registry Resources sought to fill Policy & Legal Resources page: http://www.ccnso.icann.org/resources/policy-resources.htm

Open ccNSO Related Public Comment Periods

(OPEN until 26 June 2011): Updated Draft ICANN Travel Support Guidelines: http://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/public-comment-201106-en.htm#travel-support-2012

(OPEN until 17 June 2011): ICANN Fiscal Year 2012 Operating Plan and Budget: http://icann.org/en/public-comment/public-comment-201106-en.htm#op-budget-fy12

(OPEN until 7 June 2011): ICANN Security, Stability and Resiliency (SSR) Framework Fiscal Year 2012:http://www.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-2-02may11-en.htm


Council Telephone Conference Agenda 10 May 2011 1200 UTC
The recording from this Council call (10 May) is now available here:


Minutes of the ccNSO Council Telephone Conference - 10 May 2011


Victor Abboud, .ec
Becky Burr, NomCom appointee
Lesley Cowley, .uk (Chair)
Keith Davidson, .nz
Fernando Espana, .us
Byron Holland, .ca (vice Chair)
Hiro Hotta, .jp (vice Chair)
Han Chuan Lee, ccNSO Liaison to the GNSO
Juhani Juselius, .fi
Cheryl Langdon-Orr, At-Large Liaison to the ccNSO
Young Eum Lee, .kr
Roelof Meijer, .nl
Paulos Nyirenda, .mw
Souleymane Oumtanaga, .ci
Patricio Poblete, .cl
Ron Sherwood, ccNSO Liaison to the At-Large
Peter Van Roste, CENTR
Jian Zhang, APTLD

ICANN Staff:

Bart Boswinkel
Kristina Nordström
Gabriella Schittek


Dotty Sparks de Blanc, .vi

1 Confirmation of Approval of Minutes and Actions from 12 April 2011

Gabriella Schittek ran through the action items from the Council Call on 12 April 2011:

Action 62-01:
Bart Boswinkel to ask Jörg Schweiger to give a presentation about the
Incident Response Working Group recommendations at the Singapore meeting.
This action was completed.

Action 62-02:
The Chair to contact the GAC Chair, Heather Dryden, to discuss the GAC’s
involvement in the Framework of Interpretation Working Group.
This action was completed.

Action 62-03: Keith Davidson, Juhani Juselius and Patricio Poblete to liaise
with respective Regional Organisation to seek involvement from the ROs in
the Meetings programme Working Group.
This action is still in progress.

Action 62-04: Bart Boswinkel to contact the Finance Working Group Chair,
Byron Holland, in order to set up a Finance Working Group conference call.
This action was completed but a date was not yet selected.

Action 62-05: The Chair and Secretariat to discuss a paper on options for a
closed section on the ccNSO website.
This action was completed.

Action 62-06: The Chair and Keith to contact GAC Chair Heather Dryden in
order to discuss a reactivation of the GAC-ccNSO liaison Working Group.
Due to Heather Dryden’s vacation, this action is in progress.

Action 62-07:
The Chair to contact GNSO Chair Stephane Van Gelder to discuss a process for
approving joint working group reports.
This action was completed.

2 High-level de-Briefing on ccNSO Related Activities

The Chair de-briefed the Councillors about her trip to Washington where she met with Becky
Burr as the first in a series of meetings with all Councillors. She further met with the NTIA
to discuss the input on the IANA NOI and visited NEUSTAR where she spoke to Fernando
Espana and GNSO vice Chair Jeff Neuman to discuss cross-community work between
the ccNSO and the GNSO. It was decided that the chairs and vice chairs would arrange a
meeting to prepare for the joint Council meeting in Singapore.

Byron Holland reported that he had participated in the drafting of the ccNSO Work Plan and
Hiro Hotta reported on his involvement in the IDN PDP Working Group 2 and the Meetings
Programme Working Group.

Han Chuan Lee reported that the regional IGF meeting will be held in Singapore on the 16th-
17th June and encouraged Councillors travelling to the ICANN meeting to extend their trip to
participate in the IGF meeting.

Various other Councillors reported on their recent activity.

3 Letter from Rod Beckstrom to the ccNSO Chair on Continuity Plan/Crisis
Communications Strategy
The Chair informed the Councillors about the letter received from ICANN CEO Rod
Beckstrom to the ccNSO Chair regarding a continuity plan and crisis communications

The Council noted its receipt of the letter and the Chair suggested three possible reactions:

1. To take no further action beyond acknowledging the receipt of the letter and thanking
Rod Beckstrom.

2. To compose a response to Rod Beckstrom and highlight the ccNSO work so far on
continuity and crises planning.
3. To set up a best-practice group on business continuity.

The Councillors discussed whether or not satellite phones would be useful in a crisis and
further agreed that a response to Rod should be drafted presenting the disparate opinions.
The response would further inform Rod about the publication of the letter on the ccNSO
website. Becky Burr offered to draft the response.

Action 63-01:

The Secretariat to publish and announce Rod Beckstrom’s letter to the ccNSO Chair
regarding continuity plan and crisis communications strategy.

Action 63-02:

Becky Burr to, on behalf of the Council, draft a response to Rod Beckstrom’s letter on
continuity plan and crisis communications strategy.

4 Incident Repository Implementation Working Group

The Chair presented the amended list of volunteers for the Incident Repository
Implementation Working Group:

Luis Diego Espinoza, .cr
Wim Degezelle, CENTR (observer)
Hitoshi Saito, .jp
Mohamed Ibrahim, .so
Antoinette Johnson, .vi
Zoran Vlah, .hr

The Council agreed to approve the volunteers as presented.

5 Framework of Interpretation Working Group (FoI)
The Chair reported that the ALAC, GNSO and the GAC have confirmed their interest to
participate in the Framework of Interpretation Working Group.

Keith Davidson presented the updated list of Working Group volunteers to the Council:


Ugo Akiri, .ng
Martin Boyle, .uk
Becky Burr, NomCom (Vice Chair)
Keith Davidson, .nz (Chair)
Chris Disspain, .au
Stephen Deerhake, .as
Dejan Djukic, .rs
Daniel Kalchev, .bg
Dmitry Kohmanyuk, .ua
Desiree Miloshevic, .gi
Eberhard Lisse, .na
Lesley Cowley, .uk (ex-officio)

Paulos Nyirenda, .mw
Patricio Poblete, .cl
Nigel Roberts, .gg
Dotty Sparks de Blanc, .vi
Denzil West, .ms


Frank March
Bill Dee
Jayantha Fernando
Suzanne Sene

Other Liaisons:

Cheryl Langdon Orr, ALAC
to be advised, GNSO

Staff Support and Special Advisors:

Jaap Akkerhuis (ICANN / ISO)
Bart Boswinkel (ICANN)
Kim Davies (IANA)
Elise Gerich (IANA)
Kristina Nordström
Gabriella Schittek
Bernard Turcotte
Bill Semich, .nu

Bart Boswinkel added that the GAC Chair, Heather Dryden, and one of the vice Chairs would
also be subscribed to the FoI email list as a way for them to stay informed.

The Council agreed to approve the volunteers as presented and the Chair thanked the
volunteers for their willingness to contribute to this particularly demanding working group.

6 Joint ccNSO/GNSO IDN Working Group (JIG) Final Report

Bart Boswinkel reported that Patrick Fältström and Edmon Chung had a discussion
regarding recommendation 3 D in the JIG Final Report. Patrick had felt that the IDN TLD
testing of confusable similarity should not be limited to only single or two character ASCII
TLDs. The issue was resolved and included in the report.

The Council agreed to adopt the JIG Final Report.

7 Working Group Updates

7.1 IDN PDP Working Group 1

Bart Boswinkel reported that a sub-group to the IDN PDP Working Group 1 had been
initiated to address the confusability issue in ccTLD strings. The group would start its work
shortly with the aim to present its recommendations at the Singapore meeting.

7.2 IDN PDP Working Group 2

Hiro Hotta reported that the IDN PDP Working Group 2 is continuing its discussions on the
‘one vote per territory’ issue and will have one or two conference calls on this topic before
the Singapore meeting.

7.3 SOP Working Group

Roelof Meijer reported that the SOP Working Group submitted its recommendations to the
ICANN Operational Plan Framework on the 3rd of April.

Bart Boswinkel added that a conference call is scheduled with ICANN Controller Juan Ojeda
on 18th of May in order for Juan to present and explain the Draft Operational Plan to the SOP
Working Group, based on the Working Group input.

7.4 Finance Working Group

Byron Holland reported that there had not been any activity in the Finance Working Group
since the last Council call but that a conference call is planned shortly in order for the group
to prepare for the Singapore meeting.

7.5 Joint Security & Stability Working Group (DSSA)

Bart Boswinkel reported that two conference calls are scheduled for the DSSA Working
Group before Singapore and that the group is aiming to have a work plan ready for the face-
to-face meeting.

8 ccNSO Review Work Plan

The Chair suggested that the Council should go through the ccNSO Review Work Plan page
by page to consider the proposed priorities and actions.

The Chair asked for comments to recommendations 1,2 and 3.

Roelof Meijer suggested that the costs for translation of key documents could be covered
by ccTLD sponsorships and that it would be wise to use ICANN’s translators for consistency

Bart Boswinkel suggested that this topic should be revisited after the Dakar Meeting. This
was agreed.

The Chair asked for comments to recommendations 4, 5, 6,7 and 8. No comments were

The Chair asked for comments to recommendations 9, 10, 11, 12.

Roelof Meijer expressed that the consideration of a term limit for the ccNSO Council should

have low priority. The Chair noted that the issue should be revisited in the future.

The Council agreed to adopt the proposed priorities and actions.

Bart Boswinkel offered to inform the ICANN Board Structural Improvements Committee (SIC)
about the adoption of the Review Work Plan.

Action 63-03:

Bart Boswinkel to inform the ICANN Board Structural Improvements Committee (SIC) about
the adoption of the ccNSO Review Work Plan.

9 ccNSO Draft Work Plan

The Chair thanked Bart Boswinkel for his work on the Draft ccNSO Work Plan and informed
the Council that Bart would visit her during the week to discuss the topic further.

The Chair asked the Councillors for comments to the proposed adoption process:
Step 1: Initial discussion by the council 10 May
Step 2: Update based on discussion
Step 3: Finalise proposal Council call 7 June 2012
Step 4: Present Work Plan at ccNSO members meeting in Singapore
Step 5: Update Work Plan for adoption
Step 6: Adoption either at Singapore meeting or Council call 23 August

Hiro Hotta suggested that since the process is rather detailed it would be useful for the
ccNSO Working Group chairs to review the process in order to synchronise it with the
working group schedules.

The Chair asked for comments or objections to the Draft Work Plan. No comments were

10 ccNSO Website
10.1 Closed Section

The Chair asked for opinions to the suggested options for a closed section on the ccNSO

Option A: There should be a clearly marked, closed ccNSO website space, with
the possibility to contain areas such as address books, sensitive material etc.

Option B :The (Confluence) Wiki tool should be used for the purposes of a closed
section whilst the ccNSO website should remain completely open.

Option C: No areas on the ccNSO website or the Confluence Wiki Spaces should
be closed

Various Councillors voted for Option B and Option C. The Chair suggested a trial period for
Option B and this was agreed.

Bart Boswinkel offered to elaborate Option B for better comprehension, including preparation
for a Confluence training session.

Action 63-04:

Bart Boswinkel to elaborate Option B in the paper on a Closed section on the ccNSO
website, including preparation for a Confluence training session.

10.2 Biographies of councillors and pictures

The Chair thanked the Councillors who already provided pictures and biographies to the
Council page on the ccNSO website and asked those who did not yet submit the information
to do so as soon as possible.

11 Security, Stability and Resiliency (SSR)
The Chair reported that the draft ICANN Security, Stability and Resiliency (SSR) Plan was
published and that the ccNSO had agreed to submit a response.

Bart Boswinkel reported that a briefing call with Patrik Jones was held and that a draft
response is in progress and should be submitted before the close of the public comment
period on the 1st of June.

12 Draft Agenda Singapore Meeting

Gabriella Schittek reported that the Meetings Programme Working Group is finalising the
Singapore meeting agenda and that the IDN session was recently moved from Monday
evening to Tuesday evening.

The Chair encouraged the Councillors to forward any input on the Singapore agenda to the
Meetings Programme Working Group.

13 Liaison Updates
13.1 At-Large Liaison

The Chair thanked Ron Sherwood for the number of reports forwarded to the Council on
various ALAC topics.

13.2 GNSO Liaison

The Chair noted that a GNSO report was circulated by Han Chuan Lee earlier the same day.

Han Chuan highlighted that the GNSO Council is planning a workshop in Singapore on the
Cartagena Board Resolution on Consumer Choice, Competition and Innovation, and that
ccNSO members are invited to participate.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr underlined the importance of cross-community participation in the
workshop. The Chair confirmed that ccNSO members would be involved in the discussions.

14 AOB
Bart Boswinkel reported that he was approached by Naela Sarras regarding a revival of the
IDN Guidelines Working Group. He further noted that Hiro Hotta and Mohamed El-Bashir
was asked as previous members to continue their work and that they both had accepted.

The meeting then closed.