WebEx Chat: 2018-04-24 LACRALO Governance Working Group Call
from Gisella Gruber to All Attendees:
from David Plumb to all participants:
Hola soy David ya estoy
from Harold Arcos to all participants:
Saludos @David,,,,Saludos a todas y todos los asistentes,,
from Alberto Soto to all participants:
Hola, lamento llegar tarde
from vanda scartezini to all participants:
hola finalmente me conecto
from vanda scartezini to all participants:
llegand a la casa ahora
from vanda scartezini to all participants:
hola maritza
from Silvia Vivanco to all participants:
Hola a todos
from Silvia Vivanco to all participants:
from vanda scartezini to all participants:
hola Sergio
from Silvia Vivanco to all participants:
Hello all
from Aida Noblia to all participants:
hola a todos
from David Plumb to all participants:
Dev and Jacqueline, are you dialed in and ready to go?
from Harold Arcos to all participants:
Saludos Vanda!
from vanda scartezini to all participants:
saludos a todos...
from Jacqueline Morris to all participants:
Not yet dialed in... Skype always gives me issues.
from Harold Arcos to all participants:
Hola @Aida, gusto saludarte
from vanda scartezini to all participants:
creo que es tiempo ya
from Humberto to all participants:
Hello everybody
from David Plumb to all participants:
Jacqueline and Dev, you can request a dial out from Claudia
from Jacqueline Morris to all participants:
On Skype?
from David Plumb to all participants:
to your cellphone
from vanda scartezini to all participants:
recordando que para hablar con todos tienen que tener marcado all participants y no all attendees
from Jacqueline Morris to all participants:
Don't wait on me - go ahead. I'll be there in a bit.
from sergio salinas porto to all participants:
Hola a todos!!!!
from Silvia Vivanco to all participants:
from Silvia Vivanco to all participants:
in that wiki you can see the PPTs of the Puerto Rico meeting
from Silvia Vivanco to all participants:
English : LACRALO mediation summary March 2018 final (003).pdf
Spanish: LACRALO resumen mediacion Marzo 2018_final.pdf
from Gisella Gruber to Jacqueline Morris (privately):
What is your number?
from Silvia Vivanco to all participants:
from Silvia Vivanco to all participants:
PDF referred to by David
from Humberto to all participants:
I agree with David
from Dev Anand Teelucksingh to all participants:
Hello All, the chat was disabled before. Been Listening on the Adigo bridge
from vanda scartezini to all participants:
me parece que the traducido muy bien
from amedinagomez to all participants:
buenas noches a todos
from Alberto Soto to all participants:
mano levantada
from Dev Anand Teelucksingh to all participants:
So, what is needed is a documented phrase or separate principle recognizing individual users in the operating principles ?
from Heidi Ullrich to all participants:
@All, the At-Large Implementation Overview and the Feasibility Assessment doc before that, rejected the recommendation of the Empowered Membership Model.
from Humberto to all participants:
I agree with Alberto
from Silvia Vivanco to all participants:
si te escuchamos David
from Heidi Ullrich to all participants:
It is very unlikely that the OEC or Board would approve the Empowered Membership Model
from Harold Arcos to all participants:
Sí David, se escucha bien
from Humberto to all participants:
Can I answer to Dev?
from Heidi Ullrich to all participants:
@Dev, the first At-Large Review/Improvements noted that all RALOs needed to accept individudals.
from Dev Anand Teelucksingh to all participants:
Can I reply ?
from Humberto to all participants:
from Humberto to all participants:
Can you copy your proposal here?
from Humberto to all participants:
Sergio puedes escribir tu propuesta aquí?
from sergio salinas porto to all participants:
estoy intentado buscarla
from Humberto to all participants:
Tu enviaste un enail
from Dev Anand Teelucksingh to all participants:
@Heidi - indeed I remember
from Alberto Soto to all participants:
LACRALO tiene dos tipos de miembros: Organizaciones (ALS) certificadas por ALAC y usuarios individuales. Los derechos y obligaciones de ambos, se fijarán en los Principios Operativos.
from Alberto Soto to all participants:
LACRALO has two types of members: Organizations (ALS) certified by ALAC and individual users. The rights and obligations of both will be established in the Operating Principles.
from Humberto to all participants:
Yo diría que en las reglas de procedimiento
from Humberto to all participants:
Más que principios operativos
from Alberto Soto to all participants:
Perdón!! Si en las REglas de Procedimientos!!
from sergio salinas porto to all participants:
es en las reglas de procedimiento
from vanda scartezini to all participants:
si la propuesta del grupo esta mejor
from Silvia Vivanco to all participants:
from amedinagomez to all participants:
Humberto... 7dias es mas que suficiente...ademas es un asunto analizado muy bien en el WG
from vanda scartezini to all participants:
de acuerdo Silvia apra que todos tengan aceso
from sergio salinas porto to all participants:
Enmienda de Reglas de Procedimientos
A partir de la necesidad de ALAC de incorporar a los usuarios individuales en nuestros Principios Operativos vigentes, El grupo de Trabajo de Gobernanza de LACRALO acerca esta propuesta de enmienda para ser tratada dentro nuestra región por las ALS que la constituyen y ser incorporada inmediatamente de su aprobación en nuestras leyes internas de LACRALO
La enmienda consta de 2 artículos a saber:
Art 1. LACRALO facilitará la participación de usuarios individuales, residentes en la región de América Latina y el Caribe, para involucrarlos en la discusión y generación de políticas, comprometiéndose a fomentar su participación en actividades dentro de ICANN.
Art 2. Las modalidades de participación de las ALSs y de los usuarios individuales serán definidas en un item específico en las Reglas de Procedimiento.
from Silvia Vivanco to all participants:
los 2 documentos/both documents "Operating Principles" are now posted on the Governance WG wiki
from Silvia Vivanco to all participants:
translated by the official translation services
from vanda scartezini to all participants:
de acuerdo - es una asamblea virtual
from amedinagomez to all participants:
de acuerdo con Carlton
from Carlton Samuels to all participants:
from Dev Anand Teelucksingh to All Panelists:
Agree with Silvia. We can create a subpage "Individual users in LACRALO" under the link Silvia provided in both languages on a separate wiki page and we can comment / agree / suggest modifications ?
from Alberto Soto to all participants:
Por favor. alguien puede ver quien tiene la mamano levantada?
from Carlton Samuels to all participants:
It took a looong time to get in. Im not hearing a thing
from Dev Anand Teelucksingh to All Panelists:
I have my hand raised
from Carlton Samuels to all participants:
Thanks Claudia. Much obliged
from Gisella Gruber to Carlton Samuels (privately):
You're welcome
from Alberto Soto to all participants:
Las propuestas de modificar lo que es asamblea, es para los nuevos principios operativos. Eso no está vigente
from David Plumb to all participants:
Carlton, your audio is coming through on the Spanish line. Could you mute that please
from Carlton Samuels to all participants:
Seems I'm dropped into the Spanish channle
from Gisella Gruber to Humberto (privately):
Hola Humberto, quieres que nuestra operadora te llame?
from Carlton Samuels to all participants:
Is there a way to switch me to the English channel?
from Gisella Gruber to Carlton Samuels (privately):
The operator will dial you again
from Carlton Samuels to all participants:
Now on the English channel thanks
from vanda scartezini to all participants:
de acuerdo David
from Harold Arcos to all participants:
Sí, de acuerdo. Muy importante incluir de la forma más inmediata posible el reconocimiento de la participación de los usuarios individuales no asociados en ALS.
from David Plumb to all participants:
Pleas go ahead Carlton
from Alberto Soto to all participants:
Yes Carlton
from Harold Arcos to all participants:
+1 Carlton
from Alberto Soto to all participants:
from vanda scartezini to all participants:
yes , I agree just to keep this as an indication of internal consensus
from Carlton Samuels to all participants:
@David: Thanks. That is the consensus agreement and I ask that it is so recorded.
from vanda scartezini to all participants:
ok tenemos consenso
from amedinagomez to all participants:
from Humberto to all participants:
from vanda scartezini to all participants:
a alac member pueden pero no a lso ejecutivos -
from vanda scartezini to all participants:
de acuerdo Humberto
from vanda scartezini to all participants:
sergio. vamos oir a los demas lo que piensan
from Humberto to all participants:
Yo estoy de acuerdo con Sergio
from Aida Noblia to all participants:
Lo que dice Humberto fue casi consenso en la reunión presencial en Puerto Rico, reunión presencial
from vanda scartezini to all participants:
alo minimo tenemos una vision
from Humberto to all participants:
Para el
from Harold Arcos to all participants:
De acuerdo con Salinas,,, Es un tema para discutirlo y argumentarlo después,,,
from Humberto to all participants:
No para ahora
from Gisella Gruber to All Attendees:
Please go ahead Jacqueline
from Heidi Ullrich to all participants:
Please note that among NomCom selected ALAC members throughout the ALAC, most are individuial members.
from Heidi Ullrich to all participants:
and the current Chair of the ALAC is an individual member.
from Carlton Samuels to all participants:
@Humberto: +1. Individuals may stand for ALAC el for election to the ALAC
from Carlton Samuels to all participants:
Hand up please
from Gisella Gruber to Jacqueline Morris (privately):
You are unmuted now, you may speak
from Alberto Soto to all participants:
+1 Humberto y Carlton
from Dev Anand Teelucksingh to All Panelists:
+1 support individuals to be able to stand for ALAC
from Harold Arcos to all participants:
Indeed @Heidi,,,Just that is one of my arguments
from vanda scartezini to all participants:
thanks you Crlton for your point of view.
from Harold Arcos to all participants:
Thanks @Silvia
from Carlton Samuels to all participants:
We agrree on individual users.
from vanda scartezini to all participants:
yes jackie this is the goal - have individuals inside LACRALO.
from Carlton Samuels to all participants:
We need a baseline on how we valorize them
from vanda scartezini to all participants:
well this is rules of procedure
from Carlton Samuels to all participants:
I think a framework for value is necessary too
from sergio salinas porto to all participants:
creo que es la mejor opcion que ha salido en la reunion
from sergio salinas porto to all participants:
en conjunto con el tema de las subregiones
from vanda scartezini to all participants:
si hubo entusiasmo - creo que lo mejor que saliu de la reuniaon fue la rotacion que abre posibilidad de mas amplia participacion a todas las regiones
from vanda scartezini to all participants:
de acuerdo jackie definir un tiempo previo- no largo - de experiencia en als cosa de ICANN y LACRALO
from Alberto Soto to all participants:
+1 Jaqueline
from Dev Anand Teelucksingh to All Panelists:
The Chair elect and Secretary Elect needs to be involved in the decisions and work of the chair and secretariat so they can learn. They can't be distant , passive observers, otherwise the benefit of the chair elect and secretary elect will be lost.
from Alberto Soto to all participants:
It is an opinion, and we work with consensus
from vanda scartezini to all participants:
quizá un año de experiencia podria ser
from Alberto Soto to all participants:
Es una opinión, y trabajamos con consenso
from vanda scartezini to all participants:
Yo tambien puedo Sergio, hablar con ello, proque vivi esto con NOMCOM y me aprece una buena
from Dev Anand Teelucksingh to All Panelists:
The term could be 1 year and that would reassure Richardo's worry that the 2 year term is too long (which I disagree with)
from Dev Anand Teelucksingh to All Panelists:
Yes, so there would be elections for chair elect and secretary elect every year
from vanda scartezini to all participants:
from vanda scartezini to all participants:
y tmabien vamos hablar con Ricardo o otros ---
from Dev Anand Teelucksingh to All Panelists:
Please have an AI to have this concepts on chair elect / secretary elect and how the election will work on a wiki page
from Alberto Soto to all participants:
Esto nos produce gran demora
from vanda scartezini to all participants:
si para el presidente electo/ secretario electo
from Alberto Soto to all participants:
this worries us a lot of delay
from Harold Arcos to all participants:
+1 Silvia Martes 23UTC
from Carlton Samuels to all participants:
Set the call for Tuesdays at 2300 UTC
from Dev Anand Teelucksingh to All Panelists:
It is possible to have calls between 1700 UTC -1900 UTC ?
from vanda scartezini to all participants:
Miercoles es con menso calls
from Harold Arcos to all participants:
El penúltimo martes de cada mes también tenemos reunión LACRALO
from vanda scartezini to all participants:
miercoles tenemos ALAC meetings en rotacion va a coincidir
from Alberto Soto to all participants:
No, la reunión de LACRALO son los lunes
from vanda scartezini to all participants:
from Harold Arcos to all participants:
Vale,,,gracias por aclaratoria,
from vanda scartezini to all participants:
pero avanzamos - gracias pro la aprticipacion de todos... abrazos
from Harold Arcos to all participants:
sík gracias,,Ví mal mi calendar,,
from Carlton Samuels to all participants:
Thank you all. Thank you David.
from Harold Arcos to all participants:
Buena reunión! Mantengamos la participación,,,
from Alberto Soto to all participants:
Muchas gracias!! Thanks!! Bye Bye!!!
from Carlton Samuels to all participants:
Bye all.
from Aida Noblia to all participants:
Buenas Noches a todos
from Harold Arcos to all participants:
Buenas noches,,,gracias Staff e Intérpretes
from Gisella Gruber to All Attendees:
Gracias a todos
from Dev Anand Teelucksingh to All Panelists:
Take care all