At-Large Regional Secretariats 29.05.2013 Summary Minutes

At-Large Regional Secretariats 29.05.2013 Summary Minutes

RALO Leadership Meeting

Wednesday 29 May 2013 at 1900 UTC


1. The Regional Secreatriat meetings  (90 mins) are to be shorter so as to focus on the main concern cross-Ralo / important issues. (2-3 items), as follows:


Inreach/capacity building  the RALOs


The RALO officers meet with the RIRs during this meeting


Proposed Regional Secretariat Agenda for Durban:

1) Welcome - Fatimata Seye Sylla

2) Issue 1 - Inreach activities

3) Issue 2 - RALO capacity building on specific issues (no more  than two. RALOs are to choose 2 issues)

4) Discussion with the RIR leadership on developing relationships

5) Next steps