AFRALO Summary Minutes EN 2012-11-14

AFRALO Summary Minutes EN 2012-11-14

AFRALO Monthly meeting
Wednesday 14 November 2012 at 1830 UTC

Minutes of the meeting

A G E N D A (English)
Wednesday 14 November 2012

1.  Roll call 2’ - Staff took the roll call

  2.  Open Policy issues  - (Fatimata, Staff) 4’
We have many consulations open.

3. Reports
Recent and upcoming activities of ALAC
Yaovi: In  November ALAC has been working.  I would like to speak about the Open policy. Among this, for instance, prioritization of Gltd, IDNs. As regards these consultations the ALAC made an statement and worked on ICANN's proposal.
We made a new proposals to consolidate the 3 annual meetings and we suggested a new plan.

Recent  Activities of AFRALO Members
Yaovi: My ALS has planned for December to host a technical promotion meeting on applications. This activity will happen next month. There is a national commission on the development of [...]. They would like to raise awareness of other ALS at a national level.

We manage to associate with the governement to work at the local level.We participated at Baku and with the African Union and we would like to continue further in this direction. We started to organize activities

Aziz : On Nov 26th and 27 there will be an activity in Qatar. We also participated with other ALS in the freedom of connection and freedom of Internet.

Heidi: I think that the comments on acitvities of the ALS are very interesting and as ICANN's new CEO woyuld like to visit the ALS and also with the new African Strategy it would be useful to collect the activities on a monthly basis and perhaps if you agree we can create a WIKI page for you to include the activities so we can share it with the new CEO and the Executives.  I would like to know what you think of this idea.

Fatimata: I fully agree.
Tijani: Supports the proposal so everyone knows what everyone does.

ACTION ITEM: Staff will create a WIKI page for the monthly activities of AFRALO ALS.

Victor: Recent activities and upcoming acitivies there will be a training in Congo on Nove 30th which will deal with local Internet and National domain names, this has been organized by ISOC Cameroon. We have information organized already in French.

Michel: We expect to have participation from all the community in Dubai. We also participated in the IGF in Baku, we worked on the Committe of Participation in French speaking countries.

Mohamed: Update on the NomCom.  The application process for the ICANN meeting  is open now for ICANN positions for 2013, this year Nomcom will select 3 ALAC members one of them will be Tom Africa , I encouraged the members to spread the word and try to attract good African candidates

Yaovi: We should send  the information by a specific deadline.
If we create the WIKI it will not be limited by a deadline.

4. a.  Toronto Report:

Aziz: On Sunday Fadi gave a speech and encouraged us greatly and he wants ALS to be at the heart of ICANN and wants the ALS to be trained. He also explained his strategic plan and budget. On Monday we had a meetimg with At large new gtld working group.  
We participated in other meetings. We had a meeting on the African Strategy and we will present the report to the ALS who could not come to Toronto.
We also had a meeting between ICANN Staff and AFRALO members regarding the formation of projects.

Victor: Start of a procedure. As of today, the ALS can put their current and future activities directly on the wiki.

We have people as members of the Working Group on the African Capacity and Tijaini as official representative.

Yaovi, If someone makes a presentation on the Strategy, we will not have time, maybe they should send us the link. If its online you should give us the link .

Tijani  IGF Baku.

Our presentation went very well. I was a bit dissapointed at first because there were some empty chairs, but when we held the meeting, everyone joined to support us and the attendance was better than the main session. Participation was very good. The AFRALO Workshop was very interesting. We spoke of gTLDs's.
The quaility of the WS was very good.
The ICANN level WS was also excellent.
Finally our participation gave ICANN more credibility.  I think that it was the best IGF ever.
As a participant we were glad to see many people.
As usual we will have a report and we will publish it on our site.

c.     Association Tchadienne pour la Promotion et de Développement de l'Internet au Tchad (ATPDIT) (Fatimata)

We read statements and the statements  The documents were  not genuine, so we thought something was not right. Staff informed us that the organization is being re-structured.
Aziz: We should better reject the request and wait for the organization to be re-structured before we accept the request.
Fatimata: I agree.
Tijani: We should re-examine once the organizaiton is re-structured.
We have neen dicussing the application for months.
I suggest that we reject this and once ISOC Tchad is reorganized then we can resubmit, because the application was submitted based on the application that does not exist anymore.
Fatimata: Does anyone not agree? We agree, move on.

Victor agrees on rejecting ALS application ATPDIT is not able to represent ISOC Tchad. The international ISOC Status does not allow this.

We will reject the application and wait for ISOC Tchad to re-structure.

We will skip some of the Items. ROP.

African Strategy WG.

Tijani:  There was a comment period on the final version and everyone agreed, and ICANN has drafted a statement and reach an agreement with AFRINIC, they will implement in Ivory Coast.

At Large New gTLD has started to worlk and there are 2 comments from Internet NZ, these will be published online. Most people say that an objection from ALAC is not that relevant because it is up to ICANN to allocate the domain names.

ICANN has proposed to prioritize applications for gTLD. They suggest that we start doing this and they decided to start with IDNs and we agreed with prioritizing IDNs but we said that developing countries should also be a priority because all gLTDs come from developed countries so we submitted the proposal to ALAC to prioritize applications from developing countries.

Virtual Capacity
We would like to collect requests . We scheduled the call session and there seems that there was no interest and maybe it was a matter of participation.
IMPORTANT WORKSPACE on Capacity Building: Virtual Capacity Building Sessions for AFRALO ALSes Workspace

Heidi:  Please add your comments

Yaovi: I would like to suggest that ICANN send an email asking for people for comments and opinions.
Next Friday the latest everyone needs to submit the comments.

Involvement of ALS: We really need them to participate
In Baku we dicussed that when someone from ICANN comes to our countries we show we are active. ICANN will contact local ALS when they travel, so we have to be proactive.

Aziz: Complained about quality of the call.


1) ACTION ITEM: Staff will create a WIKI page for the monthly activities of AFRALO ALS.
2) Association Tchadienne pour la Promotion et de Développement de l'Internet au Tchad (ATPDIT) has been rejected. Staff to notify the association.
3) All ALS must comment on the  WORKSPACE on Capacity Building.

Thank you all