ICANN 52 ALAC and At-Large Action Items 08-13 February Workspace

ICANN 52 ALAC and At-Large Action Items 08-13 February Workspace

Sunday, 08 February 2015

 ALAC and Regional Leadership Working Session

Discussion of the At-Large Review 

 Hot Topic 1  - ICANN Accountability and Transparency                                                                                                                                                        

  • Ad- Hoc WG to be formed on Accountability. RALOs should be part of the first  conference call of the Ad-Hoc WG


ICANN Meeting Strategy Update 

  • Alan Greenberg  to discuss the new Meeting Strategy during the Thursday Wrap Up Session.

Monday, 09 February 2015

ICANN Academy Working Group

  • Chris Gift  to revise the landing page  according to the level of engagement. Sandra Hoferichter  and stakeholder group to allow to access each source and programme from multiple angles. (Discussion was to have different types of accessing depending on who you are. The same material is accessible through different means. Site should have several entries by communities, by specific programs, not restrictive.)

  • Sandra Hoferichter to remove Twitter feed and make a list of upcoming programm (next 5). Include an evaluation
  • Chris Gift to create an evaluation area on the page. Sandra Hoferichter  (i.e. quotes from the community about programmes they attended)
  • Chris Gift to add ‘activities’ to page on Mentoring (Mentoring Activities)
  • Chris Gift to consider if it is convenient to follow a person to see the level of activity of the person in the site.
  • Sandra Hoferichter  to follow up with ICANN staff on how to name this WG which is now a standing WG.  A proposal was made for  “Academy Steering Committee”.
  • sandra.hoferichter and Heidi Ullrich to work with Chris Gift on the development of a Leadership Training Program sub-page including an online application form for the 2015 LTP which would included detailed criteria and other elements to be agreed on, shall be up and ready by the Buenos Aires meeting.
  • Ariel Liang to change mailing list name to ICANN Academy (ensure that archive of current mailing list is kept)[Sandra Hoferichter]  from at-large-icann-academy-ad-hoc-wg@atlarge-lists.icann.org to ICANN Academy Working Group@icann.org (or similar)
  • sandra.hoferichter to follow up with staff to create a flyer for the LTP and organize outreach during the ICANN 53 Meeting, including visiting AC/SO sessions with the help of former LTP participants.


Tuesday, 10 February 2015

ALAC Meeting with the ccNSO

  • Heidi Ullrich to work with ccNSO support staff to check into possible ways to increase collaboration of the liaisons to the ccNSO and ALAC.
  • Gisella Gruber to retain the Tuesday morning slot for the ALAC/ccNSO Meetings at ICANN Meetings going forward. 


ALAC Work - Part I

ALAC/At Large meeting Effectiveness


  • RALO Chairs to work with their RALOs to select a Regional Delegate to the At-Large Review Working Party by 13 February 2015.


At-Large Accessibility Working Group 


APRALO Monthly Meeting

  • Siranush Vardanyan to coordinate with At-Large staff and APAC-Hub staff on topics and next steps in the APRALO Capacity Building Webinars
  • Ariel Liang to post all the documents and presentations shown on the screen during the face-to-face APRALO meeting on the main APRALO wiki page.
  • ali.almeshal to be the designated person to work on the upcoming At-Large Review


ALAC Work - Part II

 Status of the At Large Website Update

  •  Ariel Liang and Laura Bengford to organize a webinar post Singapore to present on the progress of the At-Large website
  •  Heidi to work with Alan on the issue of  ALS criteria and Expectations with the aim to form a small working group consisting of at least 2 persons from each RALO.

At-Large New gTLD Working Group

  • holly.raiche, evan.leibovitch and edmon.chung to form a small team to explore the concept of trust marks and credentials as they could be applied to enhancing trust and critical demands.
  • Olivier Crépin-Leblond to lead an effort to collect and analyze the list of critical domains as promised by Cherine Chalaby in previous community meetings. 


Wednesday, 11 February 2015

RALO Leadership & ALT Working Session

  •  Heidi Ullrich to send At-Large Review material to the Secretariat list. 

At-Large Regional Leadership Meeting

  • All RALOs to conduct a survey based on Alberto Soto’s ATLAS II survey in order to present an update by ICANN 53. 


Thursday, 12 February 2015


Technology Task Force Meeting


  • Dev Anand Teelucksingh to send comments to ICANN IT staff (Cory) and would suggest we have a debrief with all remote hubs post ICANN52
  • Technology Task Force to document for At-Large how to track updates to wiki pages


NARALO Meeting

  • Alan Greenberg and staff to look into formal issues of the possible Panamanian application presented during the meeting by Ron Sherwood. 
  • garth.bruen compliance proposal to be taken to the NARALO mailing list for further consideration.
  • NARALO Elections: Alan Greenberg to send a small summary to the NARALO list with all the comments on the topic of term limits on NARALO positions and to be sent to ALAC.
  • Staff to organize the NARALO elections in coordination NARALO's Chair and Secretariat taking a look at all the ALAC and RALO Elections
  • Eduardo DIaz to  coordinate with other NARALO members to create a NARALO Newsletter.
  •  A NARALO person is needed  for the At-Large Review Team, to be discussed in the next teleconference.


Friday 13 February 2015

Under the topic What do we do to do the ALAC and At Large more effective?

  • Staff to update the Policy calendar.
  • Olivier asked Gisella Gruber  that the members of the IANA WG and the CCWG be added to the Accountability WG mailists.

Under the topic “Human Rights Meeting in Singapore”, ask staff  that they come and speak with At Large in the next meeting.

  • Rinalia suggested that if RALO leaders could come to NRO/RIRs meeting. Gisella Gruber to make sure that there is no At Large-conflict against this meeting. This is important as RIRs are signing agreements with RIRs