Summary Minutes 21 April 2011
EURALO Summary Minutes 21 April 2011
3. Open Public Consultations (10 minutes)
OCL: large number public consultations have been responded to. Pleased with response from At-Large and EURALO region
Handful of statements being finalized. Voting has finished and all adopted. Last one on PEDNR (Post Expiration Domain Names Recovery), WG lead by Alan Greenberg, our GNSO liaison. Comments welcome until 22 April.. One of the issues is time that domain can still be recovered by original domain name owner. Important to set minimum requirements. Please look at final response provided. One point not happy with was 8 days for expiry – we need to find a way to extend this and get this through to the board. Positive comments welcome as well!
OCL switching hats from Secretariat to ALAC Chair: hopes future statements will be drafted and written by Regional ALSes. Anyone can participate and will enhance the bottom up procedure.
Very knowledgeable people within ERUALO – OLC, please ask EURALO when assistance is needed.
4. EURALO ALS Applications (Wolf, Olivier, Staff) (5 mins)
- European Media Platform
- The Ukrainian Internet Association
WL: 2 New ALS applications. After DD by Veni will be sent for Regional Advice with short response time to have them approved asap. Would be good to have them approved on the ALAC call next week.
Oksana received question re her website – which is under construction – and also other questions.
WL: Oksana needs to discuss this with Veni. Afterwards, Region will ask for Regional Advise – does not see why there would be any objections.
No further questions
Proposed Agenda Items:
5. Update on Current Policy Issues (Olivier, Wolf)(10 minutes)
WL: Info from Olivier on point 3.
OCL – nothing to add.
6. Recent EURALO Regional Meetings (Wolf, Olivier )(5 mins)
- Council of Europe, Conference Internet Freedom, Strasbourg, France - 18 & 19 April 2011
WL: COE, Conference: Olivier, Wolf and Bill Drake participated. Well attended and very interesting hence postponing the call. Basic question was regulatory one: do we actually – besides the principles – do we need official treaty between states?
Not many arguments in favour of this treaty. Internet has been working without since it started. In general people are hesitant to argue in favour of any new treaty. Just a summary of discussions in Strasbourg.
Studienkreis ICANN meeting in Budapest: WL invited to represent EURALO at this meeting. Initiative from Wolfgang Kleinwechter 11 years ago doorganised by ALAC member, Sandra. Good opportunity to network, make contacts and outreach.
WL hopes to meet new people from Eastern Europe to make further outreach on behalf of EURALO.
Studienkreis will be used as last step before EuroDIG in Belgrade which is in line with our GA.
7. Preparations for the EURALO General Assembly (Wolf, Olivier)(10 minutes)
WL: Has written to Vlada on logistical issues including question by AM from last call re Hotel grouping. WL will update us via the list as soon as further information received.
Another importat point is to send out invitations 4 weeks before the Assembly itself. Will be sent early next week on EURALO list to confirm date and venue. WL not sure if can submit Board Report next week as is seeking input from other Board Members actively in EURALO – pressant issue is to prepare voting tool for Bylaw modifications. WL will write draft to use for the voting tool. Once sent out, WL will be responsible to mobilise as many members as possible as 2/3 majority required. Will be a formality as issues have been discussed over past few months – this will be a finalizing step.
If any suggestions for the Agenda of the GA, please forward to WL asap as draft agenda will be sent out with the invitation early next week.
Oksana: Did not see remote participation for the COE – interested in proceedings of this conference.
Yrjo: Will be in Budapest – will be moderating final session on the Future of Internet. Hopes to help with the outreach!
WL: Sandra can’t be in Budapest. At least Yrjo and Wolf will be there as EURALO Representatives well as Bill Drake again.
Most of preparations for the GA will be done via the list over the next 2 or 3 weeks.: Bylaw voting and material for the GA. Please update WL on those attending Budapest AND Belgrade - Also to verify whether there will be quorum like in Vilnius.
Siranush: Will be in Belgrade for EuroDIG – will provide any support needed. Has registered.
WL: Please arrive in time for the GA on the Sunday.
8. Recent and Upcoming Activities of ALAC and EURALO Members (Sandra, Wolf, Olivier, Jean-Jacques) (5 mins)
- ICANN Studienkreis, Budapest, Hungary - 28 & 29 April 2011*
- Russian Internet Governance Forum (IGF), Moscow, Russia - 12 May 2011
WL: Another upcoming activity – will be next ICANN meeting in Singapore in June. JJS will NOT be there. Consultation in process to find replacement for his travel support. For Leadership participation, need voting at the GA so can only be decided in Belgrade who will be the new Chair and Secretariat for EURALO.
WL: There was a German IGF 2 weeks ago – Annette not on the call – very constructive and successful meeting again. Lots of people in Germany from Civil society, business sector and governmental stakeholders getting involved in the IGF.
OCL: Comment on Russian IGF: has been invited. Also Oksana will be there. OCL will do outreach to see if EURALO can expand to Russia. Has been invited by .ru. High importance for users in Russia to be able to have their voice.
CW: 16 and 17 June – European Omission organizing Digital Assembly in Brussels. 2 day conference about Digital Agenda Policies.
WL: One of the important events of the near future. If any information needed on this, just let us know. First Assembly after Digital Agenda was launched (info from Swiss Government).
CW: First such major event – NOT to be confused with Future Internet Conferences. 1000 people expected!
Rudi: Will be in Belgrade. Also Belgian IGF beginning of June – finally stages of setting up.
Oksana: Ukranian IGF on 2-3 September. All invited. Training centre is trying to be organized prior to the IGF. Ukranian not part of European Union.
WL: Asian IGF will be held few days before ICANN meeting – info from Hong.
9. Any other Business (5 mins)
Lots of useful information exchanged. Call adjourned and pleased to have done this in less than 1h!
Happy Easter to all