22 April 2010 Action Items

22 April 2010 Action Items

AI: Staff will send an email to all ALSes to identify those attending the Brussels meeting

AI: Olivier will talk to ALS representatives at the EUROdig and the IGF consultation to identify topics for the showcase event and recruit speakers.

AI: Staff will ask Rod Beckstrom whether he would be available to attend the showcase event and say a few words.

AI: The agenda item on the draft program will be carried over to the next meeting

AI: Staff to find out whether it is possible to add a flyer to the goody bag and if so, what is the deadline for documents for the goody bags?

AI: Rudi will contact MailClub (http://mailclub.fr/) Contact point: Frédéric Guillemaut (COO of Mailclub) and Member of the board of ISOC France (ALS)

AI: Yjro will contact Nokia and .mobi to see whether they would be interested in sponsoring our event

AI: The working group members will work on the AFRALO draft program and reach out to other members in EURALO