EURALO 28.06.11 AC Chat
Seth Greene: EURALO MONTHLY CALL: 28 JUNE 2011
Seth Greene: Hello, everyone.
Oksana Prykhodko: Hi!
Yrjo Lansipuro: hi
avri: Except, of course, that so many in the media did not understand what they were talking about.
avri: yes - JAS!!!!
Wolf Ludwig: Avri go ahead!
avri: also. Sámi, Roma ... communities
Wolf Ludwig: Agree, Avri!
avri: JAS + Joint Ac/So WG to support new gTLD applicants from developing economies
Lutz Donnerhacke: HI ... Sorry, I'm late
Wolf Ludwig: No problem - welcome Lutz!
Wolf Ludwig: Can you speak up, please.
Oksana Prykhodko:
Christopher Wilkinson: leaving the call shortly. Good evening to everyone. Thankyou,Wolf CW
Wolf Ludwig: Thank you Christopher for participating - wish you a nice evening.
Oksana Prykhodko:
Lutz Donnerhacke: Thank you for the summaries of the activities.
Seth Greene: Good night, everyone.
Lutz Donnerhacke: Good night
Wolf Ludwig: Thanks everybody for your participation and contributions!