LACRALO Monthly Meeting 2013-11-19 - Buenos Aires

LACRALO Monthly Meeting 2013-11-19 - Buenos Aires

LACRALO Monthly Teleconference - Buenos Aires

Date: Tuesday, 19 November 2013      

Time: 12:30 - 13:30 local time (for the time in various timezones click here)

Room: Golden Horn

Meeting Number: AL.LAC/MT.1113/1

How can I participate in this meeting?

Action Items:    EN   and  ES   

Interpretation: EN and ES

Recording: EN  and ES   

Adobe Connect Chat Transcript:  EN

Transcription:   EN     and      ES      

Adobe Connect room: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/eze48-goldenhorn

Participants: Jose Arce, Sylvia Herlein, Natalia Enciso, Vanda Scartezini, Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Aida Noblia, Fatima Cambronero, Carlos Aguirre, Alberto Soto, Leon Sanchez

Apologies:  Olivier Crépin-Leblond

Lead/Notes: SV



  1. 1. Welcome – Jose Arce (2 min) 
    1.  Roll Call - Staff  (2 min) 
  2. 2. Action Items (5 min)
  3. Draft agreement with the RIR. Re: LACRALO LACNIC Agreement (EN) and (ES) (20 min) 
  4. LACRALO Strategy Working Group (15 min)
  5. Working Group Process and Evaluation for seat 15 of ICANN's Board. (5 min)
  6. Outreach Possibilities for LACRALO ( Dev 10 min)
  7. LACRALO Policy Issues: Public Comments  (10min)
    1. Second Accountability and Transparency Review Team(ATRT 2) Draft Report & Recommendations  22 November 2013        (10 min)
    2. ICANN's Draft Vision, Mission & Focus Areas for a Five-Year Strategic Plan (5 min)
  8. Brazil Internet Governance Summit 2014 (10 min)
  9. Any other Business (2 min)