At-Large Social Media WG 29 May 2014 AC Chat

At-Large Social Media WG 29 May 2014 AC Chat

Ā  Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to the Curation WG call on Thursday 29 May 2014 at 1500 UTC
Ā  Gisella Gruber-White:Agenda: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/HEHvBQ
Ā  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello Anthony
Ā  Anthony Niiganii (mentee):Good day all
Ā  Heidi Ullrich:hi All!
Ā  Gisella Gruber-White:Apologies Dev - this has been corrected
Ā  Evan Leibovitch:AC only for the moment. I can hear but not speak. So I will type comments here.
Ā  Evan Leibovitch:OK with DAT to continue chairing
Ā  Etienne TSHISHIMBI:Le prĆ©sident interimaire continue
Ā  Etienne TSHISHIMBI:De rien
Ā  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Content curation is the process of collecting, organizing and displaying information relevant to a particular topic or area of interest.
Ā  Anthony Niiganii (mentee):yes, within social media curation is a regularly used term
Ā  Evan Leibovitch:Without hammering the issue into the ground, curation is but one task. Actual CREATING of social media content is primary.
Ā  Peter Knight:@Dev -- sorry to be late to meeting. I've been traveling. Got your e-mail.
Ā  Evan Leibovitch:Why not just "social media WG"?
Ā  Leon Sanchez:Social Media Task Force :D
Ā  Anthony Niiganii (mentee):soc
Ā  Anthony Niiganii (mentee):yes
Ā  Peter Knight:Curation sounds like a museum, which we definitely aren't
Ā  Evan Leibovitch:"Curation" doesn't translate well.
Ā  Leon Sanchez:Social Media At-Large Curation Knowledge (SMACK) :P
Ā  Anthony Niiganii (mentee):@leon I like the sound of that
Ā  Peter Knight:Social Media Working Group -- please no curation
Ā  Murray McKercher:I like social media workign group, perhaps curation is too complex
Ā  Leon Sanchez:thanks @anthony :-)
Ā  Ariel Liang:@leon LoL
Ā  Leon Sanchez:I agree with Social Media WG
Ā  Anthony Niiganii (mentee):I'm ok with "Social Media WG", but would go with SMACK
Ā  Evan Leibovitch:no need to over-engineer this
Ā  Etienne TSHISHIMBI:Moi je penses
Ā  Etienne TSHISHIMBI:Ć  Social Media WG
Ā  Etienne TSHISHIMBI:c'est bon pour moi
Ā  Peter Knight:agree
Ā  Evan Leibovitch:Social Media Atlarge Review Team?
Ā  Evan Leibovitch::-)
Ā  Peter Knight:LOL, @ Evan
Ā  Anthony Niiganii (mentee):should we include At large so as not to be confused with other groups
Ā  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:#ATLAS2
Ā  Evan Leibovitch:@anothony, by definition this is an ALAC committee
Ā  Ariel Liang:@Anthony +1
Ā  Anthony Niiganii (mentee):I've been using #ATLASII
Ā  Peter Knight:#ICANN-ATLAS2
Ā  Peter Knight:Many people will think it's a geographic group or remember Charles Atlas body building?
Ā  Evan Leibovitch:This is twitter, economy of characters is desirable. There is already #ICANN so I suggest #ICANN #ATLAS2 or just #ATLAS2
Ā  Evan Leibovitch:But whatever it is, an agreed taxonomy of hashtags is critical
Ā  Evan Leibovitch:And should be published
Ā  Anthony Niiganii (mentee):ATLASII is used by @AtlasIImuisc so #ATLAS2 appears to be usable
Ā  Evan Leibovitch:Or #ICANNATLAS
Ā  Anthony Niiganii (mentee):maybe a glossary of hastags could be prepared for participants as well
Ā  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Promoting #ATLAS2 - use in newsletter ; use in all presentations/slides ; contact ICANN comms to promote ATLAS2 content to use the hashtag ; blog post reference to announce ATLAS summit ; keynote speaker to promote during his/her talks
Ā  Evan Leibovitch:(nobody is tweeting about ATLAS 1 ;-)
Ā  Ariel Liang:- use hashtag in newsletter subject line and newsletter sections
Ā  Ariel Liang:- use hashtag in the powerpoint slide
Ā  Ariel Liang:- pre-draft posts and tweets with the hashtag and ask ICANN corporate account holders to promote
Ā  Evan Leibovitch:ok
Ā  Ariel Liang:- ask keynote speakers to tweet with the use of the hashtag
Ā  Evan Leibovitch:More interested in agreeing on SOMETHING than which one to use
Ā  Murray McKercher:Excellent plan, let us keep on top of the plan to execute on the twitter traffic
Ā  Etienne TSHISHIMBI:Pour moi c'est bon
Ā  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/atlarge/At-Large+Social+Media+Curation+Workflow
Ā  Darlene Thompson:Thank you - I
Ā  Anthony Niiganii (mentee):Hi Darlene
Ā  Darlene Thompson:I'm sorry that I am late!
Ā  Ariel Liang:no problem Darlene
Ā  Darlene Thompson:Heeeeeeey Tony!
Ā  Murray McKercher:@Ariel, I am not sure I have editing permissions for that page
Ā  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99547860/At-Large+Social+Media+Curation+Workflow+-+Beginner+s+Guide
Ā  Peter Knight:great, Ariel
Ā  Anthony Niiganii (mentee):I noticed a typo in my submission, particularly in Participating in At-Large #4 "The are" to "There are"
Ā  Murray McKercher:yes
Ā  Peter Knight:Not very legible
Ā  Peter Knight:with Zoom OK
Ā  Etienne TSHISHIMBI:oui on voit l'Ć©cran un peu flou
Ā  Anthony Niiganii (mentee):yes
Ā  Peter Knight:I can see fine now
Ā  Peter Knight:What about people who don't even know what ICANN is?
Ā  Murray McKercher:These look like great tweets :)
Ā  Peter Knight:We may be preaching to the choiir
Ā  Peter Knight:I think you need a tweet saying you can participate in Internet Governance through ICANN ALAC
Ā  Peter Knight:How to speak
Ā  Anthony Niiganii (mentee):I think tweets and other social media posts about ICANN can start to create the buzz lead up to ALTAS2
Ā  Anthony Niiganii (mentee):Are we only using FB and TWITTER, will Linkedin
Ā  Peter Knight:I think the hook is how to participate in Internet Governance -- through ICANN, then At Large
Ā  Anthony Niiganii (mentee):be used
Ā  Peter Knight:Sorry I haven't spoken using Adobe Connect.
Ā  Peter Knight:I think that in addition to Twitter, we use Facebook and LinkedIn
Ā  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99547825/At-Large+Social+Media+Curation+Workflow+-+Capacity+Building+Webinar
Ā  Anthony Niiganii (mentee):Vines would be a great way to capture specific quotes and brief flashes of the event
Ā  Peter Knight:To attract people not previously active in ICANN, I think we need to back off a bit and go easy on the Acronyms, that are offputting to the uninitiated.
Ā  Leon Sanchez:I have no audio @Ariel but if you can dial me I will gladly share my thoughts
Ā  Peter Knight:I like Leon's tweets
Ā  Leon Sanchez:Could you please dial me in to +527225078118
Ā  Evan Leibovitch:@Peter: agreed, though in twitter acronyms may be unavoidable.
Ā  Peter Knight:If you can dial in toi +55 21 3576 7674, fine
Ā  Gisella Gruber-White:@ Leon - will do now
Ā  Leon Sanchez:not yet
Ā  Heidi Ullrich:Just an FYI - there are not going to be any WG activities in ATLAS II -
Ā  Heidi Ullrich:in terms of formal meeitngs
Ā  Heidi Ullrich:except for the expanded Academy WG
Ā  Leon Sanchez:the phone hasn't ring :(
Ā  Gisella Gruber-White:Leon - phone will ring now
Ā  Gisella Gruber-White:we are calling you
Ā  Peter Knight:@Leon, very good on NETmundial, etc.
Ā  Leon Sanchez:Thanks @Peter! :-)
Ā  Anthony Niiganii (mentee):If you need more space that 140 to tweet, there are websites such as talltweets.com or twishort.com
Ā  Evan Leibovitch:I would be fine. It's just a matter of knowing the tinming
Ā  Evan Leibovitch:The content is not the issue.
Ā  Evan Leibovitch:BTW, my account is @el56
Ā  Anthony Niiganii (mentee):I use more than twitter, I use google+, Facebook, LinkedIn, myspace, soundcloud, and sometimes use a cross platforms to post on all my social media
Ā  Evan Leibovitch:I'm usually available by skype
Ā  Leon Sanchez:Excellent @Evan will mention you as well on the tweets!
Ā  Etienne TSHISHIMBI:Mais je disais simplement que je n'utilisais pas Twitter
Ā  Etienne TSHISHIMBI:Donc la premiĆØre chose que je ferais c'est d'apprendre Ć  tweeter
Ā  Anthony Niiganii (mentee):@Etienne, what social media sites do you use?
Ā  Etienne TSHISHIMBI:mais c'est pas un problĆØme de comprĆ©hension
Ā  Murray McKercher:Etienne, je suis sĆ»r que vous rĆ©pandra rapidement
Ā  Etienne TSHISHIMBI:@Anthony
Ā  Etienne TSHISHIMBI:I am use facebook
Ā  Leon Sanchez:seems like Ariel is running out of battey in her laptop
Ā  Darlene Thompson:This has been really informative, Dev - I hope you don't mind me being an observer in this group.
Ā  Etienne TSHISHIMBI:But very soon I am ready
Ā  Peter Knight:I can do some tweets and Facebook/LinkedIn submissions in Portuguese too!
Ā  Anthony Niiganii (mentee):@Etienne you can copy the tweets to your facebook status and share with your friends
Ā  Peter Knight:Thanks, @Anthony
Ā  Darlene Thompson:Yes, I'm here but not on phone
Ā  Ariel Liang:@leon plug in my power now
Ā  Darlene Thompson:We will have people doing "reporter" work doing summaries from the floor on each of the sessions.
Ā  Darlene Thompson:They will be posted daily in conjuntion with this group.
Ā  Darlene Thompson:+1 Dev
Ā  Darlene Thompson:Perfect explanation
Ā  Leon Sanchez:We could also have Ariel RT our own tweets
Ā  Evan Leibovitch:I know that I am in one of the thematic sessions as a rapporteur. I intend to be live tweeting from it. Will not likely have the time to work on a spreadsheet as well.
Ā  Ariel Liang:+ Leon
Ā  Murray McKercher:@Dev I tweet from my mobile device and always add photos, Ariel coudl simply retweet tweets she feels are appropriate
Ā  Ariel Liang:+1
Ā  Ariel Liang:I agree, RT would be good
Ā  Etienne TSHISHIMBI:ok thank @Anthony
Ā  Evan Leibovitch:I think that having someone RT what we do through a central account describes the best curation I can think of
Ā  Murray McKercher:@evan +1
Ā  Evan Leibovitch:I just did my first #ATLAS2 tweet, and Leon just RT'd it :-)
Ā  Leon Sanchez:that's teamwork! :D
Ā  Ariel Liang:This is the meeting schedule so far: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/als2/pages/99321262/At-Large+London+Meeting+Agendas+Workspace+-+June+2014
Ā  Darlene Thompson:I wouldn
Ā  Ariel Liang:awesome @Evan
Ā  Darlene Thompson:I wouldn't mind being on your Skype group in order to better coordinate
Ā  Darlene Thompson:I wouldn't mind being on your Skype group in order to better coordinate
Ā  Peter Knight:I'm in At Large and NARALO Skype grojups. PersonalĀ  Skype ID: minhoco2005
Ā  Darlene Thompson:ty DevĀ  :)
Ā  Anthony Niiganii (mentee):Skype: @niiganii Twitter:@niiganii
Ā  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:very eager members of this working group!
Ā  Murray McKercher:An earlier call would conflict with PR WG Call
Ā  Evan Leibovitch:Perhaps not an earlier call.... but in keeping with the theme here, open a group chat for the social media WG and let people participate in real time
Ā  Murray McKercher:Ok understand Thanks
Ā  Anthony Niiganii (mentee):I'm in process of moving into new home and will not be avaible until after Wednesday
Ā  Peter Knight:twitter: @ptknight_
Ā  Evan Leibovitch:Might not need a call if we can accomplishe what we need in a realtime chat
Ā  Anthony Niiganii (mentee):@evan +
Ā  Gisella Gruber-White:Only ONE call next week - correct?
Ā  Murray McKercher:my skype is murray.mckercher
Ā  Etienne TSHISHIMBI:Mais sur Skype
Ā  Peter Knight:Thanks all!
Ā  Darlene Thompson:Thank you all!
Ā  Anthony Niiganii (mentee):Kinanaskomitinawa ekosi everyone
Ā  Leon Sanchez:thanks to all!
Ā  Murray McKercher:Thanks All
Ā  Etienne TSHISHIMBI:aurons nous la traduction?
Ā  Gisella Gruber-White:`oui Etienne
Ā  Gisella Gruber-White:Nous allons confirmer ceci avec le Doodle
Ā  Etienne TSHISHIMBI:Sur Skype aurons nous la traduction?
Ā  Gisella Gruber-White:@ Etienne - Dev va confirmer la traduction sur Skype
Ā  Etienne TSHISHIMBI:Merci
Ā  Gisella Gruber-White:sur l'appel on aura la traduction
Ā  Gisella Gruber-White:je vais envoyer un Doodle pour la semaine prochaine
Ā  Gisella Gruber-White:merci de ta participation!
Ā  Anthony Niiganii (mentee):Have a great day everyone!
Ā  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Thanks everyone! Take care all