Action Items 2016-10-27 Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC)

Action Items 2016-10-27 Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC)

Action Items:

  • julie.hammer to create two more EoI sample Forms for Detailed Evaluation trial 
  • Ariel Liang to work with Julie to develop the instruction wording for the Detailed Evaluation tool
  • julie.hammer to contact jordi.iparraguirre and ask his reasons for suggesting the Shortlisted Candidates be published and then share his response with BCEC 
  • vanda, fatimata.syelsylla, and yrjo.lansipuro to work with julie.hammer to develop a set of questions for the Referees
  • Ariel Liang to include the note that the Candidates' EoI Forms are retained in their original submission form and not 'tided up' in the email template requesting References from Referees 
  • julie.hammer to note the apology from fatimata.syelsylla for the BCEC meeting / ALAC briefing in ICANN57 Meeting


  •  BCEC has agreed to the following terminology:
    • List of All Candidates - those Candidates who have submitted a valid Expression of Interest by the deadline of 2359 UTC Friday 18 November 2016
    • Shortlisted Candidates - those Candidates who proceed from Initial Evaluation to Detailed Evaluation
    • Final Slate of Candidates - those Candidates who proceed to voting by the ALAC Members and the 5 RALO Leaders
  • BCEC has agreed to NOT publish the Shortlisted Candidates
  • BCEC has agreed to ask Referees a set of questions about the Candidates
  • BCEC has agreed to NOT tidy up the EoI Forms when they are forwarded to Referees, but simply extract them as a PDF
  • BCEC has agreed to NOT interview Candidates as part of the planned Detailed Evaluation process, but will not preclude doing so   
  • BCEC has agreed to consider contacting Referees of certain Candidates as part of the evaluation process