LACRALO Monthly Teleconference 2015-07-20 AC Chat EN
Terri Agnew:Dear all, Welcome to the LACRALO Monthly call on Monday, 20 July 2015 at 23:00 UTC
Terri Agnew:meeting page:
Aída Noblia:Hola a todos
Aída Noblia:entro en un rato
Maricarmen Sequera:hola
Terri Agnew:Hello Aida and Maricarmen, we will begin in 22 minutes
cristian casas:buenas noches a todos
Terri Agnew:@Milo, I sent you a private chat on AC
sergio salinas porto Internauta Argentina:Hola a todos!
Juan Manuel Rojas:Hola a todos
sergio salinas porto Internauta Argentina:hola Juan!!!
sergio salinas porto Internauta Argentina:Hola aida y maricarmen!!!
Juan Manuel Rojas:;)
Terri Agnew:Como recordatorio, por favor silenciar cuando no se habla
Juan Manuel Rojas:si
Juan Manuel Rojas:hay mucho ruido
Terri Agnew:@Milo, I was able to hear you in the ES channel
javier chandia:hola a todos
Juan Manuel Rojas:por favor pongan mute a sus telefonos
javier chandia:ok
Johnny Laureano:Buenas tardes a todos
Vanda:hi all
Juan Manuel Rojas:Hola a todos
Vanda:hola a todos .
sergio salinas porto Internauta Argentina:hola Johnny hermano!
Silvia Vivanco:Hola a todos
Silvia Vivanco:Bienvenidos
sergio salinas porto Internauta Argentina:Abrazo Vanda
Johnny Laureano:Hola Sergio
Silvia Vivanco:Hello all
sergio salinas porto Internauta Argentina:Feliz dia del amigo a todos!
Juan Manuel Rojas:En Colombia hoy celebramos nuestra independencia
sergio salinas porto Internauta Argentina:Feliz dia Colombianos!
javier chandia:felicidades
Jason Hynds:Hello everyone
sergio salinas porto Internauta Argentina:hi Jason!
Juan Manuel Rojas:El sonido en el telefono ya mejoró. Hay mucho menos ruido ahora.
Silvia Vivanco:Alberto deseas un dial out
Jason Hynds:Hi Sergio.
Vanda:hi all I changed to English channel
Fatima Cambronero:hola a todos/ hello everyone
Vanda:hola Sergio.
Aída Noblia:Hola a toods
Alan Greenberg:Glad to be able to join today. Often have conflicts.
Vanda:hi Alan
Alberto Soto:@Silvia, estoy en linea Silvia
Silvia Vivanco:Hola Alberto, gracias Bienvenido
Alberto Soto:Hola a todos!!
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello everyone!
Vanda:hola Alberto . me cambie al canal inglés
Silvia Vivanco:estamos esperando que se completen los dial outs
Alberto Soto:Ok Vanda
Silvia Vivanco:completing dial outs
Silvia Vivanco:we are still gathering
Vanda:ok gracias Silvia
alfredo lopez:hola a todos
Niran Beharry:Good night all
Juan Manuel Rojas:Silvia se escucha muy bajo
sergio salinas porto Internauta Argentina:silvia se te escucha muy lejos
sergio salinas porto Internauta Argentina:ahi si
Jason Hynds:Hi Niran.
bartlett Morgan:hello all
Niran Beharry:Hi Jason
Silvia Vivanco:Antonio Medina Bienvenido
Silvia Vivanco:su participacion sera anotada
Terri Agnew:Propuesta de procedimiento de LACRALO para la elaboración, emisión y publicación de Declaraciones (Fátima Cambronero) / Proposal of LACRALO Procedure for the Preparation, Issuance and Publication of Statements (Fátima Cambronero):
Silvia Vivanco:Terri has posted the link the document
Silvia Vivanco:above you can see the EN/ES and comments
Terri Agnew:Aislan Vargas Basilio has joined
Silvia Vivanco:the history of the document can be seen
Carlton Samuels:Hello everybody
Silvia Vivanco:Welcome Carlton
Terri Agnew:Welcome Carlton Samuels
Vanda:hi Carlton
Aíslan Vargas Basilio:Hello everybody
Silvia Vivanco:Metricas (previous version) is here :
Silvia Vivanco:the final document is being translated
Niran Beharry:welcome carlton
Juan Manuel Rojas:Si Fatima
Silvia Vivanco:mas cerca al microfono
Silvia Vivanco:por favor Fatima
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:QUESTION: Re: final document for the proposal of LACRALO Procedure for the Preparation, Issuance and Publication of Statements ; which column is the final text - the left column or the right column ?
Humberto Carrasco:DEv
Humberto Carrasco:on the left
Humberto Carrasco:if you clik where it says
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Thanks, just wanted to be sure, as I was seeing comments in both columns
Terri Agnew:Finding noisey line on english channel
Humberto Carrasco:see word document
Humberto Carrasco:it is easy
Humberto Carrasco:easier
Fatima Cambronero:thanks @Alan
Alan Greenberg:It is a difficult problem...
Vanda:I am part of the group but the task actually has not started . Holly is in vacation and will combe back next week
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Also re: engagement of ALSes, this issue of engagement is one of the issues to be looked at by the new At-Large Outreach and Engagement WG
Fatima Cambronero:yes, it is @Alan. We are trying to elaborate the metrics of LACRALO for a long time
Terri Agnew:Proposal of Mectrics / Propuesta de metricas:
Terri Agnew:Eduardo Mendez has joined
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Look forward to seeing the documents once translated and posted to the wiki
sergio salinas porto Internauta Argentina:Bienvenido Venezuela
Eduardo Méndez (Internauta Venezuela):Buenas tardes, muchas gracias Sergio, saludos a todos
Terri Agnew:Presencias – Attendees:
Alan Greenberg:The ALAC and RALO process are happening at the same time and there will be people involved in BOTH and a lot of exchange of ideas (I hope!!)
Vanda:beienvenido Eduardo.
sergio salinas porto Internauta Argentina:tic tac tic tac
Silvia Vivanco:En el ultimo webinar hubieron 19 participantes de 9 ALses
Terri Agnew:Eduardo Rojas and Gilberto Lara have joined
Gilberto Lara:Hola, disculpas por la demora
Alan Greenberg:Part of current difficulty in participation is we need to send more information to ALSes that can be understood (both language and technology level). And that is a job that RALO may not have resources to create.
sergio salinas porto Internauta Argentina:Hola Gilberto!!!!!
Fatima Cambronero:y cada vez vamos a tener más correos,eso no lo puede solucionar el RALO. Hay más correos porque hay màs procesos corriendo en paralelo
Silvia Vivanco:Una idea es abrir carpetas y "reglas" en su programa de mail para auto archivar por temas, o por listas para categorizar sus emails
Lance Hinds:Alan you are correct
Eduardo Méndez (Internauta Venezuela):Estoy de acuerdo Alberto, formar parte de una ALS implica un compromiso de participación
Alan Greenberg:If we can get translation working well on the LAC-Discuss list, perhaps we can then use it for other ALAC/At-Large/ICANN lists as well.
Terri Agnew:@Carlton, your audio is breaking up
Alan Greenberg:Translation of other list to Spanish will not help people contribute, but at least can be informed.
Alan Greenberg:So it is a first step.
Vanda:@alan. yes. could be a first step
Lance Hinds:Agreed Carlton
Silvia Vivanco:Interpreter cannot interpret due to bad line, apologies
Silvia Vivanco:Carlton, perhaps you can write your ideas on this chat
Niran Beharry:was wondering about the translation
Vanda:thank you Carlton. it was difficult bu in english channel we could mroe or less follow your thoughts
Terri Agnew:Welcome Harold Arcos
Carlton Samuels:I'm hearing everybody perfectly in the English channel.
Harold Arcos Internauta Venezuela:Saludos Terri y todas todos, disculpen la hora
Carlton Samuels:This is what I'm talking about. The operational support sometimes makes it so damn difficult to voulnteer!
Silvia Vivanco:Bienvenido Harold
Lance Hinds:Are we comfortable the ALSs in LACRALO clearly understand the issues?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Indeed,. re: lack of discussion of policy issues in LACRALO calls - also not featuring the work of ALSes in At-Large WGs
Carlton Samuels:The language processes isa challenge not just to Spanish speakers but to braoder Caribbean participation. We must make it easier to engage
sergio salinas porto Internauta Argentina:Heyyyyyy Harold Abrazos desde Argentina
Alan Greenberg:Although Language is ONE problem, it is not the only one. In At-Large, we have a lot of problem with participation from English-speaking ALSes.
Fatima Cambronero:agree @Alan
Fatima Cambronero:+1 @Dev
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:
Carlton Samuels:So I identified language as one. And I was going on to indicate another; the fact that most ALS have other matters that have NOTHING to do with ICANN names policy development.
Carlton Samuels:I was using Gilberto's Lara's ALS events to make that point
Alan Greenberg:Carlton, correct! We do not even try to see if there is a real interest before we accept a new ALS!
Carlton Samuels:the 3rd point is the mode we choose to particiapte. Dev just spoke about it!
Terri Agnew:Welcome Alejandro Pisanty
Vanda:yes. several issues is not easy for newcomers to understand and become interested since some times they can not see interest in participating. I have been wotking with even with ISPs and to make them itnerested on ICANN I needed to change the way to talk showing more points of itnerest linking issues to their reality...
Carlton Samuels:I am on WGs that have weekly calls that deals with specific issues which are not being discussed in LACRALO.
Juan Manuel Rojas:+1 Carlton
Terri Agnew:@Johnny, we are unable to hear you, please check your mute button
Fatima Cambronero:@Carlton, IANA transition is not being discussed in LACRALO as well, altough I sent several emails about that . The same thing wiht accountability
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:I've been working very to document the issues re: mailing list translation issues in the At-Large Technology Taskforce - its will now be a standing Action Item for ICANN to focus on the problem
Johnny Laureano:Lo siento, parece que tengo un problema en el microfono
Jason Hynds:That is an important point Carlton. That some ALSes may not have been created for a single issue or even a specific ICANN focus. Locally, I find a challenge bringing ICANN on the local agenda at times and difficult encouraging local participation at the appropriate frequency that may be appropriate. Some LACRALO participants seem to be quite long serving and steeped in the history of LACRALO. Sometimes it feels like a conversation with a 15-year veteran does place the newer members at a disadvantage. I guesss the solution to that is better orientation. My local ALS has annual elections, the representative could conceivable change with the administration. Even if it does not, new members need a good on-ramp to participation, I'm interested in having an active local working group following multiple ICANN interests. This requires a lot of orientation, effective communicaton etc.
Juan Manuel Rojas:London left a lot of work to do, there are many WG doing that through WG. That's is just one way.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:The slides about the LACRALO mailing list can be found at
Alan Greenberg:Johnny is very correct.. Start small.
Carlton Samuels:@Fatima: +1. And I'm not surprised. Because just to follow those VERY intricate issues you MUST participate in the discussions at the WG level. It takes time to learn. And you will not learn unless you spend the time, like you are doing, actually participating in the WG
Johnny Laureano:Escribiré: Es necesario darle el peso necesario a las causas manifestadas por Fatima Cambronero, muy precisas. Debe revisarse los mecanismos de incentivos de participacion. LACRALO debe tener una Secretaria Tecnica, ICANN debe financiar los gastos de capacitacion y participacion de al menos una persona de cada ALS de la region. ICANN necesita que los USUARIOS FINALES sean representados, por tanto, lo hará sin problemas.
Vanda:+ 1 fatima.
Carlton Samuels:@Vanda: Vanda knows how much it takes to even get to a point where you can meaningfully contribute. Even if you just join the WG to listen you will learn more than read an email
Fatima Cambronero:yes, @Carlton :S
Vanda:@ carlton. you right. people need at least attend webinars, listen other comments or doubts to start to understand what is relevant about the issue
Terri Agnew:Johnny tiene ahora de audio
Alan Greenberg:Who is speaking now?
Silvia Vivanco:Alberto is speaking
cristian casas:Gracias Alberto por tu atento y calido comentario
Juan Manuel Rojas:muy fuerte y muy ruidoso
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Yes to joining the WGs to participate, even to follow at first in the discussions
Maricarmen Sequera:el micrófono está muy alto.
javier chandia:aléjate un poco del micrófono, se escuchará mejor....
Alejandro Pisanty:gracias Javier, espero haber hecho ese cambio
Silvia Vivanco: Las encuestas de evaluacion de los Webinars no fueron contestadas, solo la ultima tuvo 12 respuestas
Vanda:why not make a survey and get more concrete answers - could also be without identification
Silvia Vivanco:The Capacity building Webinars are followed by an Evaluation survey to gather feedback
Silvia Vivanco:however people did not respond, the last survey was responded by some
Vanda:@ alejandro -a gree we need more policy issues internally to LAcralo
Fatima Cambronero:Natalia and I made that survey @Vanda at the begining of the Capacity Building program
Silvia Vivanco:no se le entendio a Alejandro
Silvia Vivanco:talvez si puede escribir sus ideas Alejandro
Silvia Vivanco:Mocion formal de Alejandro.......
Silvia Vivanco:no le entendi
Vanda:yes, remember, but we have lots of new comers and could be interesting to have their views.
Silvia Vivanco:si le puedo pedir a Humberto repetir la mocion de Alejandro por favor
sergio salinas porto Internauta Argentina:Alejandro no puede comnprender lo que decias...podras escribirlo?
Carlton Samuels:Let me say this. We need to create more seasoned representatives so that our first line representatives can take a rest. It is not happening as we would have hoped. And I'm not sure how we find and develop the replacement representatives!
Humberto Carrasco:Estimado Aleajndro. ¿Puedes enviar un email con la moción?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:@Carlton - indeed
Fatima Cambronero:agree @Carlton
cristian casas:Adhiero a Humberto, gracias
Alejandro Pisanty:aquí va: 1. que la Presidencia y la Secretaría hagan una agenda de temas de políticas para su discusión
Silvia Vivanco:okay tomo nota Alejandro
Silvia Vivanco:muchas gracias
Alejandro Pisanty:2. que los primeros 30' de cada sesión mensual se dediquen a temas sustantivos de debate de políticas en curso en consultas públicas de ICANN
Alejandro Pisanty:Ésta es una moción formal.
Niran Beharry:Takes time to get up to speed @carlton
Humberto Carrasco:ok
Humberto Carrasco:que como item de acci+´´on entonces
Alejandro Pisanty:Pido a Presidencia y Secretaría no descartarla como en la práctica lo hicieron con mi moción de objetivos de evaluación de la participación, que tuvo consenso de Carlton, Jacqueline y varios más
Humberto Carrasco:quise decir de "acción"
Vanda:I can second tAlejandro's motion
Humberto Carrasco:Gracias Alejandro
Alberto Soto:@Cristian, ussted se las merece
Fatima Cambronero:no entiendo tu punto @Johny. En LACRALO somos todos representatnes de usuarios, ¿qué importa en qué trabaje cada uno? Realmente no estoy entendiendo tu punto
Fatima Cambronero:perdón pero yo no entiendo lo que está diciendo Johny. ¿Cuántos minutos tiene cada uno para hablar?
Silvia Vivanco:Una idea seria utilizar esta llamada mensual para revisar las consultas publicas
Silvia Vivanco:tenemos el tema de Lance Hinds pendiente
Silvia Vivanco:faltan 18 minutos
Silvia Vivanco:solamente
Lance Hinds:Connection dropped for a second
Carlton Samuels:@Juan Manuel: +1 Join the WG at the ALAC/GNSO level and you will learn at your own pace.
Carlton Samuels:Yes, the English-only language IS a real barrier but just hearing them in session is valuable
Fatima Cambronero:de acuerdo Juan Manuel
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Also, there are transcripts of WGs are available
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:so one can read them before joining a WG call
Lance Hinds:Hello?
Carlton Samuels:@Dev: Yessir, I forgot those!
cristian casas:Pido disculpas pero debo ausentarme por motivos personales, Buenas noches
Silvia Vivanco:Gracias por su participacion Cristian
Juan Manuel Rojas:@Carlton I will do. ;)
cristian casas:Estamos en contacto, gracias a ustedes por su calidez y apoyo
sergio salinas porto Internauta Argentina:chau cristian!
Humberto Carrasco:chao Casas
alfredo lopez:Chao Cristian
Alberto Soto:Bye Cristian
javier chandia:chao Cristian
Harold Arcos Internauta Venezuela:Recuperando conexión. Mis disculpas.
Carlton Samuels:@Sergio: He actually said he wears a lot of hats, one of them he owns an ICT service company
Eduardo Méndez (Internauta Venezuela):Coincido con los comentarios expresados por Sergio y Alejandro
Carlton Samuels:He's also President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce.
Carlton Samuels:This is not unusual in the Caribbean; we multitask!
Harold Arcos Internauta Venezuela:De acuerdo con la perspectiva presentada por Salinas de Argentina. Mismo caso, sobre la pertinencia de participación en grupo de usuarios, planteamos con el caso: IEEE
Alejandro Pisanty:we all multitask but we separate our interests and have primary and secondary
Heidi Ullrich:For the record, Lance has posted his SOI as well as posted his EOI in response to his nomination.
Fatima Cambronero:agree @Vanda about the EoI
Alejandro Pisanty:Heidi, link?
Terri Agnew:Lance Hinds SOI:
Vanda:i @ heidii could not open it... thank you
Heidi Ullrich:SOI -
Heidi Ullrich:EOI in message sent on 8 May
Fatima Cambronero:el conflicto de interés, en general, no es discutible
Carlton Samuels:Here's MY own: I am Chairman of the National ICT Advisory Council of Jamaica, Chairman of the Board of Management Kingston High School, Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors, Tivoli gardens High School, Member, Board of HEART/National Training Agency; Member, National Advisory Council on Libraries and Information Units, Member, Computing Education Standards Committee of the University Council of Jamaica, adjunct Professor Information Science, The University of the West Indies, Consultant on Strategy and Regulation
Carlton Samuels:And that just some!
Alejandro Pisanty:is the role in the Chamber a paid position?
Carlton Samuels:And I participate in at leat 4 ICANN WGs
Lance Hinds:It is not a paid position
Alejandro Pisanty:Carlton, which of those is your primary income and what are your clients?
Lance Hinds:The Chamber of Commerce is a voluntary position
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Re: TTF work I can do a presentation
Carlton Samuels:My primary income is from consultancy. I work for IADB, World Bank European Union
Alejandro Pisanty:but you are obligated to promote commercial interest, in a way which is above users as clients
Vanda:hi could read it -the SOi, but still alck more proposals/ commitments ... ref my comment.
Alejandro Pisanty:incompatible
Johnny Laureano: Lance es un buen candidato, debe apoyarse su nominación para ALAC
Carlton Samuels:I just completed a IADB project. And now working a EU project.
Lance Hinds:I am representing as the ALS
Johnny Laureano:Las ALS tambien son multistajeholder
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Lance EOI :
Carlton Samuels:Eveything else but consultancy and teaching is VOLUNTARY and no money
Johnny Laureano:bye.
Humberto Carrasco:Muchas gracias
Eduardo Méndez (Internauta Venezuela):Hasta luego, gracias
Maricarmen Sequera:hasta luego
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:that was posted to the LACRALO list
Gilberto Lara:hasta luego
Bartlett Morgan 2:by all
javier chandia:Que estén muy bien, un abrazo a todos
Maricarmen Sequera:chau
Vanda:thank you all. very good session
javier chandia:byeee
Jason Hynds:bye
Aída Noblia:Saludos a todos
Fatima Cambronero:bye, thanks all
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:take care
Harold Arcos Internauta Venezuela:Hasta luego Saludos
Juan Manuel Rojas:Bye all
alfredo lopez:Hasta pronto
Alejandro Pisanty:saludos todos/as
Niran Beharry:bye all