AFRALO Summary Minutes EN 2012-12-05
1. Roll call 2’- Staff
2. Open Policy issues - (Fatimata, Staff) 5’
The ALAC is working on several policy Statements (see: the At-Large Policy Development wiki page). Recently approved ALAC Statements, Documents or Groups: ICANN Consolidated Meetings Strategy Proposal – Approved on 23 November 2012 IDN Variant TLD Program – Procedure to Develop and Maintain the Label Generation Rules for the Root Zone in Respect of IDNA Labels – Approved on 26 November Statements currently being developed, reviewed or voted on by the ALAC Expired Registration Recovery Policy – Vote started on 30 November 2012, Vote to close 6 December 2012 IDN Variant TLD Program – Interim Report Examining the User Experience Implications of Active Variant TLDs – ALAC Commenting, vote to start 7 December 2012 Consultation on Internet Number Resources Performance Standards – ALAC discussing if a Statement should be drafted Consultation on the IANA Customer Service Complaint Resolution Process – ALAC discussing if a Statement should be drafted Trademark Clearinghouse "Strawman Solution" – ALAC discussing if a Statement should be drafted
3. Welcome to and interaction with the ICANN Vice President for Africa Pierre Dandjinou
Fatimata welcomed Pierre as VP for Africa. We wanted to have a vision for Africa and we have it and we want to thank Fadi for his commitment. We have a mision that has many challenges and we have to commit.
PD: It was a pleasure to become aware of the success of At Large. It is very interesting to work with you today and to see the work you do. I would like to inform you that the vision is related to what the new CEO wanted to express. We are going to work in the strategy for AFRICA, if we want ICANN to play some role. The strategic role to achieve the role that we have. I want to tell you what we want to do in the FY 13. We will produce a budget and we need a budget. We can see the projects and we would like to know what you think about the projects. We want to have stronger commitments with the main players of Internet in Africa, including AFRALO. It also means that we have to create a partnership with those players to facilitate the creation of workshops. This is different from the fellowships. We are also going to commit with policies, we are going to have a high level representation. I was able to organizer some meetings with African ministers from the African delegations in Dubai. There is the problem of capacity building at all levels . As an ambassador of ICANN in Africa, there will be a a person representing ICANN in each region. We need more Ambassadors. I would like to listen to your proposal on this issue. The problem of promotion of the domain names, Africa is absent almost, we have few request. 50% of our activity is going to be adressed to promote this industry,. We will ask people, interest, people from ICANN. The Registrars, and the idea is to organize a meeting in Africa to see what we need to implement in our continent to increase the participation of Africa in this industry. DNS Security: People did not take into account this. We will work with those that have success in the implemention of the DNSC . We want to work more with French and some languages in Africa. I want to tell you that we want to recruit "Area managers". From June on we are going to recruit someone for this function. We will need a communication officer. We have created some partnerships and people interested in those projects. Thank you
Aziz: I would like to know if the capacity building can be linked to the Ambassador program? Could you give us some insights on the possibility of implementing the project
Pierre: The program has not been implemented yet. We are exploring whether to use people already in the Program or outside of it. I would like to get more information on the virtual capacity program. I would like to get more details on what has been already carried out. Send me the information.
Fatimata: Your intervention is timely because we started working in Toronto, planning the activity. At the same time we have a WIKI page, where we have established priorities. Tijani mentioned the volume of the work already done. We have to train people and we need leaders in the region. There have been proposals to facilitate this sort of training. The market is not big and it is expensive to participate. We need to find the means for people to participate. Regarding the Ambassador, we should organize events in which any African country can participate. One of the missions that the Ambassadors would have is to come to the events. For example DNSC and IPV6. We need to explain to the audience the importance of DNSC. Our Ambassador's role would be to make people understanding what is going on. Pierre: For the time being the Program has to be communicated with others. Heidi: At Large has 2 WG one of them on capacity building, and we can inform you of the acitivities and we have also the Outreach Sub Committee. This WG will work with the Global Stakeholders Vice Presidents. Tijani: We are ready to help him. In working with him we are promoting the African community within ICANN. Recent and upcoming Activities of ALAC- Tijani
There has not been any statements, we are working on some. I would like to mention an important aspect : The Trademark clearinghouse. We are reconsidering some intems. ALAC will look at the work done in the ROP.
Recent and Upcoming members of AFRALO Members We have created a wiki to upload the activities.
5. Item for Information
ITU conference WCIT12 (Fatimata) 3’
Tijani - No real information Pierre- I can comment briefly because I received a report. At ICANN we created a group to work on the WCIT and our CEO made a statement at the opening ceremony which was well received and he mentioned a new season in which he called to collaborate to achieve union and so that we can change the current situation of ICANN. We need to work with the ITU to collaborate more. Fatimata: Please check what is happening there. Fadi was invited there, so he received an answer to the invitation he made to the ITU. These are good points and important.
Association Tchadienne pour la Promotion et de Développement de l'Internet au Tchad (ATPDIT) (Fatimata) 5’ SV sent a note for AFRALO Leadership to review the note.
At-Large new gTLD Review Group (Fatimata, Aziz) 5’ 2 comments were received. For 2 objections the issues were addressed and we asked to prepare a draft so that people can understand the issue and make some comments on the issue. We are rejecting the issue that names such as .water are commodities. The date has been postponed to the 12 of March. I have not seen other comments to the gtlds.
FY14 Budget Preparation (Tijani) 5’
Budget has been prepared and finance staff has prepared a framework which will be presented to public comment. The financial staff tought about the way to work. The budget preparation will take longer and we will work with Finance to provide comments. According to the new vision we have to have a 5 years strategic plan. We have to work rapidily on the next strategic plan. We have to work on the budget from now on.
6. Item for discussion
Virtual Capacity Building (Fatimata) 15’
Please go to the WIKI to express your priorities. Please do some proposals because we need to implement the platform. We need to move forward. Tijani: we would like to work with Pierre, he asked him to participate.
AI: AFRALO Leaders to send emails to the participants present in DAKAR in the capacity building training so that they can provide their point of view.
AFRALO leaders thanked Pierre for participating in the call.