AFRALO Capacity Building Summary Minutes 2012.11.02

AFRALO Capacity Building Summary Minutes 2012.11.02

AFRALO Virtual Capacity Building

Friday 02 November 2012 at 1600 UTC


Participants: Fatimata Seyy Sylla, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Adetokunbo Abiola,

Apologies: Margie Milam, Marika Konigs,

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Nigel Hickson, Naela Sarras

Minutes of the meeting

1. Roll call

2. Introduction of the Virtual Capacity Building approach:

Following up on what we did in Dakar, we would like supplementary capacity building sessions.  For virtual capacity building we can use this tool in the future.

The ALSes can in the future can work. This can make the ALS more efficient allow the voice of Africa to be stronger.  

This was the idea.

Fatimata: Asked Abiola if this initiative was useful?

Abiola: Yes, it is useful.

On which subject do you need more capacity building?

Which subject do you want to highlight?

Abiola will think about it.

Fatimata: Have you thought about the tools?

Nigel: We need to understand the nature of the training? We need to know what sort of training is required and then we can decide on what type of tools. Without this we cannot forward.

4. The :AFRALO Leaders can reach out the people who were on the training people. And we can set up a WIKI tool so that comment can be collected.

Fatimata: Yes, this is a very good idea, so we can prioritize the issues to be adressed.

Tijani: We must work online. The issue os not to know what we want, the issue is to see what we really need.

The opinion of the ALS is very important.

Fatimata agrees with Tijani that we need to work more on the different priorities.

Fatimata asked Abiola about Nigeria, since he is the only person from Nigeria.

Abiola: Its important to work online to identify the topics for capacity building.

Heidi mentioned that there are already 4 topics done in Dakar.

If we could agree to keep the 4 topics and add on some other topics.

Tijani: Glad to see that the presentations are on the WIKI so that people can access the presentations, so people can decide what is useful or not.

We should begin to work, we need to chose the items on the capacity building.

Heidi: Suggested that At Large staff works with you by the end of November and then have another call by the beginning of December.

Fatimata: Yes, it is a very good idea.

Tijani agrees.

ACTION ITEM: For the next meeting to try to contact everybody, ALS and ask them to go on the WIKI, see all the material on the WIKI and tell us what are the subjects that they need to deepen and to summarize what we have down and organize the next meeting.