Action items: 2020-03-30 At-Large Capacity Building Working Group Call

Action items: 2020-03-30 At-Large Capacity Building Working Group Call

  • Dev Anand Teelucksingh to work with Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) and Heidi Ullrich on the work of the onboarding slides.
  • joanna.kulesza to work with ICANN org (GSE) on academic engagement activities for At-Large. 
  • joanna.kulesza to add the 2020 EuroDIG conference as a platform for academic engagement. 
  • joanna.kulesza to begin to take first steps to scoping of an academic engagement strategy.
  • Heidi Ullrich to set up an At-Large engagement strategy page and add a table for current At-Large academics to identify their work/research related to ICANN/At-Large. 
  • Yesim Saglam to send a Doodle for the next Capacity Building WG call for the last week of April.