19 Jan 2016 NCSG Open Policy Meeting

19 Jan 2016 NCSG Open Policy Meeting

NCSG Open Membership Policy Meeting
19th January 2016 - Tuesday
16:00 - 18:00 UTC

Remote Participation Details:
Telephone:  http://ipjustice.org/ICANN/NCSG/NCSG_Passcodes.htm
Adobe Connect: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/ncsg/

Preliminary Discussion Agenda:

I. Roll call

II. 21th January 2016 GNSO Meeting Preparation

A. GNSO councillors will attend the call and brief to the membership
about the GNSO call agenda items, in particular CCWG progress.

B. Discussion Items: prioritizing some topics

III. Quick Update on ICANN policies

* Open public comments: https://www.icann.org/public-comments#open-public

IV. "WHO2" (the Next Generation gTLD Registration Directory Service to replace WHOIS)