2021 Action items - ALAC Monthly
2021 Action items - ALAC Monthly
23 November 2021
- N/A
28 September 2021
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr , @Maureen Hilyard and @Heidi Ullrich to provide an update on the CRM and Metrics at the next ALAC meeting in November.
24 August 2021
- N/A
27 July 2021
- Justine Chew recommended action item for Heidi Ullrich and Maureen for ALAC on CRM, regarding ICANN71 action item on the metric topic.
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated)to work with Maureenand Alan Greenbergon circulating the ALAC advice on EPDP Phase 2 (SSAD) for final ALAC comment, this Friday, 30 July at 23:59 UTC.
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated)to note on ALAC agenda - clarify/specify the subheadings when RALO statements are drafted and adopted, noting ALAC involvement.
- Next ALAC monthly meeting to be scheduled Tuesday, 24 August at 16:00 UTC.
25 May 2021
- N/A
26 April 2021
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) to post Jonathan's links to the ICANN Learn page for the 2 new At-Large courses: atlarge.news/welcome and atlarge.news/policy
March 2021 - ICANN70 Meeting
23 February 2021
- N/A
26 January 2021
- Heidi Ullrich to add a regular slot on ALAC Monthly for NomCom updates.