


This is the LACRALO SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) table prepared by the LACRALO Strategic Planning WG - draft by Dev Anand Teelucksingh and Alejandro Pisanty



  • ALS in 17 countries in LAC region
  • Level of expertise; middle
  • Parliamentary experience of part of the members








  • Subregional divisions
  • Language barrier to participate in ALAC / At-Large WGs which work in English
  • Language barrier makes it difficult for ALSes in LA (predominately Spanish) and Caribbean (predominately English) to understand each other and thus colloborate
  • Politics - groups in LACRALO compete for LACRALO Representatives. Groups can mobilise ALSes to vote in elections but not in ICANN policy development
  • Different perspectives in how LACRALO should be administered ("sovereign")
  • Individuals can only participate as observers (AP: I don't see this as a weakness)
  • Lack of expertise (in knowledge of ICANN, substantive Internet issues, security, Internet Governance, IP addressing and underlying technology)
  • Lack of parliamentary experience of part of the members
  • A history of unresolved internal conflict, embodied particularly in the still unresolved General Assembly which was closed but left issues without making progress in them
  • Complexity of rules
  • Lack of deep knowledge of the applicable rulesets (Bylaws and others)
  • Limited linkage of members (as individuals and organizations) to substantive ICANN issues
  • Leadership failures
  • Insufficient/deficient management of conflict of interest and transparency
  • Insistent formation of sub-regional "caucuses" despite protestations to the contrary
  • Older members, more experienced and trained, do not cooperate




  • Need for At-Large representation in all 33 Countries in LAC region
  • End users from a diverse range of countries with respect to history, language, culture, population size could bring unique perspectives into ICANN activities
  • ICANN program towards geographical diversification (e.g. regional strategic plan, see below)
  • Fadi Chehade's discourse towards more, and more effective, participation
  • ALAC's increased standing under Olivier Crepin-Leblond's leadership
  • Regional strategic plan for LAC region making progress (will soon become a threat if LACRALO doesn't adjust on time)
  • Increasing interest in Internet Governance at government level (this is also a threat)






  • Dissolution of LACRALO or at least severe questioning by third parties
  • ALSes/individuals frustrated by the politics become disenfranchised with LACRALO and stop participating in LACRALO
  • Perception by third parties of LACRALO as an improductive, problematic, and/or benefit-seeking organizations
  • Need of ICANN to make budgets lean and require justification for spending which LACRALO may not be able to provide sufficiently
  • Growth of visibility, influence and impact of NCSG, NPOC, and other groupings which compete for legitimacy, representation, attention space, participation in decision-making, budget, and seats in the governing bodies
  • Questioning of the legitimacy and effectiveness of LACRALO and its members
  • Lack of interest for the region in active ICANN processes (new gTLDs, IDNs, DNSSEC, Stability, Security and Resilience of the DNS, SSAC)
  • Resistance against "US-based Internet Governance"
  • Increasing interest in Internet Governance at government and intergovernmental level (this is also an opportunity)