summary minutes 06 may 2010

summary minutes 06 may 2010

Participants: Rudi Vansnick (RV), Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond (OCL), Yrjö Lansipuro (YL), Christopher Wilkinson (CW)
Staff: H. Ullrich (HU), G. Gruber-White (GGW)

RV reviewed the Action Items from the 22 April meeting.

Update on Sponsors

RV provided an update on recent sponsorship information. He noted that sponsors will appear on general ICANN website if they contribute $5,000.

YL contacted Nokia, but so far the news was not promising.

CW notes that he hoped to have someone speak on the overall At-Large achievements. The Summit Declaration could be mentioned. It should be kept alive. The main question we need to answer : What is the scope for influencing the overall interests...what is the role of At-Large in decision-making?

RV pointed out that the timing of the showcase will be during lunch. Therefore, drinks and snacks will be important to have.

AI: RV to draft sponsorship letter. He will post on list to finalize.

AI: RV to confirm with Wolf and Sebastien that their e-mail addresses can be used on the sponsorship letter.

RV's e-mail address can also be on the letter.

AI: At-Large staff to consult with Meeting staff regarding sponsorship

Update on Potential Speakers

Rod - 3 minutes - opening comments Dennis - How At-Large is integrated in to ICANN - 5 minutes
Jean-Jacques - How At-Large involvement in ICANN has improved ICANN's role internationally - 5 minutes
Keynote - 15 minutes
Cheryl - 5 mins - At-Large background/achievements
ALSes - 2 minutes each - 20 minutes (say a few words in local language, then speak in EN)
Interaction - for 30 minutes.

AI: OCL to prepare speaking notes for the presenters with the assistance of At-Large staff and CW.

Timing of the EURALO Showcase:

It was agreed to start the EURALO showcase at 12:45.

Food for Event:

The suggestion was made that ALSes representatives could bring local food specilities. However, concerns over liability issues were raised.

AI: RV to look into issue of catering.

Promotional Activities for the Showcase Event during Brussels Meeting

It was noted that it will be possible to add a flier to the goody bag. To be able to add a flier for the showcase event to the goody bag, the final electronic version of the EURALO Showcase flyer needs to be sent to the At-Large Staff by June 3rd.

AI: Flyer needs to be drafted.

RV will put a few lines together and put it on the mailing list.

It is possible to have a EURALO representative at the general ICANN booth on Monday and Tuesday to promote the showcase event.

AI: Staff to send e-mail to ALS reps going to Brussel to sign-up for covering the Information booth during coffee breaks and lunch breaks (1 day per person) to promote the EURALO showcase event and EURALO in general.

AI: Rudi and Staff to work on sending out ALS factsheets to EURALO ALSes to ensure they are completed

Next Call

Wednesday, 26th May - 17:00 UTC

Development of Schedule and Task Responsibilities

AI: Staff to work with Rudi on developing a schedule of tasks, responsibilities and deadlines. Will post to members of the EURALO Showcase event.