Zoom chat: 2022-04-11 FY22 Project: LAC Digital Discussion Call
17:55:44 From Harold Arcos to Everyone:
hola hola me escuchan??
17:56:16 From Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Hello everyone! Silvia will be joining momentarily . Welcome!
17:57:53 From Carlos Dionisio Aguirre to Everyone:
hola a todos !
18:00:46 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Hello all
18:00:50 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Hola a todos
18:06:39 From Harold Arcos to Everyone:
tenemos doble audio
18:07:06 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
its okay Rob
18:07:09 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
we are good now
18:10:09 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
documento /Document with Panels
18:10:12 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
18:10:16 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
18:10:20 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
en ES y EN
18:12:40 From Rob Hoggarth to Everyone:
I'm sorry. mY phone disconnected.
18:17:02 From Rob Hoggarth to Everyone:
Thank you Carlos. The key to promoting the event from our standpoint is planning team confirmation of the event topics.
18:17:20 From Rob Hoggarth to Everyone:
Upuntil now we have asked for volunteers but have not advised them of the specific topics.
18:18:40 From Rob Hoggarth to Everyone:
Anything you can all help with in us providing a "sales pitch" for “why" government attendees would gain value from the event would be very helpful. The networking alone should be a great sales pitch.
18:18:46 From Carlos Dionisio Aguirre to Everyone:
hi Rob. topics are in the today agenda . you can see there
18:19:22 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
18:19:36 From Rob Hoggarth to Everyone:
Remember, many of the potential attendees are brand new to ICANN and its issues and thus the likelihood of subject matter experts from governments is limited.
18:19:37 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
hemos perdido tu sonido
18:20:12 From Carlos Dionisio Aguirre to Everyone:
the idea is to have 2 points of view . the governmemt & the civil society position on this topics
18:21:01 From Rob Hoggarth to Everyone:
Thank you carlos. Frankly, as currently written, the topics are quite general and make it difficult to identify government SME's for all three topic. Rodrigo and I are identifying some specific "recruits" of longer GAC tenure who may me able to offer some helpful contributions to the topics
18:21:16 From Rob Hoggarth to Everyone:
Sorry for all my typing! :-).
18:21:41 From Rob Hoggarth to Everyone:
Apparently, I am better at typing than activating my microphone today! :-)
18:26:03 From Rob Hoggarth to Everyone:
Thank you Carlos. That is quite helpful.
18:31:57 From Rob Hoggarth to Everyone:
Candidly, I think that 6 to 9 government speakers from the GAC is a bit optimistic for this event - even over three days. Managing your expectations, if we could get 1 good government expert for each panel (for this inaugural event) it would be an accomplishment. I will let Rodrigo point out the challenge of having attendance at various past GAC events in the region. Frankly, that's why I intend broader GAC promotion - to encourage more potential attendance.
18:33:33 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
de acuerdo Carlos
18:33:48 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
es importante mantenerlo de manera mas simple por ahora
18:34:18 From Rodrigo De La Parra - ICANN Org to Everyone:
@Rob tiene razón. No se logra mucha participación de gobiernos de la región.
18:35:42 From Lilian Ivette to Everyone:
buena idea silvia
18:36:00 From Rob Hoggarth to Everyone:
@Rodrigo - hoping that events like this, over the long term, will grow these relationships and connections over time!
18:36:17 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Panel moderator: Laura Margolis
18:36:19 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
18:37:55 From Laura Margolis to Everyone:
De acuerdo con lo que dices Lilian
18:37:58 From Laura Margolis to Everyone:
18:40:08 From Laura Margolis to Everyone:
De acuerdo con invitar a LEon, a Lito
18:40:35 From Laura Margolis to Everyone:
18:40:53 From Carlos Dionisio Aguirre to Everyone:
maximo 6 panelistas dia.
18:40:58 From Carlos Dionisio Aguirre to Everyone:
de acuerdo
18:41:16 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
correcto Carlos maximo 6 por dias
18:42:13 From Carlos Dionisio Aguirre to Everyone:
20 UTC
18:42:34 From Laura Margolis to Everyone:
19 o 20 UTC están bien ambas opciones
18:42:46 From Laura Margolis to Everyone:
Que hora seria para el Caribe?
18:43:13 From Carlos Dionisio Aguirre to Everyone:
creo q cubre las expectativas de la region
18:43:17 From Laura Margolis to Everyone:
no podemos salirnos de los rangos de los horarios laborales
18:43:25 From Laura Margolis to Everyone:
por los panelistas mas que nada no?
18:43:29 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Tentative 19UTC
18:43:38 From Laura Margolis to Everyone:
De acuerdo Harold
18:45:30 From Laura Margolis to Everyone:
Silvia, podrías por favor poner el detalle de los paneles ?
18:46:01 From Laura Margolis to Everyone:
ESta Mark
18:46:09 From Laura Margolis to Everyone:
que es embajador
18:46:12 From Laura Margolis to Everyone:
18:46:13 From Laura Margolis to Everyone:
18:46:27 From Laura Margolis to Everyone:
18:46:37 From Laura Margolis to Everyone: