Action items: 2020-05-21 At-Large Capacity Building WG Webinars Team Call
Action items: 2020-05-21 At-Large Capacity Building WG Webinars Team Call
- Gisella Gruber and joanna.kulesza to contact the presenter for the next CPWG meeting to re-schedule the webinar.
- Next Webinar to be re-scheduled to 21:00 UTC. subject. to the availability of speakers.
- Presenters to log on to Zoom 15 mins in advance of Zoom in case they need to update their Zoom to Zoom webinar. REQUEST SENT TO PRESENTERS TO JOIN 5-10min before
- joanna.kulesza to coordinate with GSE on two ICANN68 At-Large prep webinars on DNS and UA.
, multiple selections available,