Call 20 - 14 September 2011

Call 20 - 14 September 2011

Audiocast: http://stream.icann.org:8000/whois.m3u


  1. Roll call & apologies
  2. Adopt agenda
  3. Welcome Seth
  4. Adopt preliminary report (1 September)
  5. Consumer study: progress & updates
  6. Chapters: Progress & updates. 
  7. Review and adopt the MdR agenda 
  8. Material: do we have all the material we need in anticipation of the MdR meeting?
  9. A.O.B


Transcript - 14 September


Recording - 14 September

Preliminary Report

Preliminary report - 14 September (adopted 12 October 2011)

Adobe Chat Transcript

Chat transcript - 14 September