ALAC Monthly Teleconference - 2016-05-24 AC Chat
Yesim Nazlar: (5/23/2016 23:01) Welcome to the ALAC Monthly Call on Tuesday 24 May 2016 at 12:00 UTC
Yesim Nazlar: (23:02) Agenda:
Maureen Hilyard: (5/24/2016 14:52) Good morning Yesim
Yesim Nazlar: (14:52) Hi Maureen, welcome!
Maureen Hilyard: (14:54) Just waiting for phone call
Ron Sherwood: (14:56) Good morning all
Siranush Vardanyan - APRALO: (14:56) hello everyone
Seun Ojedeji: (14:57) Hello everyone, good to be here on AC after a long time of being audio only ;-)
Yesim Nazlar: (14:57) Welcome everyone!
Holly Raiche: (14:57) Hi Sirik - I hope you are better
Holly Raiche: (14:57) Sorry - Sirik
Janvier Ngnoulaye(ISOC Cameroon Chapter): (14:58) Hello everyone
Maureen Hilyard: (14:58) Hi everyone
Holly Raiche: (14:58) Hello Everyone as well
Janvier Ngnoulaye(ISOC Cameroon Chapter): (14:59) Hi Seun, happy to meet you here !
Maureen Hilyard: (15:00) Hey your guys.. 2am for me
Seun Ojedeji: (15:00) Hey @Janvier good to have you as well
Seun Ojedeji: (15:01) welcome
Daniel K. Nanghaka: (15:01) Here it i 3:00pm
Daniel K. Nanghaka: (15:01) in a scotching hot sun
Daniel K. Nanghaka: (15:01) Hi everyone
Alberto Soto: (15:01) Hola a todos, hello everyone!!
vanda SCARTEZINI: (15:05) hi all, i am at phone bridge
Heidi Ullrich: (15:13) Greetings, All!
Jimmy Schulz: (15:14) Hi all, sorry for being late.
Yesim Nazlar: (15:15) Welcome Jimmy
Yesim Nazlar: (15:16) Please see website:
Harold Arcos: (15:16) Hello everyone, apologise for late connection
Yesim Nazlar: (15:16) Welcome Harold!
Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: (15:16) Bonsoir à tous
Harold Arcos: (15:17) Thanks Yesim
Siranush Vardanyan - APRALO: (15:18) APRALO May report is posted for your review:
Holly Raiche: (15:19) Do you want a brief 1 minute reminder on the ALAC Review?
Holly Raiche: (15:19) Sorry - I'm on the agena later
Jimmy Schulz: (15:20) yes
Yesim Nazlar: (15:27) Welcome Tijani!
Janvier Ngnoulaye(ISOC Cameroon Chapter): (15:29) Welcome Tijani
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: (15:38) rigorous due diligence was done by staff on the consultants and ITEMS. Sebastien's association with them was cleared.
Harold Arcos: (15:39) I have trouble with connection through laptop. I have to get of AC and keep through cellphone.
Sebastien: (15:39) Thanks Rinalia - But I wanted to be transparent about my previous involvment with Items International
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: (15:40) understood and well appreciated.
Sebastien: (15:45) It is interesting that things go back and force in the Board. The Board use to have a small team to set-up the program of retreat. Good to see that back.
Heidi Ullrich: (15:47) Stakeholder Journey - staff have spoken to the AC/SO chairs
vanda SCARTEZINI: (15:48) avbnmmj
Maureen Hilyard: (15:50) Thank you Rinalia - great news all round
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (15:50) Thanks Rinalia
Humberto: (15:51) Hello everybody
Heidi Ullrich: (15:51) Many thanks, Rinalia!
Janvier Ngnoulaye(ISOC Cameroon Chapter): (15:51) Great news Rinalia
vanda SCARTEZINI: (15:51) ]\thanks rinalia for the news
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: (15:52) I think the board overall is doing good work and the new CEO is great!
Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: (15:52) grand merci pour ses informations
Gisella Gruber: (15:53)
Seun Ojedeji: (15:53) I can't remember seeing that request from IPC on ALAC list but yeah it will be a good thing to meet with them as well.
Seun Ojedeji: (15:54) Lost audio can i be re-dialed
Yesim Nazlar: (15:54) @Seun: Redialing
Seun Ojedeji: (15:55) Thanks
Seun Ojedeji: (15:58) Wow! that going to require a huge room Maureen ;-) Nice one there!
Siranush Vardanyan - APRALO: (16:08) Can I request a dial out as have to leave the adobe space? and will continue via phone only. Phone +37494947773
Yesim Nazlar: (16:10) @Siranush: Dialing now
Siranush Vardanyan - APRALO: (16:10) thanks, Yesim
Yesim Nazlar: (16:10) my pleasure!
Seun Ojedeji: (16:12) Lost audio
Seun Ojedeji: (16:12) May i request a redial
Yesim Nazlar: (16:12) @Seun: Redialing now
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: (16:15) some of them may show up based on their own interest
Heidi Ullrich: (16:15) @Alan, Board Support will be able to identify the Board members for each topic
Heidi Ullrich: (16:16) It is important that the ALAC to identify policy issues soon :)
Jimmy Schulz: (16:16) ;-)
Jimmy Schulz: (16:22) Treat: please use "sexual identity" insead of "sexual orientation" there is a substantual difference see wikipedia.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:23) Alway welcome to hug me Alan
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:27) and "Unwelcolme" may change frm time t time *even between the same people*
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:28) Good point Jimmy
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:29) Exactly Jimmy layers of complexity, but we need to find a balance in "BEST PRCTICE"
Seun Ojedeji: (16:29) Exactly Cheryl and considering that i may huge Cheryl today, if i do so tommorrow and i get reported then it would be difficult to really know Cheryl didn't wnat to be huged at that time. While that sounds rhetoric my point is that this is not used to hunt people unnecessarily
Jimmy Schulz: (16:30) There is no hug button here
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:30) Yup\
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:30) *HUG*
Seun Ojedeji: (16:30) Yeah HUG....LOL
Yesim Nazlar: (16:31)
Alan Greenberg: (16:31) BOdy language is VERY important here, to guage whether a person may be receptive, and may of us are VERY poor at reading body language.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:32) yup ( or choose to be ;-)
Loris Taylor: (16:33) Thank you for the approval of the Tribal Ambassadorship!
Heidi Ullrich: (16:33) Also, the Academy course on chair faciliation was approved for meeting C
Seun Ojedeji: (16:34) @Alan yeah thats right, i pray wisdom to those that will be involved in handling the issues on case by case basis
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:34) Agree Alan
Heidi Ullrich: (16:35) Please check the individual RALO requests on the link above
Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: (16:36) F17-49 notre premier DNS Forum Tchad n'est pas approuvé
Heidi Ullrich: (16:36) Also, several RALO requests that were not approved, could go ahead with collaboration with GSE staff
Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: (16:38) merci Heidi nous rentrons en contact Pierre pour voir les différentes possibilités ;
Heidi Ullrich: (16:38) Staff will be creating an Implementation Workspace
Maureen Hilyard: (16:39) @Heidi.. what is the link to the budget report?
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:40) RALOs suggest and recommend ALAC appoints NC People for each Region
Heidi Ullrich: (16:41) @Abdeldjalil - S'il vous plaît contacter Pierre ou Yaovi concernant votre activité proposée. Ils peuvent être en mesure d'offrir une autre façon de le mettre en œuvre.
Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: (16:43) Merci beaucoup @Heidi pour votre orientation et votre soutien
Heidi Ullrich: (16:43) :)
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:48) Well said Tijani
Maureen Hilyard: (16:49) +1 Tijani
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:49) GNSO has 7
Maureen Hilyard: (16:50) APRALO has 3 men and 3 women in its Leadership Team
Alan Greenberg: (16:51) @CLO, yes, GNSO has 7, but each named by a different group.
Alan Greenberg: (16:51) And they are NAMED by that group and not the GNSO
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:51) Yes we have been GENDER BALANCED FOR MANY YEARS NOW AND WE OFTEN APPOINT WITHOUT *any* consideration of Gender
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:51) Sorry CAPS was an error
Maureen Hilyard: (16:52) Exactly... the best person for the job is a major consideration
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:52) Yes Alan / Maureen
Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: (16:52) pour remédier au problème nous pouvons demander à chaque ALS doit respecter la politique de genre pour désigner leurs contacts primaires et secondaires ; ceci permettra une bonne politique de diversités de genre
Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: (16:53) surtout l'équilibre homme VS Femme V Jeunes ...
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:53) indeed Alan our trust in the person we send to NC is essential the role is a critical one
vanda SCARTEZINI: (16:54) @ sebastien, I believe you are right in some way but I have done lot of outreach during my time in NOmcom to convince woemen to be candidate, and I face really huge difficulty to get mor women ... i believe we need to work harder
Seun Ojedeji: (16:54) +1 @Maureen while we try to balance on other areas and no just gender alone
Holly Raiche: (16:54) At This stage, I don't think we can do anthing. In future, we may think about how to ensure that we get the best people - with balance on gender
vanda SCARTEZINI: (16:55) in LACRALO we always have some women around,
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:56) Yes Vanda as you well know even when we get a reasinable percentage of female applicants for Leadership Roles we then sift and sort to end wth the best of th candidates regardless of Gender but take into acount Gender *as a diversity issue* when we make te appoitments
Holly Raiche: (16:56) @Vanda - we have a real imbalance - too many women!
vanda SCARTEZINI: (16:57) @holly.. yeah specially we all aldies all the time nosing around...
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:57) :-)
Holly Raiche: (16:58) :-)
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:58) and yet Some of us prefer not to be *bound by our gender*
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:58) NC is not a place for "newbies" unless they are corporate hedunters in their day job
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (17:00) ++++ Alan
vanda SCARTEZINI: (17:00) yes ALAN, you right!!!
Ron Sherwood: (17:00) Thank you everyone... I have to leave at this time, bye for now
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (17:00) Bye Ron
Jimmy Schulz: (17:01) not needed
Holly Raiche: (17:01) I don't think we need to from the APRALO perspective - and on he face of it, I"m happy and don't think we need to
Seun Ojedeji: (17:01) None from my end
Maureen Hilyard: (17:01) Not needed
vanda SCARTEZINI: (17:01) no from me
Seun Ojedeji: (17:03) +1 to Sebastien on that comment and i think we need to discuss it further
vanda SCARTEZINI: (17:03) @ this is a point we need the discuss with open mind
Sebastien: (17:04) Thanks Alan
Loris Taylor: (17:05) thank you
Daniel K. Nanghaka: (17:05) Thank you
Alberto Soto: (17:05) Thanks!!!
Daniel K. Nanghaka: (17:06) Bye
Maureen Hilyard: (17:06) Thanks Alan and all Bye
Ali AlMeshal: (17:06) thanks all
Seun Ojedeji: (17:06) Thanks bye
Wafa Dahmani: (17:06) thank u
vanda SCARTEZINI: (17:06) thank you all
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (17:06) BYE
Jimmy Schulz: (17:06) bye
Siranush Vardanyan: (17:06) bye all
Wafa Dahmani: (17:06) bye all
Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: (17:06) merci ET bye bye
Bastiaan Goslings: (17:06) ciao
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: (17:06) thanks everyone!
Heidi Ullrich: (17:06) Bye!
Harold Arcos: (17:06) Thanks everyone,,,take care