Action items: 2020-02-25 At-Large Capacity Building WG Webinars Team Call

Action items: 2020-02-25 At-Large Capacity Building WG Webinars Team Call

Topics: 1) EPDP Phase 2, new gTLDs registrations; DNS Abuse

Duration: 90 mins to allow for presentation and discussion

Timing: First Monday of the month/1200 or 1300 UTC and then 1900 or 2000 UTC

Audience: At-Large and individual newcomers. Keep open for all ICANN community members. 

Interaction: Presenters should provide quiz questions to ask during the webinars; Survey after the call for feedback. 

For first Webinar: EPDP with Hadia and Alan as speakers. 6 April. 

  • Yesim Saglam to work with presenters to determine time of first rotation. 
EPDPAlan Greenberg and Hadia Elminiawi6 AprilTBC
DNS Abuse and Cybersecurity
4 MayTBC

Geopolitics and Cybersecurity


  • Yesim Saglam to work with Hadia on timing of Doodle for next CBWG Webinars Team Call the week of 23 March. 
  • hadia.elminiawi to send feedback from the this call to the CBWG mailing list.