Call 27 - 11 April 2012
Call 27 - 11 April 2012
Audiocast: http://stream.icann.org:8000/whois.m3u
1. Roll call & apologies
2. Adopt preliminary report (4 April)
3. Continuing walk through of ICANN Staff comments and queries on Recommendations, starting at Recommendation 12 (Denise)
4. Update from action item penholders https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/whoisreview/Action+Items+-+Spring+2012 and ongoing review of proposed new texts https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/whoisreviewprivate/Final+Report
- Data Accuracy recommendations
- Proxy & privacy recommendations
- Recommendation 3 & 17
- Text on accreditation & hierarchy of enforcement
- IDN recommendations
- Language on timeframes and implementation paths
- Compliance recommendations
- Next steps
5. A.O.B
Preliminary Report
Preliminary report - 11 April (adopted on 18 April 2012)