Planning and Logistics
Planning and Logistics
Internal and transient data
The additional information linked to this page is for internal administrative use only -
by the Review Team and Supporting Staff, and it is not publicly accessible.
Use of this area is strictly limited to manage
- individual members' contact and other personal data useful for the Team,
which need protection for safety and privacy reasons, - transient data and details, e.g. regarding the planning of meetings,
- clerical information regarding the use of this Wiki.
While the type of information as listed above could also be maintained and shared amongst the members of the team, by other means and on other channels, this area seems to be the most appropriate place, both
- for technical reasons, easy access and shared maintainance, and
- to stick to the overall goal of openness and transparency,
by documenting its existence and the rules for use.
The Administrative Area (RT4 membership required).