Action Items 2016-10-20 Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC)

Action Items 2016-10-20 Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC)

Action Items:

  • Ariel Liang to include the instruction in the EoI Form, Instruction Wiki, and staff response email that applicants should set their browser in English setting 
  • Ariel Liang to check with Ken Bour and see whether there is a way to avoid browser automatically translate the EoI form into non-English language
  • Alan Greenberg (completed), Cheryl Langdon-Orr , Louis Houleyrjo.lansipurojulie.hammer to complete 5 "sample" EoIs by 2359 UTC Sunday 23 October 2016
  • All BCEC Members to perform trial candidate evaluations using "sample" EoIs by 2100 UTC Wednesday 26 October 2016


  1. The BCEC has confirmed the terminology for the 2 stages of assessment: Initial Evaluation, Detailed Evaluation (as per our Operational Procedures and Guidelines) 
  2. The BCEC has agreed to use the 1-5 scale to rate the candidates in the Initial Evaluation, and to calculate the average score and the dispersion score of a candidate 
  3. The BCEC has agreed to the definition of 1-5 score in the Initial Evaluation (the definition will remain internal to the BCEC members) 
  4. The BCEC has agreed to set the threshold score at 3.5 and above to progress to shortlist and Detailed Evaluation, but acknowledges that some flexibility may be advisable depending on the occurrence of natural gaps and dispersions in the scores
  5. The BCEC Chair will not formally participate in candidate evaluation, but will guide and monitor the evaluation process to ensure that procedures and tools are being appropriately applied 
  6. The BCEC has agreed to use a system of ranking of the candidates in the Detailed Evaluation
  7. Noting that ICANN57 in Hyderabad will severely limit the time available to trial web tools before the final date for submission of EoIs, the BCEC agreed aim to meet the following proposed schedule:
    • 5 "sample" EoIs planned to be completed by 2359 UTC Sunday 23 October 2016 (Alan, Cheryl, Louis, Yrjö, Julie)
    • Perform trial candidate evaluations using "sample" EoIs by 2100 UTC Wednesday 26 October 2016 (All BCEC Members)
    • Discuss results at next meeting on Thursday 27 October 2016 (2100 UTC)
    • Provide feedback on use of web tools