SOI - Carlos Vera

SOI - Carlos Vera

SECTION A. Identifying and Contact Information

(A.1) Your name:

First name: Carlos

Family name: VERA

(A.2) Position(s) for which you would like to be considered: Noncom

(A.3) Male/Female?

(A.4) Your e-mail address:

(A.5) Your telephone number(s):
593-88141143 prefered

(A.6) Your country of citizenship:

(A.7) Your country of residence:

(A.8) If you have more than one country of citizenship, please list the country of citizenship or Domicile that you want the Nom Com to use for Diversity Calculation purposes:

(A.9) How did you hear about the ICANN Nominating Committee?

SECTION B. Education and Professional Background

(B.1) Provide details of your current job, title, employer or affiliation:

  • International Business Consulting
    • Working on several areas on electronic commerce, economic and studies for international organizations like SELA www.sela.org about digitization of business and international trade between countries and other electronic and internet related issues about trade facilitation.
  • President of the Ecuadorian Engineering Association for Electric and Electronic Engineers from 2006 until date
  • President of the ICT sector for small and medium enterprises in Ecuador from 2007 until 2010 and from 2010 to date member of the Board

(B.2) Describe your educational background and past professional positions:

  • Electronic Engineer Escuela Politecnica del Ejercito Quito-Ecuador
  • Magister Artium International Relations Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador
  • E Learning Specialist Inwent and University of Germany, Berlin.
  • Several specialized courses like in cyberlaws on line in the Berkman Center in Harvard
  • on International Negotiations in GeorgeTown University in USA to represent the intertational team of Ecuador in the Free Trade Area Agreement with 28 countries in America,
  • Strategic management in the Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales in Ecuador, 
  • several technical and public policies courses and participation at international level through ISOC, Icann, APRICOT, LACNIC, CORPECE, etc in America, Asia and Europe.
  • Course about Intellectual property at WIPO

I work 15 years as General Manager on a software company vera quintana :  www.veraquintana.net

Also I was President of the Board and for a short period Executive president of ANDINATEL S.A the Biggest Ecuadorian telecommunication company with more than 4000 direct employees and a budget of more than 450 million USD every
year. ANDINATEL produces more than 100 million USD every year in revenue.1995

I'm member of the board of several national councils in Ecuador like CONEA www.conea.net the Evaluation and Accreditation Council for Higher Education 2007-2011 and was member of the board for the Council of Citizen
Participation and Social Control of Ecuador (State five power) 2009 

Director of National Connectivity Agenda of Ecuador 2003-2004

Member of the Council of Citizen Participation and Social Control of Ecuador www.participacionycontrolsocial.gob.ec in charge of designate all main authorities of Ecuador such as general attorney, state controller, national
council of justice (in charge of to designate judges at all national level), elections committee, constitutional court, people attorney, public attorney, and more. All this designation are made through a public process including
merits and examination of candidates. This members of the council of Citizen Participation has a Minister range in the public sector of Ecuador. We already conduct the process to designate more than 12 individual authorities
and boards in all state functions (Executive, Legislation, Judges, Elections and more)

(B.3) Describe any current and past volunteer positions, roles and accomplishments:

Vocal, Secretary and President of the board for the Ecuadorian Association
of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (Non For Profit) 1992-1994 1994-1996
and 2006-2010

Vice President of the board of the national Society of Engineers in Ecuador
(Non for profit) 1995-1997

President of the Board of the ICT and Telecommunications Committee of the
Panamerican Union of Engineering Association with members in 28 countries in
Whole America (Non for profit) 1994-2004

Vice Chairman of the Communication and Information Committee at the World
Federation of Engineering Associations. (Non for profit) 2004-2009

Founder and Director of ISOC Ecuador www.isoc.org.ec

Founder and Director of Ecuadorian Corp. of Electronic Commerce CORPECE

(B.4) If you have a personal web page, you may wish to provide a link to it here:

SECTION C. Internet Involvement and Interest in ICANN

(C.1) Describe how you meet the criteria for each of the ICANN leadership positions you are applying for:

I´m an electronic engineer with a very strong background on international business, international and public policies and specific Internet related policies, experienced on international trade negotiation and with a very strong formation and experience on strategic management on profit and non for profit organizations for more than 25 years.

As electronic engineer I have been participated in several courses as described before including those of very specific technical background at APRICOT (Asia Pacific Regional Internet Conference on Operational

I´m also a member of several academic networks like GIGANET for Internet Governance and an academic in FLACSO www.flacso.org the Latin American more important university on policies where I worked in the ICT public policies
Master course as teacher.

I´ve been involved on ICANN issues from 1998 participating in the Washington meeting of that year and later from then in several icann meetings.

In my country with some other Internet users create the ISOC Ecuadorian Chapter from 2000 www.isoc.org.ec and the Ecuadorian Corporation of Electronic Commerce, CORPECE www.corpece.org.ec

I´m have a complete understanding of the ICANN issues and challenges and also about domain names, IP address, and technical and non technical related issues.

I´ve been working for more than 20 years in several national and international boards and committees with great success and also have experience with economic and administrative issues as stated in my professional background.

In my professional experience I also work with good governance practices for the electrical and telecommunications industry and in several organizations I managed we have ISO 9001-2000 certification for example www.cieepi.ec <http://www.cieepi.org/> and andinatel S.A. so I understand very well how to work with standards, big and medium organizations, profit and non for profit and technical and non technical tasks.

(C.2) Describe current and past involvement in, contributions to, and leadership roles in activities and organizations involved in the development and operation of the Internet, its naming and addressing infrastructure and/or its security and stability:

As President of ANDINATEL I was also the president of ANDINANET the leader Internet company in Ecuador. We develop policies, practices and standards for the Internet business and technical operation.

With some colleagues I develop and get approved from the Ecuadorian Congress the Electronic Commerce and Electronic Transactions Law from 2002.

As National Director of the Ecuadorian Agenda of Connectivity work on several aspects of electronic communications, electronic government, security and stability of networks implementing regulations and standards to
be followed for all Internet and telecom companies working in Ecuador. Including are NAPs, telecom infrastructure, security and stability policies, telecentres, and more.

In my professional experience also I have worked with international companies like WISEKEY from Swiss and ANF from Spain both specialized on security and trust on the net.

As a teacher I teach in Ecuador and also at international level (Dominican Republic and Panama)on net security with several universities and consulting companies.

Through ISOC Ecuador, we develop several projects to the development of Internet and also work in several list related to Internet Engineering Task Force and domain names.

I was also the leader of the national electronic invoice project financed by the interamerican development bank in Ecuador.

(C.3) Provide a statement about what you would contribute in your desired leadership position(s) to ICANN and its mission:

Helping with my technical knowledge to the technical issues to be considered at Icann and also with my experience working at board level both national and international and in for profit and non for profit organizations, from
the tech, administrative and financial perspective to ensure the mission of Icann and the Internet governance, security and stability in a competitive and international environment.

I agree with the core values of Icann and believe in a dedicated and professional board to promote its leadership world wide.

(C.4) Is there any additional information you would like to submit that would be helpful to the Nom Com in making its decision? If so, please summarize it here:
From my perspective, Now is time for me to support from another position the work of Icann at a world level and I have the technical, professional and academic formation and experience to help, the international contacts
through dozens of national engineering associations world wide and the desire to serve the international community.

SECTION D. References

(D.1) Conflicts of interest with ICANN:

(D.2) All positions are voluntary and require a significant commitment of time and energy. Please read carefully the description of the time commitment required in the "Leadership Positions" document. Is your schedule
of activities compatible with a significant allocation of time to contribute to the positions that you are looking for? Please indicate Yes or No:

(D.3) Please provide the names of no less than 3 and no more than 4 people who can provide a reference for your candidacy:

Reference 1

Name: Francely Tamayo
Email: frtamayo@gmail.com
Telephone: 593-80979512
Relationship: ISOC Ecuador Colleague in Board

Reference 2

Rme: Freddy Rodriguez
Email: frodriguez@proasetel.com
Telephone: 593-96200908
Relationship: Former President of National Council of Telecommunications in Ecuador and former President of Connectivity Agenda

Reference 3

Name: Oscar Aguilar
Email: oaguilar.a@gmail.com
Telephone: 593-96035544
Relationship: former Director of ANDINANET S.A Internet Company