LACRALO Meetings Action Items
LACRALO Meetings Action Items
20 December 2021 LACRALO Monthly Call
15 November 2021- LACRALO Monthly call
- Harold Arcos and claire.craig to publish on the LAC-Discuss mailing list the materials presented by alejandro.pisanty and the discussions, comments and opinions shared on the presentation " Reference Framework in the Internet" inviting LACRALO's members feedback on the proposed framework of reference as requested by the speaker.
- Harold Arcos to post the updates on GNSO presented by Carlton Samuelsat the monthly call, for discussion and LACRALO members comments. The goal is to assess whether LACRALO would like to issue a regional endorsement to Carlton's comment made at the gNSO meeting during ICANN 72.
- vanda and sylvia leite will share the material on "DNS Women ICANN 72" presented during the monthly LACRALO 15 Nov meeting and to further disseminate the call for applicants for Universal Acceptance Ambassadors emphasizing women participation. This is part of the work that is being carried out within the LACRALO UA Working Group
- Harold Arcos and claire.craig will publish the appointments and confirmations to all WG chairs and co-chairs.
24 May 2021- LACRALO monthly call
- Harold Arcos enviara un email invitación a todos los nominados para encuentro con los candidatos de elecciones 2021 el 3 de Junio a las 23 UTC.(Change of day scheduled for June 7 due to availability of David Plumb for meeting with leadership.)
- obed.sindy, carlos.gutierrezy sylvia leiteenviaran un reporte de ALAC a la lista de LACRALO.
19 April 2021- LACRALO monthly call
- Claudia Ruiz a incluir a @Alberto Soto en grupo Whois & GDPR
04 February 2021 - LACRALO Board Call
sylvia leite depurará la lista de miembros del Grupo de UA/IDNs
sylvia leite coordinará la fecha del curso de aceptación Universal con Silvia Vivanco
Marcelo Telez y sergio.salinasporto revisaran el borrador de Newsletter de LACRALO
- sergio.salinasporto , carlos.gutierrez y los ALAC members se reunirán para discutir temas de política de LACRALO.
- Yesim Saglam to schedule a call for the next "LACRALO 5 Year Strategic Plan 2021-2026 Discussion Call” for Tuesday FEB 9.
23 UTC x 1 hour. - 02 February 2021 - LACRALO 5 Year Strategic Plan 2021-2026 Discussion Call
Volunteer Members:
Sergio Salinas-Porto,
Harold Arcos,
Adrian Carballo,
Vanda Scartezini,
Alberto Soto,
Hannah Frank,
Alejandro Pisanty,
Marcelo Rodriguez,
Jose Francisco Arce,
Alfredo Lopez,
Carlos Raul Gutierrez
Sindy Obed
Sylvia Herlein Leite
Augusto Ho
25 January 2021 - LACRALO Monthly Call
- None recorded