Agenda 11-12-13 NCSG Open Policy Call
NCSG Open Policy Discussion
13 December 2011 (Tuesday) -- 21:00 - 23:00 UTC
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Draft Discussion Agenda
1. GNSO Counsel Policy Issue
A. Thick Whois Report out for Public Comment (12 minutes)
B. ICANN Outreach Efforts to Increase Participation (12 minutes)
C. Review of the UDRP (12 minutes)
D. Joint Applicant Support Update (12 minutes)
E. Report of the Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT) (12 minutes)
F. Law Enforcement Recommendations to Changes in RAA (12 minutes)
G. 15 Dec 2011 GNSO Council Meeting - key votes & discussion items (12 minutes)
2. Open Discussion on NCSG Membership Criteria (16 minutes)
What does it mean to be a "non-commercial organization" for purposes of NCSG membership eligibility?
How do organizations living in the ccTLD space fit in GTLD/NCSG space?
Membership criteria for individuals applying for membership.
3. What's Open for Public Comment at ICANN Now? (10 minutes)
4. Related Issues NCSG May Wish to Comment on: (10 minutes)
SOPA/PIPA & domain name take-downs?
5. AOB? (5 minutes)