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International Governmental Organization Curative Rights Proposed Recommendations
The solicitation of comments regarding the group's proposed recommendation(s) on how International Governmental Organizations may access curative rights mechanisms, such as the Uniform Dispute Resolution Procedures or the Uniform Rapid Suspension.
Draft PTI and IANA FY23 Operating Plan and Budgets
The purpose of this Public Comment is to seek community input on the Draft FY23 Public Technical Identifiers (PTI) Operating Plan and Budget and the Draft IANA FY23 Operating Plan and Budget.
Proposal for Japanese ScriptRoot ZoneLabel Generation Rules (LGR)
The Japanese script community has formed the Japanese script Generation Panel (GP), which in turn has developed the Proposal for the Japanese Script Root Zone Label Generation Rules. As per the LGR Procedure, this proposal is being posted for public comments to allow those who have not participated in the Japanese script GP to make their views known to the GP. Based on the feedback, the Japanese script GP will finalize the proposal for submission for integration into the Label Generation Rules for the Root Zone.
Proposed Renewal of the .NAME Registry Agreement
ICANN org is seeking input on the proposed renewal of the .name Registry Agreement.
Proposal for Latin Script Root Zone Label Generation Rules (LGR)
The Latin script community has formed the Latin script Generation Panel (GP), which in turn has developed the Proposal for the Latin Script Root Zone Label Generation Rules. As per the LGR Procedure, this proposal is being posted for public comments to allow those who have not participated in the Latin script GP to make their views known to the GP. Based on the feedback, the Latin script GP will finalize the proposal for submission for integration into the Label Generation Rules for the Root Zone.
Proposal for Myanmar Script Root Zone Label Generation Rules (LGR)
The Myanmar script community has formed the Myanmar script Generation Panel (GP), which in turn has developed the Proposal for the Myanmar Script Root Zone Label Generation Rules. As per the LGR Procedure, this proposal is being posted for public comments to allow those who have not participated in the Myanmar script GP to make their views known to the GP. Based on the feedback, the Myanmar script GP will finalize the proposal for submission for integration into the Label Generation Rules for the Root Zone.
Domain Abuse Activity Reporting (DAAR) 2.0
Domain Abuse Activity Reporting (DAAR) 2.0 is seeking public comments.
International Governmental Organization Curative Rights Proposed Recommendations
The solicitation of comments regarding the group's proposed recommendation(s) on how International Governmental Organizations may access curative rights mechanisms, such as the Uniform Dispute Resolution Procedures or the Uniform Rapid Suspension.
Draft PTI and IANA FY23 Operating Plan and Budgets
The purpose of this Public Comment is to seek community input on the Draft FY23 Public Technical Identifiers (PTI) Operating Plan and Budget and the Draft IANA FY23 Operating Plan and Budget.
Proposal for Japanese ScriptRoot ZoneLabel Generation Rules (LGR)
The Japanese script community has formed the Japanese script Generation Panel (GP), which in turn has developed the Proposal for the Japanese Script Root Zone Label Generation Rules. As per the LGR Procedure, this proposal is being posted for public comments to allow those who have not participated in the Japanese script GP to make their views known to the GP. Based on the feedback, the Japanese script GP will finalize the proposal for submission for integration into the Label Generation Rules for the Root Zone.
Proposed Renewal of the .NAME Registry Agreement
ICANN org is seeking input on the proposed renewal of the .name Registry Agreement.
Proposal for Latin Script Root Zone Label Generation Rules (LGR)
The Latin script community has formed the Latin script Generation Panel (GP), which in turn has developed the Proposal for the Latin Script Root Zone Label Generation Rules. As per the LGR Procedure, this proposal is being posted for public comments to allow those who have not participated in the Latin script GP to make their views known to the GP. Based on the feedback, the Latin script GP will finalize the proposal for submission for integration into the Label Generation Rules for the Root Zone.
Proposal for Myanmar Script Root Zone Label Generation Rules (LGR)
The Myanmar script community has formed the Myanmar script Generation Panel (GP), which in turn has developed the Proposal for the Myanmar Script Root Zone Label Generation Rules. As per the LGR Procedure, this proposal is being posted for public comments to allow those who have not participated in the Myanmar script GP to make their views known to the GP. Based on the feedback, the Myanmar script GP will finalize the proposal for submission for integration into the Label Generation Rules for the Root Zone.
Domain Abuse Activity Reporting (DAAR) 2.0
Domain Abuse Activity Reporting (DAAR) 2.0 is seeking public comments.