At-Large Regional Secretariats 10.02.11 Action Items
AI: The issue 2a and b will be discussed on the Secretariats list
AI: Staff will ask Christina to give a presentation on the translation policy in SFO.
AI: Staff will prepare a wiki jargon buster on the ALAC wiki pages
AI: Staff will get in touch with global partnerships and ask them to add the meetings they attend to the external events calendar.
AI: Staff will prepare a document for each RALO with links to the organising documents. The document will be included in the welcome email for new ALS representatives.
AI: Staff will prepare a document for each RALO with a few lines on the monthly teleconferences: when they take place, links to past meetings and other relevant information. The document will be included in the welcome email for new ALS representatives.
AI: The Starter Kit document will be further discussed on the mailing list and put on the agenda for the SFO Secretariat meeting.