Call 24 - 23 November 2011

Call 24 - 23 November 2011

Audiocast: http://stream.icann.org:8000/whois.m3u


  1. Roll-call & Apologies
  2. Preliminary reports to adopt: Dakar meeting & 9 November conference call
  3. Review IDN recommendations (Michael & Sarmad)
  4. Sign-off the letter to compliance and discuss sending modalities
  5. Review Emily's suggestions for cuts
  6. Review and discuss James & Susan's proposals on Proxies
  7. Discuss the thread on Thick/Thin or repository of WHOIS
  8. Discuss any comments on the Policy section 
  9. Agree/discuss text on the consumer research (Lynn, Seth &Susan)
  10. A.O.B


Transcript - 23 November


Recording - 23 November

Preliminary Report

Preliminary Report - 23 November (for your consideration)

Adobe Chat Transcript

Chat transcript - 23 November