Call 14 - 06 July 2011

Call 14 - 06 July 2011

Audiocast: http://stream.icann.org:8000/whois.m3u


1. Adopt agenda

2. Report of Singapore meeting

3. Brainstorming session - Recommendations (All - to bring 3 recommendations. Those unable to join, please circulate in advance of the call).

4. RFP update (Lynn)

5. Assignment of individuals to draft sections of report (any comments, or queries)

6. Circulating comments from stakeholder meetings (all)

7. Update on ALAC vacancy due to resignation of Olivier Iteanu.

8. AOB


Transcript - 6 July


Recording - 6 July

Preliminary Report

Preliminary report - 6 July (adopted on 3 August)

Adobe Chat Transcript

Chat transcript - 6 July