Action Items - Spring 2012
Action Items - Spring 2012
Data Accuracy SIGNED OFF
- Review and submit language of recs 5-9 (Data Accuracy) - Susan
- Susan to circulate findings (3/4 paragraphs), agreed recommendations and add wordings (+ define the substantial/full failure terms)
- Susan and James to add footnotes references
- Susan to delete recommendation 7 and to move it to overarching recommendation 21 (20 with renumbering), to circulate draft to Team for comments - by 25 April
- Note: timeline discussion now component of this discussion
- Alice to clean the document
Proxy/Privacy Recommendations
- Propose alternative language for Proxy and Privacy recommendations - James + Susan + Peter + Seth + Lynn ;
- Subteam to review comments submitted and to circulate a draft - by 25 April
- Peter to submit comments in writing - by 19 April
- Kathy to circulate language to transcribe discussion held during call - by 19 April
- Subteam to comment and finalize - by 24 April
- Subteam to go back to transcripts (Dakar) regarding rights/responsibilities discussions
- Alice to circulate clean version
- Peter to propose new language for contentious paragraph
- Review Team Members to submit comments on clean version
- Subteam to review comments submitted and to circulate a draft - by 25 April
Recommendation 3 - Strategic Priority
- Hold the pen on rec. 3 strategic priority -- Emily ;
- Emily to integrate comments received by next call (note: overlap with Compliance Subteam)
- Susan to put forward some language on senior position - by 25 April
- Alice to merge the two assignments, to circulate to Emily and Kathy for final approval and then submit to list for comments
- Review Team Members to provide comments on consolidated draft
- Emily to integrate comments received by next call (note: overlap with Compliance Subteam)
- Find text on accreditation-- Kathy ; + Hierarchy of enforcement - James
- James to circulate language (incentives><penalties)
- Kathy to finalize and circulate
Recommendation 17 - Data Access/Common Interface SIGNED OFF
- Work on language of rec. 17 Emily;
- Kathy to circulate iterations - if substantive, back on action items list by 25 April
- Alice to tidy-up track changes
- Kathy to circulate iterations - if substantive, back on action items list by 25 April
IDN Recommendations
- Review language of recs. on IDNs -- Sarmad + Kathy + Wilfried + Michael
- IDN subteam to hold a call with Steve Sheng (Staff to schedule it
- Subteam to share language
- IDN subteam to hold a call with Steve Sheng (Staff to schedule it
Compliance Recommendations
- Strengthen compliance recommendations and add justification to proposal - Peter + Emily + Bill** Team to take on discussion about recommendation 3 - Strategic priority
- Alice to organize a subteam call
- Denise provide the material requested by Emily(budget information etc)
- Emily to draft up the chapter after the subteam call
- Review Team Members to provide comments by Monday, 30 April
- Alice to organize a subteam call
Chapters & Report
- Review your chapters and send redline to Seth + Omar + Alice
- Review body of text in light of comments and integrate changes suggested/required by Members-- Seth + Omar
- Seth to edit report in light of public comment received.
- Alice to email Seth doc versions of summary of comments and draft report
Data Validation COMPLETED
- Data Validation: James and Peter to draft language by next call + to determine where this fits in the report
- To be added between findings and recommendations
Executive Summary
- Kathy to dive into the executive summary and to propose minor edits
- Alice to accept track changes for agreed recommendations, to insert (+mark-up) the findings and recommendations from new compliance chapter and to add comment regarding WDRP recommendation --> Emily in V2
- Review Team to submit comments
- Review comments submitted to the Team and Denise's recommendation tracking document
- Review Team Members to respond to Staff's comments for Community's information
Call with ICANN Staff
- Circulate discussion points by Friday, 7 April - 17:00 UTC
- Draft some language on timeframes and implementation paths in light of the AoC - Susan + Lynn
- Susan to add agreed language to data accuracy recommendation
- Susan to add agreed language to data accuracy recommendation
- Emily to make a decision on timeline of final report
- Revive call schedule (calls to take place on Wednesdays once a week; first call to take place on Wed, 28 March) – Alice
- Denise to circulate draft advisory 2010 and material (recording, notes etc) of Cartagena discussion on this subject matter