Call 10 - 11 May 2011
Call 10 - 11 May 2011
Audiocast: http://stream.icann.org:8000/whois.m3u
- Adopt agenda
- Adopt preliminary notes of the last conference call (27 April)
- Report from (SL) and (PN) on outreach to law enforcement representatives
- Review the Draft Discussion Paper circulated by (KK) based on (PN)'s document
- Sign off the _Budget Request _circulated by Staff on behalf of (ET) and exchange of views on potential consumer profiles
- Analysis of public comments submitted by the community: report of subteams on respective comments
- Update on the Implementation subteam's progress and upcoming work
- Singapore meeting: discussion of scheduled outreach session; overview of draft agenda for F2F meeting on Sunday; finalizing the "debrief meeting" of Wednesday
- A.O.B