2022-05-23 ICANN74 Planning Committee Call **CANCELLED**

2022-05-23 ICANN74 Planning Committee Call **CANCELLED**

Date: Monday, 23 May 2022                            

Time: 18:00 - 19:00 UTC   (For the time in various time zones click here

Zoom Room: https://icann.zoom.us/j/95990222617?pwd=bmJha0QrQlNMV29jZXdZOWNvMndJdz09 / Passcode: ICANN74#PC

Adigo Conference ID: Please note: when now dialing into Adigo line, you will press 3535 then the Adigo operator will ask you which language you prefer and then transfer to you the appropriate language channel.

EN: 3535

ES: 3535

Dial out Participants:




Staff:  Heidi Ullrich, Gisella Gruber, 

ES Interpreters: 

Call Management: TBD

Action Items:  EN

Recording: EN, ES

Zoom Recording: EN

Zoom Chat: EN


  1. Roll Call - Staff (2 mins)

  2. Aim of the Meeting - Maureen Hilyard  (3 min)

  3. Scheduling At-Large @Virtual ICANN74 Policy Forum - Gisella Gruber /Maureen Hilyard / All (35min)

    1. At-Large Draft Schedule - wiki pages

    2. ICANN74 Talking Points - Jonathan Zuck 

  4. Next Steps - Maureen Hilyard (2min)

  5. AoB - Maureen Hilyard (3min)

    1. Next meeting: Monday 23 May at 18:00 UTC